Whitby Free Press, 28 Sep 1994, p. 28

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, September 28, 1994, Page 29 GRADE 7 STUDENTS, Immrunizati-on prevents hepatitis B A voluntary immunization program will ensure, in its first year alone, that 6,500 Durham residents will be protected against eais B, a serous disease. The program. is being administered to Grade 7 students by the Durham Regon Heaith Department with funding from the Ontario Ministry of Health. Hepatitis B is caused by a virus which can permfanently damage the liver. 'This disease is the world's leading cause of liver cancer. More than 300 cases of hepatitis B are reported each year in Ontaro and many more cases are not reported. Seme people get only a flu-like illness and recover quicly when they are infected with hepatitis B)'50 the ,disease is flot discevered. Some of these people will then be carriers for hepatitis B, and gve the disease te others. During a three-year period there were more than 50 cases of hepatitis B reported in Durham Region. 1'here is ne curefor hepatitis B, but it isý preventable with vainfe.. Three shots .n the arn over a six-month period provides lifelong protection. *A person can get hepatitis B by coming into contact with infected blood or from body or ear piercing,.and tattooing equipinent that-Isd-IrÈty. Sharing needies or being' accidentally stuck by used needles pute a person at great risk for hepatitis B. One can aise get. hepatitis B fromn living with or having sex with an infected person. Grade 7 students have been targetted for this new, program because the vaccine wili give themn protection well before the age- at, which znost Sinclair to hold craft show Sinclair Secondary School is hosting its first annual craft and collectibles show on Saturday, Nov. 5 at Sinclair Secondary School, 380 Taunton Road'East in Whitby from 10 a.m. te 4 p.m. Vendors are stili wanted. For more information cal 666-5400. We 're asking for your HRELP!e high risk activity begns. .Grade 7 studente will hear presentations from the health department that explain hepatitis B and the vaccine which prevents the diseuse. Parente and guardians are invited to attend a community forum on the evening of Oct. 3 to receive the saine information and te have their questions addressed. Immunization dlinics for ahl schoels with Grade 7 classes will begin Oct. 11. The second and third clinics will be held at one month and at six months after the first clinic. Ail three shots are requîred for the vaccine te be effective. For more information about hepatitis B, caîl the health department's special hotline (905) 723-8521 or (905) 686-2740 .(ronto lime), extension 2166. Foru m on Monday about new program Parente and guardians of children in Grade 7 are invited te attend a community forum about the Durham Regon Health Departnets new hepatitis B immunization prograin.. The forum will be held at the Canadian Autemobile Workers (CAW) Union Hall, 1425 Phillip Murray Ave.,*, Oshawai on Monday, Oct. 3, 7 p.ni. SDr. , hMichael Silverman, an infectious disease consultant at Ajax-Pickering General Hospital, will discuss the medical aspects of hepatitis B. Dr. Linda Panaro, the Regon's associate medical officer of health, will explain the details about the health department's vaccination program. Resources will bo available for those who wish information about obtaining the vaccine for other family membors. For more information, caîl the hepatitis B hotline (905) 723-8521 or (905) 686-2740r, extension 2166.1 Each year members of the Ontario Community Newspapers Association work together to recognize the best in Ontarios youth and we are asking you to help us find those deserving young people. If you know someone between the ages of 6 and 18 who has shawn initiative, dedication and commit- ment to our community - please contact this community newspaper. ONTARIO A joint community project of:t JUNIOR CITIZEN Bl J F THE YEAR Bl AMWARDonlarlo CHRISTIAN MONCRIEFFE (left) and Jacob Perreira peek through a porthole on a new toy at Bonacord Day Care Centre. The centre, at Bonacord and McQuay, recently became non-profit and received provincial funding to buy a new, play- ground, toys and other equipment. The centre plans a secQnd location to provide ater-sohool care for older children. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whitby Free Press SINCLAIR S'ECONDARY SCHOOL September ends -- almost. The time Ja gone so fast it seeme like yesterday the doors of Sinclar opened for the first turne. Everyone is beginning to settie into the daily routine here, and for the most part everyone 15 flow comfortable with the system. Most of our teamas have been chesen and are doing great. Our boys' soccer teain successfully played Pine Ridge. Our miàdget giris' basketball defeated Dunbarton in overtime this past week. Our junior giris' basketball, tearn played an excellent game,, but bast in the final seconds 25-24 te Dunbarton. Congratulations te aIl teams, what a great wayto.start a new year. In other spýorting news, Intramural 3. on 3 basketball at lunch heur is underway. Make sure you listen for announcements for future'intramural events. For our '7inusual Wednesday' on Nov. 9, there is a trip te Stratford scheduled te see 'Twelfth Night.' It should be very interesting, especially for aIl you Grade ils who studied Twelfth Night Iast year. The cost is $27 per person. See your TAG teacher if interested." Our picture day on Sept. 19 was a success. Everytlung was organized and rau smoothly, once we decided te caîl you back down for your student ID card. The new technology used was something I haîd neyer seen before and I found it quite fascinating. I guess that's al -part of being at a Grade 9 Parents' Night is at Sinclar Secondary School tenight (Wednesday), from 7 te 8:30 p.în. Parents can meet teachers and learn about the integrated curriculum. new school. I can'twait te see the resuits. Have a good week, Celtics, and remember, tor ailt'the latest news at Sinclair, keep, reading every week. .What involves knighte, rockin' tunes, hot dogs. whistles skis, Mel Gibson, bikes, red Os and hockey tickets? No, it'sflot a. twisted episode of 90210 (wait a minute, aren't they aIl sick and twisted?), it's another typical- week at Henry Street High School. There were a few giveaways at school hast week. Any studente finding a red letter C under their seats won dance tickets or other fabulous prizes. Jennifer Smith won tickets te a Generals gaine just for having her student agenda with her. This is surely a huge incentive for ail Henry students te carry around their handbooks with thein, everywhere. The mountain biking, ches sad debate teains aIl had -meetings last week as did Henry SAJD (Students Against Drunk Dniving), School Reach, Hawk Talk ('The Official Newspaper of HSHS), Theatre Sports and Impact. If you are interested in joining any of these clubs, listen te -the inonning, announcemente. The majority of them will accept new members without having attended the Çrst meeting. Our sports teanis were also busy last week. The senior girls' basketball teain competed in the Anderson Red and White teurnament. The girls fought hbard but the competition was tough. Good luck at your next game. The junior girl? basketball team won their first game 84-16 over Garier. Wow! It was an impressive start te -the season when both the junior and senior boys' soccer teams defeated Brock Higli School. The juniors then won another hard fought gaine against Pine Ridge. On Weduesday, the cross country team competed at Trnity College in, Port Hope. The next day they were eut practising -- what dedication. The boys ' lacrosse team tried ing bribery to get all you awks eut te their fundraising barbecue on Saturday. Rumours were flying as it was announced that Deug Gilmour, Cindy Crawford and-Mol Gibson would be on hand. Nice try, boys, next tiine try a boss obvious ploy. Friday was student council's annual barbecue and dance. te welcomne studente back for another fun-filled year at Henry. Anyone with a student card got a free hot dog and pop. Dance tickets were available for students aIl week long. Any graduating students who plan te apply for university should be aware that uiany of the schools are vsiting Henry in the next few months. Sign up in the guidance office te go to, these presentations. Tomorrow is HAC's wahkathon te raise money for this year's athletîc evente. Students wilI be walkIng, running, blading and biking in support of Henry athletics. Phew -, that's it for this week. I guess it would be tee xnuch to, ask you guys te stop being se active. It's hard te keep Up. 1 JOId~d~i >21t4d1U. Chelsea Balzan HENRY ST, H.S. 1 mah, -

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