Whitby Free Press, 7 Sep 1994, p. 34

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- ~"5 , ,.' 5.-s Page 34, Whitby Free Press, Wednesclay, September 7, 1994 a ... . . . ..L. . . . . . . ... . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . I~~~~~~. .ITH DE ....TA..I.U.INSI[~N HANCOCK Michael & are pleased to announce thle arrivai of their newborn baby girl TORREYLYNN AUGUSTA Born Monday, August 29th, weighin 7 ibs. P roud grandparents are ToImrI& Linda Hancock of Whitby and Tony & Sonny Onuoki of Aberta. We wouid ike to thank the staff at ýOshawa GeneraI Hospita. Ifor Happy Bh1May oeAn*iveoy. Theclaifieds are a special way f tosaidgoetingsi Cali 668-6111 GREEN RANGER - TOMMY (look-ailed willattend your next eveni Brthdysdarcare parties, scoel funictions, stare promos, Christmas parties. Aval able 7 daystweek - great weekday avallability. Balloons, face painting, games. C ail Daug (416) 439-8133. TIPPLES, ARTHUR LYNDHURST MORGAN. Peacefuliy at Whitby General Hospital on- Frday, Sept. 2 1994. Athur lippies ln his Bth year. Bebved husband cf Vialet of Whitby. Loving father of Jacky and her husband Peter Bramma of Whitby, Keith and his wife Mo of Winnipeg and Joyce Jackson of New Westminster, B.C., Proud grandiather of Jamie and Claire ai Whitby, Nel ef Richmond B.C., Megan and Graham ai Winnipeg and Bruce and Christopher cf New Westminster. Arthur Is survived by brothers Fred and Norman and sisters Maajarie and Mena al af his native U. . Memorlal service was held on Sat. Sept. 3rd. at Thorntan Crematorium Chapel with Rev. Greg Adams officlating. In Heu of fiowers the famiiy weuid appreciate donations te the Whtby General Hospital or Parkinson Feundatian ai Canada. I T....K... MAY THESacred .ear. cfJesus.b MAd forEvr Sacred Heart aiusb Jesus pray for us, St. Jude warker cf miracles pray for us, St. Jude heiper ai the hape less pray, for us. Say this prayer nnetlmes aday for nine days and promis e ta publish. Thank you for favours granted. S.W. WITH THANKS ta the Blessed Virgin for faveurs received with promise ta publish. D.L PRAYER TO the Biessed Virgln, neyer known ta fail. 0 mast beautiful fbower of Mount Carmel, frultfui vine, spiendor of H-eaven, Biessed Mother ai the son of God, Immacuiate Virgin, assist me ln necesslty. 0 star Of ih. sea heip me and show me here you are my Mother. O Hoiy Mary, Mother of' Gad Queen af Heaven & earth, I humbiy beseech you from the bottom of mr heari ta secure me ln my necessity (make requests). There are none that can wthstand your power. O Mary concelved wiÀthout sin, pray for us who have recaurse ta thee (3 limes). HoIy Mary I place this cause ln 1aur hand (3 limes). Say this prayer for 3 consecutive days and then yau must pubilsh it and Rt wiii be granted ta you. L.M.L. PRAVER TO the Blessed Virgin, neyer known to al. O most beautiful fbower of Mount Carmel, frultful vine, spiendar of Heaven, blessed Mother af the son of God, Immaculate Virgln, assist me in necesslty. O star of ihe sea help me and show me here you are my Mther. O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen oif Heaven & earth, I humbiy beseech you from the bottom of my heart ta secure me in my necessity (make requests). There are non. that can wthstand you power. O Mary conceîved wvithcut sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee ( 3 times). HoIy Mary I place this cause in your hand (3 lmes). Say this prayer for 3 consecutive days and rhenycumust pubiish it and itwili be granted ta you. W. R. PRAYER TO the Biessed Vlrqin, neyer known to fail. O mcst beautiful fbower of Mount Carmel, fruitful vine, spiendar 0f Heaven, biessed Mother af the son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in necessity. O star ai ihe sea help me and show me here you are my Mather. O Holy Mfary, Mother ci God, Queen of* Heaven & earth, i humbiy beseech you from the bcttom of my heart ta secure me in my necessity (make requests). There are none that can wthstand your power. O Mary concelved wthaut sin, pray for us who have recourse ta thee (3 times>. Hciy Mary 1 place this cause ln vaur hand (3 itmes>. Say thisprayer f or 3 consectutive days and then ycu must publish it and it wiIl be granted ta yau. D.H. B. PRAYER TO the Biessed Virgin, neyer known to al. O most beautiful fbower cf Mount Carmel, frultfui vine, spiendor of 1Heaven, biessed Mather af the son af Gaod, Immaculate Virgin, assist me ln necessity. O star af ho sea heip me and show me here you are my Mther. O Hciy Mary, Mother ai Gx Queen af Heaven & earth, i humbiy beseech ycu from the bettom cf rny heart ta secure me in my necessity (make requests). There are none that can withstand yau power. O Mary conceived wvithaut sin, pray for us whe have recours. te thee ( 3 times). Hoiy Mary I place this cause in your hand (3 times). Say this grer for 3 consecutive days and en yaumust publish it and it wili be granted to yau. Ed. B. AUCTION SALE. "Kahn Country Auctians" - every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. located on Brock Wd, Pickering, 3 miles narth ai Hwy. #401 (take ext #399). Featuring every Wed. an excellent seiection ai antiques, fine furnishings, glass, china, collectables, primitives and ather unusuals. Se jain us every Wed. and participate in one cf Ontaria's "trus" auctions with ne buy-backs or reserves. Terms: cash, cheque (with proper l.D.) or Visa. Preview fram 1:00 p.m. "Cansignment & estate seliing cur specialty". Caîl us teday - Kan Auctian Services - 683-0041. CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRIDAV, SEPT. 90 5:3Opm 3 miles east aifLttIe Britain on County Rd. 4 2 refinished sidebeards, mahogany china cabinet, pin. dough box, press back rocker, oak wash stand, 3 pc. walnut bedroom suite, epen face washstand, Morris chair, parleur tables, banquet iamp, bunk beds madern dressers & chests c@ drawers, rocking chairs 2 door almand refrigeratar, fiat ài evai top trunks, blanket boxes, pine Iamp tables, lffany type lamps, crecks, ca-oil iamps, rase chesterfield & chair hall trees, cak dresser with bevelled mirror, Mail et autamnatic washer & dryer, treadie sewing mahcine, 3 hp. iawnmaiwer, 8 hp snowblower, 1983 Cougar, 1986 Fard Mustang, plus a quantity cf china, glass, househoid & cailectabie items. DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS RR #1, tlue Britain 705-786-2183 I~~~~M MUTO M UTIN WIBAFOLEAUCTION S L 4Lakeridge Road o S., 40.Wtc o sgs Whitby, Ontario 905-728-5778 STOP Don't throw It out. Someone may want It. Try the Ciassifieds. Cail The Whltby Free Press cynn.ectic5ns 24 hr. DATELINE Ladies seeking Gents 970 aday *Win a Spiish Photo by: J.D.W. Rentai i Photography Cali FREE 430m706 CD Durham Regionai Police Servie POLICE AUCTION BICYCLES and Unclaimed Goods 10:00 a.m. Saturday, September 17, 1994 Terms: CashlCheque To be heidl at Praperty Bureau 845 Farewell Avenue Oshawa (Entrance off Colonel Sam Drive et Farewell Ave.) (Cash, VISA, cheque received befere deadiine) $7.50 for 25 words; ($7.01 + 490 GST) 150 each additional word; (140 + 10 GST) 150 each additional word; PLUS GST $.0 2 peër a gate lnoë (Mds with borders, pictures or graphics) Regular display rates apply - $1 .08 per agate uine (14 agate lines per inch) Minimum size 1 oelumn inch $15.12 CONTINUOUS RUN DISPLAYADS 20% OFF after 3rd insertion <ne changes>. G.S.T. 19 extra on ail ads unless otherwise indicated Monday noon prior ta Wednesday publication. 668-M6111 Piease check your advertisement for errors on the first day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wili not b. hiable for failure ta pubiish an ad, or for typographic errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up ta a maximum cost of the insertion. The Wh.itby Free Press reserves the right to ciassify or reject aul advertisements. -l 1

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