Whitby Free Press, 7 Sep 1994, p. 20

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Page 20, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, September 7,1994 KLTN o feY~w FAMILY AND FRIENDS of the late Don McLaren gathered for (in water) and Paul Heward (standing, farj.eft), joined (frorni the Iaunch of the Calypso, the model of Jacques Cousteau's left) Don's grandson Greg, wife Janet, daughter Janice and ship, that McLaren buit but neyer saw in the water. Doug Law son Donald for the launch in memory of Don. Photo by Maurice Pither. Whltby Free Press Butterfiies to- be released froni store ByJiJi anBarry Monarch butterfiies wiiI ho tagged and reieased from a new store in Brooklin on Saturday. Nature World, which opened last Saturday, started as a sim- p le idea in a casual conversation btwen friends Leslie Carmi- chael and Anneke Preyde. "(Carmichaei) and I were gô*ing te go inte the catering business, as she is a professional chef,» *u edidn't like ail the perishabie things hoing wasted. Evenings, Saturdays Coli fora free estrnate 655-3385 E ROOBROC Getting Rid "Then one day she said "What about a nature store? 'M"Te ideajust stuck with us.» Nature World, which the owners describe as Brooklin's 'Outback' store, doosn't just soul nature items te, the public. On Saturday, naturalist Aud- rey Wilson wiil demonstrate the techniques involved in the tag- ging ad releasing of Monarch She will ho able to keep track of the butterfiies and their final destination from carofully placed ZÎý5 Oct. 1, expert woodcarver Steve Shortt will be at the store te demonstrate his award-win- ning techniques. Nature World has many items that are spocifically for children. Special gardon kits are avail- able that allow kids te see in a short poriod of timo how the things that they have planted are growing. "These kits are great for kids, as most of thom want te see what's going on with their plants, right after they have planted thom,» says Preydo. NI PHARMACYO OKLIN - LOB 100 905- 655- 3301 of Head Lice Head Lice tend to spread Lice offen travel by directt among children crowded to head contact or by shai together in daycare centres hats or combs. and rimry chols. An excellent new producti Despte mths quatflg treatment of Head Lice is lice with uncleanliness, cemrne"i"wihi these insects infect dlean non-toxic and effective agý head as ffenas drty both lice and the eggs. ones. The bouse has no wîngs, nor can it jump. Consuit your pharmacist. head irinq for Sa pinst «They are fantastic because they do grow very quickly and the kids can really feel that they have really accomplished some- thýL aise carry see-through bird feeders which can bo attat- ched te a window, and which g oote oducation about the dif- etrent types of birds in our area.» Nature Worid aisoselos Worid Wildlife Fund jewelry. A percen- tage of the proceeds will ho donated te the fund. Many items will ho available for hikers and walkers. In the winter months, Nature World will sponsor nature walks in local conservation areas. "We want people te ho able te look around thein and te notice what is there,» says Preyde. "There is not much in the outdoors that is- expensive or stressful. "We want people te get in the habit of iooking ail around them, and te notice the beauty of nature in the Durham Reg-ion.» Almost ail items sold at the Spqorts elxrchari11ge aýt school1 Meadowcrest Public School in Brooklin wiIl hold a sports exchange fundraiser on Saturday, Sept. 10, 9 a.m. te noon. Wanted are new and used equipment and clothing for hockey, skiing, lacrosse, soccer, basebali or any seasonai .sports. Priced items can be taken te tho school gymn on Friday, Sept. 9, 6 te 8:30 p.m. Twenty per cent of ail sales go te student programs. Unsold items can ho picked up from noon te 1 p.m. on Sept. 10. For more information, contact Sue Berrey 655-8896 or Sona Graham 655-4079. store are Canadian-made. uWe tried to get 100 per oent Canadian content, but it was impossible,» says Preyde Ithink the best estimate of Canadian content would be close te 90 per cent.» Preyde says the store will aim for a high standard in înerchand- ise and service. «You'Ill get what you pay for, and the prices range from fairly inexpensive for wrapping paper te fairly expensive for minocu- lars." Nature World carrnes educa- tional nature video cassettes, and they are aise well stocked in audio cassettes for those just wanting to relax te the sounds of nature. K.d..c.... Brooklin library branch children's club begins Saturday, Sept. 18, and is held each Saturday frein 10:30 te 11:30 amn. for children aged 4 and up. There are atonies, games, movies and crafts. Tales for Tots registration, in porson, begins Sept. 20 for children aged 2 and 3. ChIldren must ho accompanied, by an aduit. The program will mun on Tuesdays, Sept. 27 te Oct. 25, 10:30 te il a.m. Sterytime registration, in person, begins Sept. 20 for children aged 4 and 5. The program wiII run on Wednesdays, Sept. 28 te Nov. 2, 6:30 to 7:15 p.m. Programs are open te children who are residents of Brooklin and Whitby. For further information, cal the Brooklin branch library at 655-3191. Boat launched Ii memory ofils maker Don McLaren nover'saw his Calypso in the water. Se friends and family of the late Whitby rosident made sure that the most grand model pro- ject ho ever completed was laun- ched recently. McLaren, who lived on Perry Street, was 80 per cent blind yet spent three years building a replica of Jacques Cousteaus Calypso, a World War II mines- woper, using onla picture of But ho died, at age 72, on Juno 4 this year, on the day it was to ho placed in water for the first timo. "Wo thought we owed it to him to put it in the water," said Janet, wife of the deceased. Sho and other family membors say Don probably put about 2,000 hours into the project, which she described as a "labour of love. "We thought we'd pay him the respect for what he did. .We figured we owed himi that," she said, as family members and Don's friends, fellow Whitby egion members, on Au g. 27 put the Calypso in a onf on the Heward estate north of Brooklin and watched it glide through,,the water, guided by remote control. Don, a former employee of the old Dunlop tire plant in MWhitby until it closed down, had pre- viously used his talents te build a rocking horsit, a dol house and toy chest. Ho was aiso an artist, having done many oul paintings, and had also done taxidermy. But the Calypso was his mas- terwork, and ho was building it for his grandson, Grog. "Too bad ho couldn't s00 it in the water," said Janet. in a previeus newspap or inter- view about the project, -Don said "You've got to do w at you>vo got to do. But my wife cails herseif a ship's widow." Morning for mo'ms Broeklin Mom's Morming melets Wednesdays, hoginning Sept. .21, 9:15 te 11:15 a.m., at Brooklin United Church, Casselîs Road.j, Brooklin Mom's Morning offers mothers a chance to-.get. eut .one morning a week and socialize over coffee while kids play in a supervised playroom. clf There are a variety of c'-f sessions, speakers and outigs available for a smail fée. For more information, contact Katherine Henderson at (9q05) 655-5680. Wheels to meals -in-

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