Whitby Free Press, 28 Sep 1994, p. 9

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buinessnewl DuPont's recycling initiative earns excellence award A teamn of DuPont Canada researchers, includingf Dave Climengage and-Josee Lachance of the . Witby plant,ý was recently honoured with a Global DuPont environmental excellence award. j They worked on RE-NU, an initiative many experts at firet deemed as impractical. Five years later, the initiative has grown into North Amorica' oniy curbeide flexible packaging recycing program. Climenhage is packaging environmental affaire manager for DuPont Canada Inc. and RE-NU teamn leader., A six-month pilot in Peterborough, in conjunction with the Ontario Ministr of the Environment, and the Environment and' Plastics Institute of Canada (EPIC), determined that the curbside collection of flexible plastics was feasible. Prier te, that test, moet experts believed the mix of different polyniers (high and low density polyethylene, polyprop ,lene, etc.) in meet bags and flei le plastics (bread bagà, milk pouches, shopping. bags, paper overwrapping) would be too difficult ta recycle, and that the contamination would render the recycled materials unusable. The success of the initial recycling pilot pr.jet led ta the formation Plto p he recycling committee of the Plastic Film Manufacturer's Assoc iation of Canada, with- four companies: Atlantic Packaging Producte LtcL, DuPet dCanada>ncUnion Carbide Performance Plastcs Ltd., and Uniplast Industries Inc. This group led the recycling project inte- the next stages of development. DuPont Canada aIso initiated a curbside recycling project in Port Moody, B.C. ta expand the program outeide of Ontario. 'We worked through challenges Town holds seminar on 'exporting' A seminar, toe-ep local indus- tries become «exort ready,» will be held by te Town of Whitby marketing and economuc develop- ment departnîent on 'Thursday, 'Khefull-day seminar and workshop, 'Exporting - Are You Ready?', will otTer practical infor- mation about international mar- ket research, assessing expert potential," developing an inter- national marketing plan, bank- ing and financing, governiment expert assistanoe programns and technicai issues on documen- tation, customs and freight for- wNarding. Seminar topies will be presen- tedby the Ministry et Economic Development & Trade and the International Trade Centre --In- dustry Canada. Cost of the one-day seminar is Studio orFal Spiendour Awiard Winniing P/orograpinv b Eugene' 1655-3939 such as a "gassing;'" eliminating the "burnt plastic" smell, and initially were confronted with a communications challenge on how to sort and collect the ,plastics in local communities, sgays Clinenhage. 'Some of the solutions were. extremely technical, while some of them were as simple as adding industrial polyethylene film te the curbside plastics, ta increase the purity et the recycled mixture." Each of the 12 Global DuPent environniental excellence winning projects were presented with a choque for $5,000. The RE-NU team in Witby divided their award among three envirenînental programs: STORM (Save The Oak Ridges Moraine), SAGA. (Save the Ganaraska Again), and the AVIAN Care and Research Feundation. STONRM and SAGA are both dedicated te preserving and protecting the lush 'green forests ef the Oak Ridges Moraine, which' stretches from Trenton ta Milton. The AVIAN Care and Research Foundation je concerned with the preservation and research et wild bird in Ontario. The recycled polyethylene film packages are converted ta, RE-NU RFP2 resins. They are sold ta 'manufacturers et kitchen and industrial garbage baga and trash can liners, who use up ta, 25 pr cent et these resins with ether resins. DuPent Cariada's manufac- turing operations falI into.three main categories: fibres and intermediates; specialty chemicals and m aterials; and specia]ty plastics and films. Ç ALTER CHAPPELL Notice of LiqorLicence Application The following establishment- has applied to the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario for a liquor licence under the Liquor Licence Act: Application for a Sale Licence Blue Nest Restaurant (The) 1121 Dundas Street East, Whitby (inciuding outdoor area) Any resident of the municipality mnay make written submission as to whether the issuance of the licence is in the public interest having regard ta the needs and wishes of the residents. Submissions must be received no later than October 28, 1994. Please include your name, address and telephone number. Note: The LLBO gives the applicant details 0f any objections. Submissions to be sent to: Licenslng and Permits Branch Lîquor Licence Board of Ontario 55 Lake Shore Blvd. E., Toronto ON M5E 1A4 Fax: (416) 326-0308 (5) Ontario SUPÉRIo-R.TMFE Now to December 30, 1994 Scuvo TO38 ON LENNOX HIGH EFFICJENCY PROPANE FURNACES and have a cosy Can adian wintcr! Choosc the Lcnnox G-21 Dr the Lennox 0-26 Up-Fia serics for excellent performance, rcliabilhîy ad ovcr 90% cfficicency! IYoar Ront FREE* ON ANY RESIDENTIAL PROPANE WATER IIEATER from Supcrior Propane installed ini your home by Dcccmber 30, 1994, at thc samne ie as any new High Efficiency Propane Fumnace from Superior Propane. Choose from several models and sizes - théy ail heat water up 10 2 1/2 limes faster than comparable electric water heaters! ,Hot water, warm home - suddeniy thc coming winter doesn't seem so bad. So hurry.in and Add More Joy with clean and efficient Propane. (Ask how you can finance for as little as $50 a znonthf) 505 Victoria St. E., --1-le Witby, Ontario =4 LiN 5S4 (905) 668-3328 * E xcludes instantaneous water heaters Superioor Whitby Free Prese, Wedinosday, September, 28,1994 Page 9 advertlsement Wh"Iitby 'ýMassageTheraàpy Ciic hIc.ý1 Welcomes, Raissa. Chernlushenko.ý Certif led Shiatsu Therapist Raissa, a certified therapust has trained at, an acredited sohool fr2,200 hrs. The practice of, Shiatsu i nvolves the application of primarily the thumbs 'ta specifi points- through a network. of channels in the body. Shiatsu-therapy helps regulate the flow of energy and bning the body's fufictions into better balance. Conditions which respond -weil ta Shiatsu treatments are: fatigue, stress, headaches, insomnia, and arthritis. Meet Raissa and see a Shiatsu demonstration at our open house Sunday, October l6th. For an appointment or further information, cail 430-2183. TheapyClinie < 430-2183 Thursda,qvSepvt. 29 *Draws for bookslfitness -day passes *Blood pressure testing by R.N. *Fitness testing1 *Samples of heart smart, food HEARI AND STROKE FOUNDA71ON VIDEO VISUALS ON'HYPERTENSION Guardian Druig OPEN 7 DA VS A WEEK INCL UDING HOLIDA YS i SS-S OPEN: MON.-FRI. 9-9 SAT. 9-6 e SUN. 10-6 220 Dundas St. W., Whitby 430-2999 FREE DELIVERY. 717

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