Whitby Free Press, 7 Sep 1994, p. 35

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J FPROM PAGE i vas nat able ta personally check ) ut the story. But he stresses, ,Ites my job te gcheck it out, just like it's 'verybady else's." Accuracy bas been a hallmark tf the Ripley's cartoons, says Mvasterson. They have neyer been 3roved wrong in the 76 years of tsbhistory. "Ripley's prides itself in the tact that (every cartoon) about the odd and the unusual is absolutely true." Ini fact, Masterson tells the stery of Wayne Harbour, who died in 1964. He was a fan of Rtipley's wbo scrutinized every cartoon for 27 years -b verifying witb officiaIs --eacb dlaim made. Did h. find a false dlaim? "He neyer did," says Masterson, witb a proud smile. Spend time with the president of ipley's Believe It or Not, and yeu are bound te hear some incredible stories. One that he ikes te relate happened in Bermuda. ,Two brothers were killed in tb. exact saine spot, one year apart, by a cab driven by the. same cab driver, carring the. saine passenger." Or there is the story cf the farmer who raises deformed animais, like a cow with seven legs. Seven legs? Believe It or Not! for the future, Masterson plans on visiting more countries to open more museume. India (whicb boasts the cartoon's largest readership), China, Argentina, Chule and South Africa are some of -the countriies he plans to visit. Currently, they have 23 museums, but he says ipley's goal is to double that number within five years. Masterson truly bas an exciting job. "No two days are alike," he says. It's a little bit off the wall and everybody who works for us is a little strange," he says, a broad smile breaking across bis face. Your donations help give someone a second chance. ROBERT RIPLEY, with a genuine taken in 1933. Blilve It or Not I I I I I ' I Dundas Street East Reconstruction Between Garden Street and Craydon Road Contraci W94-1 O The Town of Whitby will be reconstructing Dundas Street igwy#2) includung replacement of storm sewers, road ~,dnnand intersection improvements in the above referenced locations. The warks are scheduled te commence the week of Septembor 5 1994, and extend for nine (9) week duration perlod until dotober 31, 1994, or thereabouts. Please be advised that trafflowill be restrlcted to one lune In each direction during the construction period. Motorists are advised ta expect' delays, particularly during peak hours. Temporary or alternate access ta local businesses along Dundas Street will be maintained throughout the construction period. Vehicular access ta and from Lupin Drive and Craydon Road will be closed intermittently at their Dundas Street intersection. Your antiipated coopera*tion during this reconstruction project should greatly assist in minimmzing any inconvenience. W. J. HANCOCK, P. ENG. DIRECTOR 0F PUBLIC WORKS Volunteers Needed For Naturalization Efforts! The ParIks and Recreation Department through the invalvement of the Rotary Club of Whitby, is loaking for an assortment of locally grown and coll.cted Perennial wlldflower seeda. These seeds will be used for planting at the Rotary Environmental Procot site. at the sou th-west corner of Rossland Road and Anderson Street, by students participating in the naturalization of the site. Mature native needa collected by volunteers during the season can be submitted to tie department with identification labels and recommended growing conditions. For more information please caîl Evelyn Gowland, Environmentalist, at 668-5803, extension 218S. 1994 FINAL TAX NOTICE The fourth instalment of taxes for 1994 is duo and payable Se ptomber 15, 1994. Taxes may be paid at any Whitby bank without collection charges, or at the Municipal Office, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. In addition, taxes may be paid by telephone bill payment services through TO Bank, Canada Trust, CI BC, or Bank af Montreal. If you have flot received a tax bill and you are responsible for payment, please contact the Tax Department at 668-5803 ta obtain the necessary information. If payment is not received by the due date, penalty will be added an the frst day of default and the frst day of each calendar month so long as non-payment continues, at the rate of 1-1/4% per month, or part thereof. LYNN PIKE SUPER VISOR 0F REVENUE HERITAGE DAY TAKE NOTICE THAT September 10, 1994 is hereby proclaimed as wHeritage Day" in and for the Town of Whitby. Citizens af Whitby are encouraged ta celebrate the history and heritage af the Town ai Whitby by attending the following events: *County Town Singers Whitby Archives Display* Whitby Courthouse Theatre * Whitby Trafalgar Castle School* Away We Go Wth Annie and Mol (Singinq Group)* Magical Busker* Town Crier* Earl Pascoe's C lack Display* Noon Ceremonies - Cake Cutting * Wood Carver* Historic Walking Tour* Child Find's KVid -Search* Children's Old Fashioned Games and Story Telling Antique Police and Fire Vehicles * Local Artifacts isplay by Wade Szilagyi.* LACAC Displays and Information Contre * Whit;by, Psychiatrie Hospital Display Whitby Brass Band * Rope aker from Pickering Museum *Ail, Saints' Anglican Church. Dated at Whitby. Ontario this lth day ai September 1994. T.J. EDWARDS, MAYOR TOWN 0F WHITBY Dog Licences Aldg owners are reminded that your dg utb iesd dog licence identifies your family pet and ensures a froc ride home the first tUme your pet is found, provided you're home and lime permits. For further information, contact the PAW Animal Control Centre, 4680 Thickson Road North,- Whitby, phone: 4278737. I i Sinclair Secondary School The telephone number isted in the Fall/Winter Activity Brochure is incorrect. The corr-ected phone number is 666-8300. This number %Aill be activated on September 8, 1994. Sinclair Secondary School (located at 380 Taunton Road and Anderson Street) is the newest community school operated by a community board of volunteers in partnership with the Durham Board of Education and the Town of Whitby - Parks and Recreation Department. Programs will be offered to Teens and Aduits, including a new Aduit Volleybalt League made Up of teams from the current community schools, Pring le Creek,- Bellwood, Glen Dhu, Ormiston and P almerston Community Schools. Allowing for maximum use of the school facilities, this concept encourages community involvement and leadership. If you are interested in becomning involved as a volunteer, or a board member; or wish information, please cali 666-8300. FOUr Doilcirf rlnet Take a Drop-in fitness or an Aqua-fitness class at the Whitby Civic Recreation Complex during the month of September. $4 per clasS. What's drop-in fitness and aqua-fitness? During the month of September you can choose from any f itness or aqua-fitness program available. Pay $4 per class and *oin in. Y ou can choose any of a wide range of classes. Take this opportunity to try a class and if it suits your needs you can register in the fUl-time programs which start Octoher 2. Give it a try! You'Il be surprised how much fun you can have for $4. Donlt miss this opportunîty call 666-1991 for details. Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, September 7. 1994, Page 35 G;o 1Neighbour nominlations The Good Neigbbour F3 commidttee of the Town of Whitby is lckng for a 'Good Neigbbour Of the Year.? Nominations are now being received at the Whitby Seniorsd Activity Centre for the persan who personifies the concept of 'Taking TMme to Reacb Out.' It may be that special someone who goes tbat extra mile te belp others. Maybe it is tbat persan who goes out of bis/lier way ta pick up your groceries, maybe be/she shovels your walk or brings In Perhaps be/she looks affer your children or makes tbem 4>1 their lunch or volunteers time ta read for the blind. Write down the. naine, address .4~m~ and reasons why yeu are nominating the persan and bring or mail it ta the Whitby SeM-orsi Activity Centre, 801 Brock St. S., iead, in a photo by Oct. 3. For more information cali 668-1424.

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