Whitby Free Press, 28 Sep 1994, p. 7

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Whity'Fme Presa, Wednesday, Septeimboe 28, 1994 ,Page 7 Rot lunch committee Today, dear reader, we are about to take you boldly to where no father bas gone before. Namely, the Hot Lunch Committee of the PTA. Some of you are going to say, 'So what?' Some of you are going to say, 'What is lot Lunch Day? Some of you are going to say, '1'il have burger with fries apple juice extra cheeseburger extra ciecken. fingers six seventy five." One at a time, please. Hot LunchDays are those in which elementary school children are given an opportunity to send nickels dimnes quarters pennies loonie deucy bis cinq bis and somne cheques to school. Accompanying the money is a Hot Lunch Form, on which the student or designated parent bas indicated a- choice between Hamburger with Files Chieken Fingers with Fries Cheeseburg with or witho.ut Fies Orange Drink Apple Juice.and Other Extras stili to be namned. On the form is a place for the student's teacher's name. Often it is left blank.i Als 'o on the forîn is a spot for the student's name. Often it islIeft blank. Objeet of the exercise. is that at a specified day in the future, ail the children (and some aduits) who have paid the money, made out the form and gotten ail this to the school on time wil have.. you with me so far?. .à aHot Lunch At School. At some schools, like the one my daughter attends, school staff used to count the money and order food. That was before the staff discovered PTAs. Now the Parent Teacher (Advisory) (Association) (YouNamelt) convenes a bunch of people. To Count Money. And Food Orders. Teachers love this. It keeps parents' minds off curriculum. Now you know as much as I did until three weeks ago. Doesn't that sound like fun? Let's go through some -of the logistics. A small school of, say, 420 students will generate, oh, say, two hundred and tbirty food orders. At oh, say, close to.U four dollars each. That, you are going to say, wil net about, ah, em, The let'see .. oh migawd! ... nine hundred dollars.Onai Right. Now if you can picture four people sitting Dundas around' a dining room table of an evening, piles of Biggs.: lunch -order forms flying in ail directions and almost nine hundred dollars in nickels dimes quarters pennies loonie deucy buils cinq buils and some cheques spread out on the table hefore them. 1Had you been listening while this group opened Maj envelopes you might have heard something like this: teai 'This dumb mother.didn't put ber kid's namô on* A ci the fori.» Tce "This dumb kid didn't put her name on the form."Se 'This durnb father scotch-taped bis pocket change thei to the form."th Out of this chaos emerges one order for- each classroom teacher,- with specific orders for eacb child. Somehow, by Hot Lunch Day, this wil be converted* Maj back into confusion. Every child wil have forgotten Str( what she or he ordered. Those wbo do recail what* The they ordered wil have changed their minds. $0 Noi But we're stiil at the dining roolu table. Counting, plui as you wil recaîl. This is a job that takes eighteen E ut hundred and twelve days, since each time the money is counted we get a different answer. Incidentally, there is no use calculating backwards aAc from next bot lunch day and bitting the Swan * Ar bouùsehold for Hot Lunch Money (Would that be Hot 0 Maj Hot Lunch Money?) Den We count lunch money like a floating crap game: a Mr. 1-eW- . 1advi PARADE FOR OPENING 0F PAVEMENT, SEPTEMBER 29, 1921 îe Whitby Fire Department's entry is seen proceeding north on Brock Street at o Street. The parade was held to celebrate the opening of pavrng on Brock and Ls Streets in the downtown, by Ontario's Mnster of Highways, the Ho'n.-F. C. Whitby Archives photo 10 YEARS AGO From the Wednesday, September 26, 1984 çdition of the WHITRY FREE PRESS .yor Bob Attersley dropped the first puck for the Whitby Lawnien Junior A hockey m. The first game ended in a 2-2 tie with the North York Red Wings. construction worker suffered serious injuries in an accident at the new medical atre being buiît at Brock and Mary Streets. ýe Baptist Leadership Education Centre near Cullen Gardens officially opened on St. 22. ib Christian Assembly is holding its first anniversary services on Sept. 30 at, Witby Senior Public School. 35 YEARS AGO from the Thursday, September 24, 1959 edition of the WHITBY WEEKLY NEWS .yor Harry Jermyn turned the, sod for the new Whitby Town Hall on Dundas 'eet West on Se pt. 22. ýe ate Art hur Ailin was honoured for his contribution from bis estate of more than >0,000 'toward the cost of the new town hall. ne of the three local mnen on Whitby's first Plumbers' Licensing Board are .mbers. itch Elm Disease is beginning to, ravage Wbitby's tree-lined streets. 125 YEARS AGO from the Thursday, Se ptember 23, 1869.edition of the WHIITBY CHRONICLE church for the United Presbyterians of Whitby is being built at the northwest ner of Centre and Coîborne Streets. ijor James Wallace of Whitby accom panied the Red River survey party under Col. niîs in the North West Terrntorý'. .Dumble, the contractor for the Port Whitby and Port Perry Railway, is vertising for 100 men to be labourers on the construction of the railway. ýe farned English Gymnasts, the Watson Brothers, will perform at the Mechanmics' titute Hall on Sept. 24 and 25. illillipý -1 - - - 1 -, -. -1 --'Wr-wv7z eý , - liii]]

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