Whitby Free Press, 28 Sep 1994, p. 32

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Whitby Free Prou, Wednesday, Soptember 28, 19M9, Page 33 itkcrINê~ LOST - BLACK & GRAI CAT named Bear, 1 neutered male. Anderson/ (Dye area). Cash rewai on safe retum. PlI 668-2440. LAMN MAINTENANCE, pruning, grass seeding, saddlng. Fpll dlean- ups. Renovatians of gardèns, rock gardons, plantingfirwd.Fe esîimates. uthay Landscaplng. (905) 649-3183. 1980 CHEV PICK-UP PARTS, tilts, gauges snd. trans., chrome rear bumper new heater core, grill ssembly, H.D. traiter hitch, more. No body parts. Cati 668-6193. 1957 CHEV BELAIR -4 dr. sedan, complete,'running,6 c1. 2 extra front fenders $1.700.; 14 uc Coupe-Straight Ëight, engine runs, restorabte 51,500. Cati 905-986-0719 after 6pm. 1981 CADILLAC SEDAN DEVILLE Colorado car, 65,000 mites, sunroof, loaded, excellent condition, $2000 as is. Cati 905-986-0719. 1987 4 LITRE JEEP engime, transmission & transfer case. 1985 2.2 Chryster engine & transmission. For mare information cati 668-4429. 1984 JEEP Wagoneer, asking $3,900. Cati 666-9626 afler Spm (or leave message) for more information. '84 CAVALIER, good condition, as is. First reasoniable offer. Must selI. Cati 666-6884. Good Value Cars & Trucks "VEHICLES FOR ALL INCOMES"' 517 Brok St. N, 66602 Need a car- Cmedft Problems? We have base take-overs (repossessions) * Leeiase tocon any make or model *Cash for tade *Cal nwforftee quotas LEASEGUIDE AUTO LEASING 683-6230 - Jef AIl sizes. Installation and Computer Balarîcsng also available WHITBY TIRE 103 Dundas St. E. (OMofeoHwy. 12 &itWY. 2) Phono 430-8900 1988 19', 125 HP BAYLINER (bownider) with Irailer $5 900. Windsurfer, complete Ï150.'Cal 668-5483. CLEARANCE - Evinrude Motors in-stock modets uj la 1994 at cost. Wilde Sales 655-8010 TIME TO WtNTERIZE INBOARD and Outboard motors. Wide Sales 655-8010. V TABBY DRIED IÈLOWÉRS, PINE ~ a Idi WOODCRAFT & ANTIQUES 1 os'sl1an d OPEN HOUSE on Friday, Sept. 30, rd offec Sal. Oct. 1 & Sun. Oct. 2 aI 201 ose ca1 Cotumbus Rd. W., Oshawa (Simcoe St. N., eig hth house west O f the ber flashing ig ht on the southisîde). 9:OOam - 5:0Opm. Dont miss t is unique sale! FOLK ART CLASSES enratling now. Open house Saturday, Oct 1 si, lOam-4 mi. Cranberry Pines 18200 Hwy. 12south af Greenbank). 905-985-1276. SHIRLEY GRANDY DESIGNS - cetebrate birthday, new baby, anniversary. Large wooden lawn signs for rent $f0/da y,$40/Week. 637 Stevenson Rd.N. Oshawa. 571-4832. LEGAL &, bUsiness ser,v1ceà, incorpoations, sma l aims landlord/tenant, ftlg~lrpwra saRle deecsand mch oe. (416) 208-3625 or (905> 6 9-2358. NOTICE TO CREDIToRS» AND OTHERS ANGELINE /ILLET Au persans having dlaims against the estate of Angeline Wlllett, deceased, laIe of the Town of Whitby, in the Regional Munipality of Durham who dled on or about the 2nd day of Augusi, 1994, are hereby notlfled ta, send them ta the underslgned, duly venifled, on or before the 21 st day of October, 1994. After such date the assets of the above-named estate wilt be distributed among the persons entitled thereto, having regard V V V VVV V V VV V executor shalithen have notice. 'v v DATED aI Whitby Ihis 1 st day of ;Ma & Pa's Country Store 'f September, 1994. W anted : Unique Hand- l NIGEL SCHILLING, Q.C. y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~q iaeunrraifrosgmn.y SCHILLING, EVANS ff adecouify c fo cnsimen I Barristers and Solicitors SNeeded: MusllnBonnes, 330 Byron Street South FoI AtMiiaure ad Wodn Podcts y Whitby, Ontario Li N 551 FO Admnaursad odnNu. Executor yq 374 Witson Rd. S., Oshawa - 576-4438 Pv y _ South o Olive.North ol BIo« _______________ yyyyyyy............... i~LIVEIJb~ I . . J . . .U.u. THE FAMILY 0F KEN & DOROTHY WHITNEY would like Io invte friends & relatives ta an Open House, October 2, 1994, 2:OOpm at 1527 Main St. Orono in honour af their 501h Wedding Anniversary. Best wishes only please. foTHpp.Eâà rSAmvuy Sacred Heart of Jesus. Ma y the Sacred Heart of Jesus b e adored gorified, loved and preserved hroug haut the warld now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, help 10 the helpless, pray for us. Say nîne limes a day for nine days. Prayer will be answered b y the -eighth day. Il has neyer faited. Publication must be pramised. Thank-you, St. Jude, for prayer answered. S.T. THANKS TO ST. JUDE and the Sacred Heart of Jesus for favours received. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glonified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Oh, Sacred Heartý ,of Jesus, pray for us, St. Jude worker of miracles pray f or us, St. Jude helper of the hopeless pray for us. Say this ,prayer nine times a day. By the .eighlh day your prayer wilI be answered, regardress of how hopeless your situation seems. Pub-lication must be promsed. W. K. PRAYER TO THE BLESSED Virgin, neyer known ta faîl. O most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruitful vine, plendar of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assisl mfe in necessily. O star of the sea help me and show me here you are my Mother. 0 HoIy Mary, Mother of God, 1 humbly beseech you from the bottom 0f my h eart ta secure me in my necessity <make requesîs) There are none Ihat can withstand your power. O Mary conceived withoul sin. pray for us who have recourse ta thee (3 times). Holy May 1 place this cause in your hand (3 limes). Say Ihis p rayer for 3 consecutive days and then you mru st publish tl and il wll be granted you. F&VMA' CONSýGNMENTrS FOR pew AuctionHait iniWhitby. Comptete househpids antiques or what you have. Cati Whitby Affrdable Auctions. 666-2800. MacGREGOR & EST AUCTION SLE SUNDAY, OCT. 2nd 11:40amrr A(viewing i0.do> Agnrculture Building, Oraono Fairgrounds Tike 401 tol115135 Hwy & north 10km 10t Main St., Oro *no & foltow signs This Sunday's auction features a quality& varied offering of articles fromthýepast la the present with a lar leportion of the items from an olcfer Blackslock home. Partial ist inctudes aid buffet, misc. dressers & chesîs of drawers, chairs & rockers, entertainment centre, misc. tables (kitchen, parlour, dropleaf, etc.). limited edition decorative & origninal art work, old books, magazines (hardoover, 1950's pop ular mec hanîcs, catalogues, 1926 Eatons, etc.). Plus a selection of older fumiture & collectables stilI to be unpacked, Commodore computer (games, dîsks, etc.), garden trac or 14 hp, 2 older snowmobiles, chain saw, table saw, lelescope, misc. garden bools, etc., aid floor modet radio, childs toys ( iran & board, sewing machine, Tonka & taytucks, etc.). This is a large sale wit any treasures sti11 to be uncovered, something for everyone. Plan on attendîng our Thanksgiving Holiday Auction next Sunday Oct. 9th at il :OOam. Cali for Ail Your Auction Needs. MacGREGOR & WEST AUCTIONS Mike MacGregor 905-987-5402 Junior West 905-983-5556 AUCTION SALE. "Kahn Cauntry Auctions" - every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. located on Brock Rd., Pickering, 3 miles north of Hwy. #40", (take exit #399). Featuring every Wed. an excellent selection of antiques, fine furnishings, glass, china, collectables, primitives and other unusuals. Sa join us every Wed. and participate in one of Ontario's "trueu auctians with no buy-backs or reserves. Terms: cash, cheque (with praper .D.) or Visa. Preview from 1:00 p.m. "Cansignm'ent & estate sellingour specialty". Calil us today - Kahn Auction Services - 683-0041. CORNEILS AUCTION BARN' FRIDAY, SEPT. 30 at 6:OOpm 3 miles east of Little Britain on County Rd. 4 Contents of a Woodville home plus others. Antique Victorian settee, dinîing extension table, walnut drop leat table, chesterfield & matching love seat, 3p c. modem bedraam suite. walnut dresser, ovai top trunks, modem dresser & chest of drawers, microwave, coffee & end tables, chesterfield & matching chair, wicker chair, 30 in. electric slave ca-oit larnpsi cracks washslands, caplains bed, lwo,1 cu fI. chest freezers, 2 door refri geratar, airtight stave, 5 hp. Land mark Rota Tiller, 8 hp Sears Trac Drnve, snowblower with elec-trircta;rt, 1983 Meprcuiry Can, CIDAR, VALLEY RESORT. soasonat traiter camping $930. Beautifut settlngl Wintor visite permitted. 7kmn east of OronofHwy. 115. Enter Clarke 4th or 5th cono. lins. 905-786-2562. ON THE WATER, FLORIDA Gulf Coast - 2 bedroom, beautîful home. Close ta everything. Privale dock, fishing, swimmring. * Gorgeous weater. $300 US weekly. Photos & videa. 666-4663. CLEARWATER, FLORIDA. Mobiles, heated pools, hot tub, lusI 20 minutes ta beaches, NIHL hockey, Blue Jay basebaît, horse & dog tracks. a'hildren welcome. 683-5503. LILA, WHO WAS seeing JACK TOWNSEND, please oeil Johni Townsend collect.at 705-292-6798. MY RAVISHING ANGEL - dearest, 've neyer put. an y ads in that paper! Neyer say goodbye, say hello, Fri. 4:OOpm the donut shop beside your work. 0k? J.J. l'm not an ematianal persan but: oh boy. Give themn a big hug & kiss for me. Willing ta meet now? Mr. Reatly Bored. 1 t!riffTIJI-T CHAT £LN[- .1 -M f~~d4~J c9nnectidns 24 hr. DATELINE *Free ta Ladies seeking Gents *Men from 97o a cday *Win a FREE Splish Splash Photo by J.D.W. Rentai!1 Pholography CailFREE! 430m7060 QUOTATtON Sealed quotations wîII be received in the envelopes provided by the undersigned until 3OO0pm local tme on the specified closing date, QUOTATION 94-99 SNOWPLOUGHING 1994-1996 two year term at various schools CLOSING DATE Thursday, Oclober 13. 1994 Quotation documents wiII be available from the purchasing department. The Iowest or any quotation flot necessarnly accepted. D.M. Homenîuk. C.P P.. CPPO Manager of Purchasing The Durham Board of Education 400 Taunton Road East RR #2 Whitby, Ontario LiN 5R5 AUCTIONEERS Th :pop eofhib andi surrouindng areas enjoy attendng auction saes. Ltlhem W about your next sale by advedtsin in lt ms widely read pages in Whlitby -T«he Whitby Free Press, asfes.Cl à 0 "j6 p4vqvàwg %"Pqo &MOI& 1 1 a

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