Whitby Free Press, 21 Sep 1994, p. 31

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Whitby Frm Press. Wednesday, September 21, 1994 , Page 31 Farmer say Il 16*3 erod'es propert right By Mfike Kowalski Proposais te revamp provincial planning laws threaten the rig,,hts of rural landowners, the Ontario Federation of Agricul- ture daims. The 38,000-member farming erganizatien bas attacked pro- visions contained in Bill 163 -- a package of, moasures aimed at revising various laws that now apply te local government in Ontario. The federatien is concerned that if passoci into law, the bill will «freeze» millions of acres of 'rural land, tbereby preventing farmers from selling thoir pro- perty, including landi ne longer suitable Ibr farming. "One issue that is consuming farmers right now is proporty rigbts," federatien president Roger George tolci a hearing of the Ontario logislature's justice committee in Oshawa rocontly. o «They are sick and tired f boing told what they can do with the land they own and pay taxes on,» said George. Although the federation takes exception te several parts ef Bill 163, proposais portaining te the Planning Act are especially upeetting te farmers, George said. For exampie, development of any, land considered to be a "s!iniicant" environmontal or. wiiderness area will ho prohibi-, téd, George note¶l.1 «Bill 163 will how ensure that virtuaily aIl rural land that is not protected as a 'prime agricul- tural area', is protected as ither a sensitive area or a natural feature,» ho said. "Thero is rie douht in the mincie of the membere of this erganization, that the vast majriW f the 14 million acres of land they collectively manage will have its use frozen --without cempensation.» Whiie the fedération does not support inappropriate develop- ment" of rural land, "We main- tain that the remedy te, inappro- priate developmont is good plan- ningnet prohibition of any and ail dIevelopment in ail but built- up aroas' said George. *The Powassan-area farmor aIse took umbrage with pro- posais which caîl for decisions of municipal councils and local boards te be "consistent with» provincial policy statoments on planning. This will tako power away frorn local. authorities, dospite the governmont's dlaim that Bill 163 gives more control over plan- ning to municipalities, George insisted. Ho rjected Durham 'West MPJirn Wiseman's argument that existing language in the Planning Act, which states that local officiaIs should 1«have regard to" provincial policy state- monts, is tee weak. "This is not the way te ensure you will get people on municipal councils who can make meaning- fui decisions," said George. U"ft can't be done if you're teid what to do.» Brant-Haldimand MPP Ron Eddy agreed with George that rural Ontarians are boing asked te solve the problems croated, by urban sprawl. "Urban Ontario for the meet part bas destreyed our wood- lande and wetlands," said Eddy.' "Now w're asking rural Ontario te save the environment. But we can't de it on the hacks of rural Ontario," the Liberal MPP added. George said the government is taling a "one size fits al» appioach to planninÉ xbli.t make our ewn decisions, he said. "When a farmer goes te soul his land he finds ail kinds of restric- tions on it. -The province of Onta î o8- goind berserk with legisi 'tioný that -Wiil aduiterate. proparty rights.» e4rge Tater told The Free Press that farmers are not domanding unlimited froedomn in what they can do with their land. "We can live with guidelinos as Iong as the, Igave some roem te ho flexible, ho said. "Thoro may, be times when it, Would be more appropriate te take sornelIand eut of agricul- ture. We -want ,that decisien- making ieft at the local levol, not at the provincial level.» George said farmors are net "married» te the idea of keeping evory acre of farm land in pro- duction %frever» if it des not make "good business senso.» George's fear of an. erosion of pperty n bhts was not shared byEssex-K ont MPP Pat Haye%~ legîý1ative qssistant te Municipal Affairs Minister Ed Philip. "if, you're going te have preper planning, do you say te every miunicipality 'yeu ge abead and de what you want?» Hayes asked.' "This will ho 'helpful te local ceuncils if they have policies they can see in -black and white.It will help-them de their job bet- ter,» Iho said. Deveopors will aiso beneit frem- the changes, Hayes stressed. «It's frustrating for developers te deal with four or five différent ministries and thon ho told they can't de it,» ho said. "If I was a local developer I 'would like te, go into a municipa- lity or region> and find eut up front that 1can't put iny develop- ment there.» Hayes said it is «"unfair» te dlaim the legislation is intended te solve the problems ef urbani- zation at the expense of rural Ontario. «There still is flexibility. Yeu stili have te look at the needs in your cemmunity,» ho said. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1994 AT 7:30 P.M. MEE11NG HALL, WHITBY MUNICIPAL BUILDING 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST, WHITBY, ONTARIO A Public Meetin wiII be held by the Planning and Devlopment Committee of Council of the Corporation o! the Town of Whitby 10 consider a proposed amendment to the Town of Whitby Officiai Plan, a proposed amendment 10 Zoning By-law 1784 and a draft plan of subdivision. The applications -have been submitted by Chidley Glen Developments Limited. The subject lands are located on the west side of Gardon Street between Dryden Boulevard and Kenneth Hobbs Avenue as shown on the sketch below. The proeo the amendment is 10 redesignate th e subj"eiln from Majr omm0'ercIl dSeial eoomntAe 0Mixed pk.eiudesiy and ghdnsity Thesubdivision pla includs 98 sreet ohuu nits 9 dtahd uits, 8 co mcal/residential borocks; The zon ing ndtis inend 4 rez neth l ands from DeDe e Zo n NR eb ppo ri e The purpos e smin soideadqat nf oonf the C pulc n sri t a n teresde rsns he o p any 1 ak r epeetin i th resphe cttoe Ofiamen dme nt , a renn ands bivision aplcaions.If o aunbl 0atend the meein, ou rprs n tationcari e tfi ed n tigbymilo peona iey reach the Planningro Department ZoeDnR o aplatehn raeglrie forgthvou o oobers 19. Tepreseeron hs meeting s p additioa information eaîn91 the abvplic aonpemi n te anin edprint evel 7, Wity tmcialBing, 75 R orp sland oad East, Wh itfiby Onal or LNMdu regular working hours , Monday 10 rida, or9ma contact the Planning Department by telephoning (905) 668-5803. ROBERTIB. SHORT DIRECTOR OF PLANNING a g i D 7 PERSONNEL CLERK The Corporation o! the Town of Whitby is currentty seeking Muaifed candidates for the above'non-union position in the Persennel Department. OUALIFICATIONS: Community College graduate in Hurnan Resource -Management, Business or C)%oe Administration, Information Systems, or eq uivalent combination o! education and experienoe; up 10 twe (2) years directly related experience; knowledge o! computenized payroll applications and goveming legisiation; understanding of DBase, Lotus 123 and Windows applications; wel-developed interpersonal skills; ability 10, communicate in a clear and concise manner both orally and in writing; must have a keen sense o! accuracy, thoroughness and dotait; ho able 10 work independendy with minimal supervision. POSITION SUMMARY: Reporting 10 the Director o! Personnel, the Personnel Clerk is responsible for providing support services in the areas o! payroll, benef il administration, labour relations, and general personnel administration. HOURS 0F WORK: 8:30 a.m. 10 4:30 p.m., plus adcftional hours as required. SALABI: Salary subject to0 skill, ability and qualifications. Please forward a detailed resumé indicating education, experionce, referonces, etc. prior 10 Wednesday, Septem ber 28th, 1994l, 10: Personnel Department 'The Copration of the Town o! Whitby 575'Rossland Road East WHITBY, Ontaio LiN 2M8 Personal information submitted is collected under the authority o! the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 302, as amended, and the Municipal Freedom o! Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 1989, and will ho used 10 determine eligibility for employment. NOTE: We thank ail those persons who apply, but advise acknowledgment will only hoforwardied 10 those applicants who are invited for an interview. STOOP AND SCOOP Be neighbourly. Please stop and scoop atter your pet. Feces mnay harbour germs that can affect the health of people and pets. STOOP AND SCOOP IS. NOT JUST THE SMART THING TO DO, IT'S THE LAW. For further information, contact the Control Centre, 4680 Thickson Whitby, phone: 427-8737. PAW Animal Road North, i I Rentai 0f PIow Truck For Winter Maintenance (Minimum *12,600 KG. G.V.W.) Contract W95-65 Tenders for the above will be received b y Ginny Lock, Purchasing Agent. until 2:00 e.m., Wednesday, Ocobr5, 1994. Specifications and tender forms are ava, teihie Town of WtyTreasury Departmnent, 575 Rsac~ Ra East, Whitby, ntn.Telephono (905) 668-5803, extension'236. The owner shall have the night not to acoept the lowest or arly tender. GINNY LOCK, C.l.M., P. Mgr. PURCHAS.ING AGENT Printing of, Recreation Activity Brochures Contract W95-25 Tenders for the abovo wiII ho receive d by Ginny Look, Purchasing Agent, until 2:00 p.m.. Wednesday, October 5,-1994 for the 1995 Spring/Summer and, 1995/96 FaflInter. Recreation Activity Brochures. Specifications and tender forms àre availabte ai the Town of Whitby, Treasury Depariment, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontano. Telephone <905) 668-5803, extension 237. The owner shall have the rght not.10 accepi the lowest or any tender. GINNY LOCK, C.I.M., P. Mgr. PURCHASING AGENT Heating And Air Conditioning Equi p ent Whitby Civic Recreation Clomplex. Contract W94-32 Tenders for the above will ho received by Ginny Lock, Purchasing Agent, until 2:00 p.m.. Wednesday, October 5, 1994. Specifications and tender forms are available ai tho Town ot Whitby, Treasury Department, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontano. Telephone (905) 668-5803, extension 236., The owner shahl have the right not 10 accept the lowest or any tender. GINNY LOCK, CIM P Mgr. PURCHASING AâE4T Unless otherwise postod. parking on sbreets within the Town of Whitby cannot exceed three (3) heurs.

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