Whitby Free Press, 21 Sep 1994, p. 11

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DBIA board wHi be elected if plan approved By Mark Reesor An election te choose a new board of management for the Whitby Downtown Business Im- prevement Area (DBIA) will be held before the end of the year, if council appreves. Operations committee okayed a report from Town clerk Don McKay Monday night recom- mending the board -be elected. It's currently appointed by coun- cil. A tentative timetable would see DBIA members notified of the election by mail Nov. 21 and given until Dec. 2 te file notice of their intention to run for the board. One ballot would be niailed eut te each member Dec. 9 and would have to be returned by Dec. 19. McKay would count the ballots $129OOO raised from Terry Fox Run More than $12,000 was pledged from Sunday's Terry Fox Run in Whitby. Co-ordinator Marilyn McTeague-Peck wus delighted by the. turnout of about 250 partici- p ants and 'volunteers for Whtby's third annual run. Both the turnout and amount pledged have increased with each run, one of many held across Canada te, raise money for cancer research. Father Andy McBeth raised $1,600 in pledges *om St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church. McTeague-Peck says local business also donated food, drinks, balloons and tables for the event. Answers to Whitby Trivia from page 10 1 . The brick fronts of the stores on Brock Street South were painted grey in 1965. 2. Deverell's Block, built in 1878, was named after the man who bullt it, Thomas Deverell (1828-1910), a noted Whitby contracter. 3. Dr. Donald R. Fletcher was the longest-serving administrator of Whitby Psychiatric Hospital, from 1934 te 1956, a period of 22 years. 4. The Toronto and Eastern Railway was built aleng Mary Street in 1913/14, to cennect Toronto with Cobourg, but it was neyer completed. ........... .. .... ..r... Dec. 20 and tlwen announce the resulte. How? "I just thought I'd go down te *he four corners and yell it Qut,» joked McKay, when asked by Paul Savage, owner of Try'd and True Hobbies. The ballots will be counted at the council chambers in a process open te the public, McKay pro- mised, with resuits to be made known immediately afterwards. But because the municipal act r uires that council appoint the DMA board, the election results, although binding, wouldn't be officiai until ratified by council Jan. 9. McKay teld committee -the draft timetable could be institu- ted if council approves the report Monda y night. But because ho will be busy with the November municipal election, it «may differ b y two or three days here or there." After his concerns were answered, Savage, one of two people making uations, said hie was pleased with the report. McKay recommended council appoint people to fil any vacan- cies on the board between elc- tions, which didn't sit well with Pat Perkins, a mayoral candidate in the upcoming municipal elec- tion, who made a deputation of behaif of herself and Linda Pea- cock, owner of Peacock Sports. There's been so many resigna- tiens from the board over the leant three years, Perkins argued, that the vacancy poicy could mean the majority of board members could once again be appeinted by council. Perkins asked that the seconýd- p lace candidate bo appointed to f111 a vacancy, and if that person declines, thon the next in line and se on. Whitbly man wiins bicycles Kevin Froehman of Whitby received a set of bicycles on Monday as the winner of the Tour de Durham draw. Froehman's was one of 112 passports turned in by cyclists wvho had completed at least one of Celebrate Durham's eight routes throughout the regien. Froehman and his family cern- pleted four routes. Ho picked up the bicycles, vaiued at $650, rom a Canadian Tire store in Oshawa. PERMAN ENT HAIR REMO VAL COST FREE CONSULTATION to discuss your treatment needs and to take away your fears. O FulIy qualified technologists in the field -:- Esalshds nce18 «OnIy when this avenue is exhausted shall the counicil have the right to advertise and fill the position." Comnittee ap proved the change, but asked McKay to malce sure it doesn't violate the municipal act. No one from the current DBIA board, including chair Sean Hogue, was at the meeting. A letter to McKayfrom mnar- keting coordinator Marcy Mar- chuký said the board requests lhat, to ensure continuity, "the terni of office be staggered, in which 50 per cent of the previous board remain on the new board for at Ieast six months.» It also recommended that council appoint the board chair and treasurer, increase the num- ber of board members by two and that candidates for electeci positions "must disclose their in- tentions or reasons for seeking election, then have the informa- tion published in the newspa- per.» McKay rejected the reconinen- dations. He wrote in his report that the municipal act doesn't allow staggered ternis and expanding the board and a penting the treasurer and ceair would require amending the DBIA bylaw. Requiring candidates to pub- lish their intentions in the news- paper "has no basis in commonly accepted election principles or practices..2' Vientus Yon Round Open Saturday 9 omto00 D1 qui5es0O fHwy Awest PORT PE RY, 1FREE Pardlng 'FREE Amision 'FREE Baloon Overl17,000 square feot of. great bargaIns. Antiques, craft and rraft supplies, collsotiblos, new and used Items. irs great FUN for the whob fwinfr so cornand enioy the wsoeain andfriendfy meohants at the PORTPERRY COUNTRY FLEA MA RKET. P ORTIPLRY OURY FLEA MARKET L'lI154 k1q.7A. WdodftP" O- 985484II1 Open Saturdays and Sundays 11 L Bpiv Dates D.e.mb.oeSI.199&.WF. SatlliteuTV* Tam to 3prn I r. gct nd entr - - pecrts Epire Oc arfi.1994 - - - - - -- -- - - WhItby FoePeaWensaStebrl194,âgi DURHAM'S NEWEST &DEST COUNTRY WESTERN BAR!! FRIEE MONDAYS - Pool Tournament WINGZS!! TUESDAYS - Karaoke featuring MIKE PRESTON Corne in dressed Inl WEDNESDAYS - Line Dancing any "local," 'organlzed" sports teamn unlform THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY and enjoy 5 deliclous - Live Entertainiment - GARY HOOPER wings on us! ($200 cover charge) - .1 EVERY SUNDAY Live Entertainiment Sudden Storm MON1 s "'Ail You Cari Fat" Spâ(3hetti - $51.99 (includes unlimited soup or salad, plus bread) 'Tuoc,5ay Trivi4a Niqht il 5vart!5 aV & pm Kid5 Eât Frce (10 and underwiýth accompanytng adukentree) EMM "WING *NIGHT" - 254 WINGS aftor 5 pm À L

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