Whitby Free Press, 21 Sep 1994, p. 26

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Pag 2, Wity Free Press, Wednesday, September2114 & 9 Ma&Pa's Country Store Y Country Decor Y Sante Fe Y Scented Candies Y Potpourri and electric pots y yY Large Variety of country placemats, table runners, rugs, e tc.y y Y Featuring 16 craftspeople from Durha Regiony y Ask about this week'sy y FEATUREDy y CRAFTSPERSON! y374 WIELSON RD. S.y yOSHAWA a 576-4438y North of Bloor, South of Olive een. Get4a t4 y' Double Burger xith Ittuce and tomato xtra). Add crispy fries, a 16 ounce soli a5ounice sundae for a nical that i xvi ig appetite for a littie money. But this ra 1limited time only at FBY DAIRY QUEEN bair 1003 Dundas St. E. WTeto ih Oalry Oueen* stores are mroud sponsors of the Chldren's Miracle Network Telelhon, whuch benelils local hospitals for chrîdren CAM DO Co'p /1993 *flg US Pal 09, AM DO Cop ..YNDE SHORES. Develop ment opponents plan further action By Mike Kowalskl Opponents of development near the Lynde Creek Marsh are still net willing te give up their fi ght. VWith final approval al but a certainty, the S ave Lynde Marsh citizens committee believes- it can stop a proposed 420-acre industrial-residential, develop- ment east of the marsh.* And with the joint publie-pri- vate sector project eut of the way,. the committee le hoping to convince the federal and Ontarie governments te establisb an environmental usanctuary» in its place. «We don't care what they say, we've been at this a lon2g tim e, said spokespenson Tom Moore of the obstacles in the groýup's path. "If we wanted te give up we would have done se a long time ago,» ho said. 'J7he province, through the Ontario Land Corp., and Rose Conp., a private frir, will be involved in developing the rosi- dential component. Land south of Victoria Street wiIl eventually be home te a mixed residential community of 5,700 people. A 185-acre industrial park north of Victeria, between Jef- frey and Gordon streets, will ho built bv Durhami Region. Although Lynde Marsh made a presentation at Monday's meeting, the group's "focal point' is the special Town couincil meeting on Sept. 28, Moore said. Council is exeected te fenmally a pprove Whitby.i new offliciaI pian that evening. An offliciaI plan is a document which stipulates preferred land uses in a municipal ity and serves as a blueprint te guide future growth. Whitby bas spent almost five years updating its current plan. "We want te encourage people te corne eut for the meeting. We want as many pezle present as wo can get," said Moore. Moore is hoping council can ho convinced to delay appneving the plan until the Ontario legislatune passes Bill 163. The bill, which contains a numhor of measures aimed at reforming the Planning Act strengthens the environmental aspects of the legislation and could possibly aid bis greup's fight, Moore said. Any development at ail will threaten the future of the largest remaining wetland between Osh- awa and Hamilten, oppenents fear. ., However, Save Lynde Marsh is rosignod te resonting te othor mothods of steping theo develop- ment shouId Town council n et beed its request. Such action could include an Ontario Municipal Board (0MB) challenge or participation in this year's municipal election. «We're preparod te go te the 0MB and if it goes te the 0MB we'll have plonty te time te put our case togethor,» said Moore. "Questions are being asked by a number of environmentalists ani scientists who disagree with the Bird and Hale repert." Pre ared by consultants Bird and aIe Ltd., the 200-page report formed the basis of an onvironniontal management plan (EMP) which assessed the im- pact of development on the marsh and eutlined measures wbich could lessen its efl'ects. The study identified 153 dif- féent types of plants growing in the mars, and a wide variety of animal life witbin its perimeters. Former Ontarie environnient minister Ruth Grier was satis- fied that the EMP addressed al of the minstry's concerns and rejected the neeýd for an environ- mental assessment of the project, despi te receiving a 4,500-name petîtion demanding one. While Save Lynde Marsb is propared fer a legal challenge through the 0MB or perbaps political action, thegroup woul rather^ focus its efforts on its proposed 'Lynde Marsh Sanctu- r4esanctuary would ho an ecologicial and archaeological heritage' park involving the entire Lyn de Creek system from its enigin in the Oak Ridges Moraine te its terminus in Lake Ontario. It would run froni the Ajax- Whitby boundary in the west te' Whitby General Hospital in the east. The sanctuary would include a 20-year reforestation plan; board walks and nature trails that "protect the marsh's sensitive areas» and a nature centre that would bouse archaeological exhi- bits from the area. Although the Open Space Mas- ter Plan prepared in conjunétien with the Lynde Shores, develop- nment contains some sirnilar mea- sures, the committee .rejects them"i as being indel>quate. UIt's fine te have a waterfront trail,» said John Feston, of -pro- vincial plans for a walkwvay along Lake Ontario from Bur- lington te the Trent River. "But we aIse need green land te make it a real green beIt,» ho said. In eider te accommodate its "vision» of the. Lynde Marsh area, the committee bas written te provincial facilitator Dale Martin and suggested that the government en gage in a "land sw p" with the Rse Corp. Moore said Martin's office, which. atternpts te 'resolve dis- putes before the matter goes te BOTH FREE IF YOU PICK UP ORDER_ 728 AIWffsou ST- 666- 8788 (AT MAIRWG) the 0MB, told him that Martin was studying their proposai. "If he thinkis nothing can be done, we would have heard,» said Moore. Martin was not available for comment last week., While the cornmittee bas con- sidered becoming involved in the mlunicipal election campaign, a formai decision bhas not bee reached, said member Johanna Itho. "The public has te decide. They should be asking the people who are running for mayor and coun- cil how t hey feel about the environment," said Tito. While Whitby councillor Mar- cel Brunellehlas consistently opposed the development plans, hie 15 skeptical of stopping it. "My own feeling is that we're well down the road on it and it will be difficuit to turn it around,» said Brunelle. "There are opportunities for things to happen but it will tako provincial involvement » ho said. Noting that Whitby bas "other lands for housing,» Brunelle said ôniy the province can prevent it now. "The province bas to do the job and re-assess what's happening locally,» ho said.' "I think we need more than Heydenshore Park in Whitby... this is poor planning.» Durham Centre MPP Drum- mond White doeë not consider Save Lynde Marsh's efforts a "wate of timo» in spite of the fact that his govornment is a mao player in the development scee. U"I think the issue is up for debate, there have been tremen- dousà levels of study about it,» ho said. .White noted thàt the wetlands policy which ýguides both the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs was not in Place when Grier rejected an environniental assessment in 1992. I"ât's not retroactive, but - the 0MB is using ^the wetiands policy te guide its decisions,» he said. «It gives theni (Save Lynde Marsh) an oppeitunity to test it out." While ho sympathizes with their concerns, White back s away fromn championing 'the group's cause. "I'He would not indicate if the developmnent should be stoppd. Sti:essing that Save Ltynde Marsh is net worried about the actuai ïarsh being endangered, but the impact on nesting grounds and other sensitive areas adjacent te 'it, White said he couId ne t determine ho w much development is safe. "But if yeu're going to say ne dovelopmont, net ovon by the bospitai, that's an oxtremne posi- tien.» Councillor Ross Batten, chair of Whitby's planning and deve- lopment cornmittee, ternied tho sanctuary proposai an interost- 1 Butit' apie-in-the-sky idea, they don't own the property,» said Batten. "I'd love to, sit down and look at plans that include a sanctuary but the reality is thoy don't ewn the property and 1 don't know how they can giet it." presents thefollowing seminars on ~'September 22, 1994 Investment Planning +October 20, 1994 Family Financial Issues + November 17,1994 Reiremnent Planning Ail seminars will be on Thursday's from 7:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. at the CIBC Banking Centre at 3050 Garden Street, Whitby Child Gare Provided For more information cali (905) 666-2146 FREE 1- 2L Coke OR 1 large Cooser Solud a

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