JO ANNE PROUT of Save Our General Legion's $500 donation. The Legion also Hospital pins a SOGH pin on Whitby Legion allows SOGH to use its hall for meetings and president Rob Maguire, in gratitude for the gives il free use of ils photocopier. Photo by Mark Reesor. WhItby Free Press Legioni doniates to SOGCH "Imrtant to keep hospita oing R ISE g Whltby Free Press, Wednosday, August 31,1994, Page 3 "#A-LJ7TE-EXTR-HELP"# Tutoring Servce WE We wil provide one-to-one instruction i your home i afl subjeot areas by Qualifed Ontarlo Teachers. WE .....TE... If, after 30 lessons, your child bas not progressed one full grade level i a specffic subject area, we will continue to teach your child free of charge until they do. -DIA4GNOSTIC 7ES7ING AVAILABLE! Cati now - space is limited. 668-7841 due to the LELdgIR uDEIY WEEKEND the. offices of the, WIIITBY FRE PRtE5 WLL DE rLO5ED on Nondy. 5eptémber 5 P.odn. for el odverthhig md ComhIg Evuitu wl buFrIdoy t4 pm Ioff#uabçpy,soje?.AMY wvl jâ. u By Mike K>walski Whiitby Legion -members are backing a local group's fight te retain acute care health services at Whitby General Hospital. Save Our General Hosital (SOGH) rocently received a $500 donation from B ranch 112 of the Royai Canadian Legion. Te money will ho used te offset expensos from SOGH's campaig to prevent Whitby Genera Hospital ombigcn verted into a rehabilitation troat- nment centre serving ail of Dur- hamilegion. SOGH bas organized a number of actîvities suc h as noxt month's rally at Heydenshore Pavilion (see separato story) to enlist sup- port for keeping WIhitby General an active treatment facility. Leg*on prosident Bob Maguire told The F'ree Press the branch made the donation because its mombers agree with SOGWTs goal. "The committee is fighting te keep the hospital open and we feel it is important te keep the hospital going-,» said Maguire. 'rey have expenses and they said any money Ieft ever would go te the hospital. In that ight, we feit it (donation) would ho appropriate.» Hiowever, the Legion «would much rather give the mono te Whitby General Hospital, I assure you," Maýuire added. During a public meeting in the Whitby council chambers asat month, Maguire said the Legion wiIl hold back about haif of a $73 000 pledge it previously macle te the hospital. The money will ho held in abeyance until a decision on the hos ital's future is made, he MaLnuire's remarks drew a warnng from hospital president Elizabeth Barton, who aise attended the Town council-spon- sored meeting Barton said patient care will suffer if other orgaizations fol- Iow the Legion's Iead and fail te honour their fundraising commit- monts. "Tlhat was the only negative rosponso we received,» said Maguire of Barton's comments. Stressing that it was unet my decision, it was their (members) feeling," Maguire said the Legion will "gladly» fulill the remnaindor of its pledge. «We will certainIy kee~p it if it stays Whitby General Hosp~ital," ho said, "but net if they change the ruies." In addition to the «unsolicited» donation, the Legion has offered SOGH the use of its Byron Street facilities, said SOGH co-founder JoAnne Prout. "The Legion bas been more than _generous in its support of our efforts,» said Prout. This bas included providing a meeting room, photo copying, boxes te carry SOGH's 'Save Your General Hospita'lapel but- tons, and participating in the Set.,15 rai y, she said. eut said she bas «heard" of at least two similar donations to SOGH's cause but did net want to elaborate until it was definito. uThatYs koeping in mind that our primary focus is net fun- draising,» she said. With every windshield replacement and this ad IVNAW NDRILNIITFR YVO WhtyAuto Glass will donate $5.00 to the fl AW N E UL IGf I Whitby Courthouse Theatre. We chalene Whitby Merchants & Businesses to MATCH[J.UU[JtIÉk OR EXCEED our challenge. AF N Contact Dave at 668-2003 M u r - --- -- -- - ---TÎ th~6 AUEl.UI....1 T&C LMOUSINE ~"~~' tADDRESS: ?ytUO1 SERVICE ROYAL ALEAIDRA WIulby "Oi Gus t _________ 300 TAUNTON RD. W.THAR fliUV11W w APHOE: I WHITRY PORT FERRY IAR Drw willbc hWScgx.221994, Dnncr. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3>~ (905) 985-0170