Whitby Free Press, 7 Sep 1994, p. 23

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Whitby Free Press, Wecfnesday, Septembor 7,1994, Page 23 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OId Mother ro the. editor. I am writing on behaif of the Bales representatives and the administrative support staff of W. Frank Real Estate Ltd. We wish bo add our group of 40 te the aver- growing liet and te also axpress our concerns over the To the. editor: This federal gevernmnent's buzzword is 'infrastructure' and the damnage that theyaegigt do te our pocketbos under the guise of this werd, should have every taxpayer running for cover. The Oxford dictionary's definition of infrastructure is "(a) the basic structural foundation. of a society or enterprise; a substructure of foundation (b) roads, bridges, sewers etc. regarded as a country's economic foundat ion." This definition obviously does net include such outlandish extravagances as a $23-million grant te, keep NHL hockey in Edmnonton, a $173-million trade centre in Toronto, or a white elephant such as a Claredome in the hamlet of Claremont. This 'dome' will create approximately one pranent job. Wht are Our elected proposed changes te the future operation and uses of the Witby General Hospital. Our sales staff on a daily basis are deallng with familles who consider relocating te Whitby. We are Whitby boosters and take every oppertunity te premote our community and the many outstandingz facilities we have representatives smoking? Or is the air se tbin in their ivory tewers that they can'ne longer pull together a single rational thought? The above mentioned projects are net infrastructure, they are pork barreling. Perk barreling, as defined by Funk & Wagnalls, is "a federal appropriation for some local enterprise that wilt fauourably impress a representative's constituents. " These government pork barreling projects are neither socially, economically ner morally justifiable. I am one, fùrious, unimpressed constituent who is working feverishly te make sure al governmenta guilty of pork barreling are net re-elected. Those who feel likewise should contact their MP, MPP and municipal leaders. And I use the ternileaders'leesely. btMre.Stern Pickering available te us. Whiitbys growth during the past decade bas been exceptional and will certainly continue tbroughout. the nineties and well inte the next century. We strongly urge the steering committee te reconsider their position in this matter. Whitby is a first class cemnmuni»ty whose residents have worked biard fer and deserve te have their own general hospital. Cerne on, folks, wàke up and listen te the people of Whitby. We want and need our general hespital. Alan Smelko Manager, W. Frank Real Estate Limited To the. editoe- We keep hearing "Teu need te go back te sehool and be retrained," if you lese your job or yeu are looking te get a better job. These people have worked bard for many years and now they have gene back te school and have been retrained. Next is finding a job. But ail the employers say they want experience. You have gene back te achool and been retrained but you have ne experience. These people have gene back te sehool te botter themselves and can't get experience unleas given To the editor: Old Mother Ruth Grier Hubbard-went te the cupboard te rt her poor health minister a ean. But when she got there the cupboard was bare and se the peor mni stry had none. Shewent to the newspaper te get some smoking bans edited. But ber cigarette campaign was net credited but debited. She went te, the drugstore te take smokes frern the sheif.' When she came back, there stood the pharmaciet as mad as a teyless Santa Claus elf. She went to the Bay te get a package of smokes without a label. And when she came back her caucus was smoking matinee menthol at the table. a chance te do se. Why doesn't the employer consider ail of the advantages of biring an eider worker. If these people were hired and given en-t he-job training they would make very good employees. Ail they ask is a cbance te work and do a good job. Se next time an eIder person applies for a job in your company or office, take a chance, give them on-tbe-job training and aIse a chance. You will net be sorry for having done se. Barbara LeBlane Whitby We deserve our own LYNDE..SHORES. Keepa ittie 'wiId nthe City' To the. eitor: Dees 'Town council really believe they can save a class 1 wetland with the conservation of exl yne shore of Lynde Shores? The west shore is Lynde Shores Conservation Area. The east shore is lated fer proposed devlopment in spt f ts significant archaeoologicalo and natural fetures. Why weren't the native people ever notified even though the east shore was a place te, which the ~pe returned on a seasonal asste use the canoes they dug eut of the mature trees at Lynde Shores? Environmental groups have been condemning this devlopment for years, but continue te be ignered. Most impertantly, what about the saine councillors sitting on CLOCA, Town council and regional council? There are no naturâlists, biologiste or private citizens axnong this group. What are their qualifications concerning the environmnent? ItIs imne te separate jobs, net the envirenmenta and ecenemic agendas. Do we have te believe studies done which cleverly included only the areas designated by the municipal board? With a barrier a littie more than half the Eize of that recommended by the new wetland policy, and a new Environmental Bill of Riights that enables anyone te, have input inte ensuing sustainabillty within Our communities, yeu would think there is an option here. Signs put up along the creek where development was proposed have been obscured by trees. Meetings and workshops are at difficult times for people te, attend. Only if you get the local paper or frequent the library, may you see the agenda. Onl(y recently were they clling uponý the public te become involved with the "monitoring comitP" whicb bas nothing te do with the political precess and ne true power. I urge the Town of Whitby and Durhamn Region to meet their responsibilities te the people and give us a wilderness retreat, net more urban sprawl. I urge the people and CLOCA te empower themselves and stop the filling of the marsh fer more car culture. What weuld the To the. editoe Whitby's Heritage Day banner flies high above the Brock and Dundas streets intersection. It reaches out and embraces ail1 0f Whitby. It beekons te images of the past, a time wben green forests, cdean lakes and abundant wildlife were shared by ail. Why are these pristine images aseociated only with the past? Wbat are we doing te, ensure that our children inherit something reminiseent of times long ago? As urban sprawl threatens te conneet Whitby te, Toronto, it is 0f utmcist importance that Whitby cherishes its natural heritage, eg, people of Whitby rather have: six lanes on Victoria Street or a bicycle path? Do we have te wait until the same mistakes of the past are repeated before we regeneratel It takes 200 treas to absorb the carbon dioide produced by one car for one year. The mature trees at Jeffery Street provide a natural buffer and filter noise and pollution from current construction at the psychiatrie hospital. The fragile peninsula at the creek mouth bas all but been severed from the main]and, further degrading its resilience te human encroacbment. The barrier plantings done during the early nesting seasen left turtles Lynde Marsh. This area is soon te be the homne of over 6,000 people. Why do we have te build adjacent te the marsh? Can we net build in a lese sensitive area? It makes geod ecological and economie sense te leave this clas 1 wetland area alone. The mharsh is home te migratoxy and local birds, insecte, mammals, amphibians and reptiles. 'I'he mnarsh provides endless heurs of pleasure te bird watcbers, fishing enthusiasts, hikers, canoeists, skaters and naturalists. The marsh weuld be affected if it was host te the constant presence of 6,000-plus ne alternative but te lay their eggs in wood chips. The young may neyer hatch. >It remaitis for those of us in the community kho are interested in the environment, te do what we can te malce suggestions and te raise concerns wben. suchý concerns beceme evident. I trust environmental justioe will be done as long as people value culture, their environment and public accessibility. What can you do? First inform yourself. How can you best serve your community with your personal strengths? Connect with your neighbburs te discuss wbat it is you feel Whitby needs. Many of us can't afford te travel te see a pristine forest, but people. Take heed of the bulldozer's warning knell. Doni't let the marsb become a mnemory in someone's photograph album. Contact your local councillor, or make a deputation Sept. 7 (written request muet be made at least one week prier te the date). Lot your opinion ceunt. For further information regarding the future of Lynde Mareh, contact the "Save Lynde Mlarsh" group, tel/fax 668-1317. Donations weleomed. Let Whitby's Heritage Day always be a time for reflection and celebration. Karin Dean Save Lynde Mai-eh if we kept a greenway along the Lynde Creek vailey, people could ,enjoy a littie ' Wild in the City." Margaret Cenfot Whithy A smal preserve th reatened To the. editor: We would like te express our concern about the ecelogical well-being of the entire Lynde Shores area in the event of a population of upwards of 6,000 being settld on the east bank of Lynde Creek (adjacent te the psychiatric hospital). The Lynde Shores Conservation Area is an excellent wildlife and botanical sanctuary, but heavy population pressure could soon and seriously damage such a small And sensitive preserve. We trust the Town of Wbitby will bear this concern (shared by ail local ittturaliste) in mmid in the final disposition of this matter. Naomi, Bertrand and John Le Vay Toronto P.S. We bave had the pleasure and privilege of having a cottage on the Cranberry Marsh for 40 years. Old Mother Ruth Grier thinks smoking is shocking.. So she's wasted more money in nicotine stalking. She went to the hospital to eut baek on staffing. And when she 'got back the patients weren't laughing. Old Mother Ruth Grier wasted $58 million on garbage before (Mfinister of Environment). And so far another $2 million on nicotine folklore. She went to the Premier demanding more salary.,' But when she approached 1dm he thought her request was scary and daffy. She's tyn to cut OHIIP by prohiitingseding. But doctors in Canada are fleeing to the U.S., te, make use of their medical tools. Old Mother Ruth Grier Hubbard went to the cupboard te get some thread and some medical souchers. And said te herseif as she stood at the door. "Would quilting and stitching be a better occupation? Than spending taxpayers' dollars on a non-smoking nation." A Ruth-less writer Barbera Black (Nissen) Whitby ONTARIO ~JUNIOR CITIZEN 0 THE YEAR AWARDS CONTACT THIS COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS DEADLINE - OCTOBER 31,1994 Pork barreling Take a. chanoe Heritage includes marsh

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