Whitby Free Press, 5 Oct 1994, p. 35

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Whitby Free Press, Wedriesday, COber 5, 1994, Page 35 p g g ag g ~d f a g I NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Monday, October'l17,1994 at 7:45 p.m. Meeting Hall, Whltby Municipal Building 575 Rossland Road East Whftby, Ontario A Public Meetn will be hcld by Uic Planning and Development Ccmmitte cf Council cf Uic Corporation cf Uic Town cf Whitby te, consider a proposed amendment te the Town of Whitby Officiai Plan and Zoning By-law 2585 as submitted by 639373 Ontario imited, file ne. OPA 93-W/i and Z-704-93. The subject propeý is located in Part cf.Lot 25, Concession 1 as shown on Uic sketch belcw. v £ 11n The purpose of the Off iciai Plan Amenciment application is te redesignate the subject land from Hazard Land to Residentiai te permit a medium density residential developrnent in the form of townhouses. The purpose cf the rezoning application is te rezone the subject lands from 'FI Floodplain to an appropriate residential zone category'. The purpose of this meeting is te provide aclequate information to the public and te permit interested persons the opportunity to make representatien in respect cfthie Officiai Plan Amendrncnt and Rczoning application. If you are unablé te attend the meeting, your representatten can be iled in writing by mail or personal delivr to reach the Planning Department net later than regular worlnrg heurs on October 24, 1994. lnterestcd persons may inspect additional information relatinq, te the above application in the Planning Department, Level 7, Whitby Municipal Building, 575 Ressland Road East, Whitby, Ontario, LUN 2MB, duning regular worldng heurs, Menday te Friday or may contact the Planning Department by telephone (905) 668-5803. ROBERT B. SHORT DIRECTOR 0F PLANNING Corporation of. the Town ef Whltby ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGS The Communlty Sctiools isted below holding their Annual General Meetings following dates: PALMERSTON 60MMÙNITY SOHOOL 400 Palmerston Avenue 666-959 Wcdnesday, October 12 7:00 p.rn. wiII be on the GLEN OHUORMISTON COMMUNITY SCHOOL (at Gien Dhu Sciocl) 29 Fallingbrook Street 666-0969 lbhursday, October 27 7:30 p.m. PRINOLE CREEK COMMUNITY SCHOOL 80 Ribblesdale Drive 668-0666 Wednesday, Octeber 19 7:30 p.m. BELLWOOD COMMUNITY SCIIOOL 30 Bellwecd Drive 571-4770 Wcdnesday, October 19 7:00 p.m. Please note: Pringle Crcek Community Schcol - Notice et change te constitution with respect to the number et members on Uic board and voting privileges. 1994 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS Nominations Notice to) Municipal Electors NOTICE is hereby given Uiat in compliance wiUi Uic Municipal Elections Act, nominations will be receîved at the office of Clerk cf the Corporation ot the Town cf MWltby, 575 Ressland Road East, Whitby, between 9:00 arn, and 5:00 p.m. on Nomination Day, Fniday, Octeber 14, 1994, and during normal office heurs dunng Uice peneod from Tuesday, October il, 1994 te Thursday, October 13, 1994, inclusive, immcdiatcly preceding Nomination Day for Uic purpese of neminating fit and proper persons for Uic following offices: (a). Combined office of Mayor and Regional Councillor, one te be elected by general vote cf the electers cf the Town ofWhitby; () Combined office cf Regional and Town Councillor, thrce te be electcd by gencral vote cf Uic electors cf, Uic Town cf Whitby; (c) Office of Town Councillor,-North Ward (Ward 1), one te be elccted by ward vote cf 'Uic North Ward electers cf Uic Town cf Whitby; (d) Office of Town Counciller, West Ward (Ward 2), anc te be elected by -ward vote cf the West Ward electors cf Uic Town cf Whitby; (e) Office cf Town Councillor, Centre Ward (Ward -3), one te be clected by ward vote',cf Uic Centreý Ward electors cf the Town cf Whitby; (f) Office cf Town Counciltor, East Ward (Ward 4), one te be elected b y ward vote cf Uic East Ward electors of Uic Town cf Whitby; (g) Office cf Member cf Uic Durham Board of Education,. two te be elected by general vote of Uic public scheel clectoral group cf Uic Tcwn of Whitby; (h) Office of Member of Uic Durham Region Roman Cathclic Separate Schocl Board, Uree te be elccted by general vote et Uic separate school english- anquage electoral group cf the Town of .Whitby; (i) Office cf Whitby Hydro-Electric Commissioner, four te be elected by gencral vote of Uic clectors cf Uic Town cf Whitby. Further, nominations will be rcceivcd at the office cf thé Clerk cf the Corporation cf the. City cf Oshawa, 50 Centre Street South, Oshawa, between 9:00 arn. and 5:00 p.m. on Nomination day, Friday, October 1.4, 1994, and during normal office heurs during Uic penod from Tuesday, October 11, 1994 te Thursday, October, 1 3, 1994, incusive, immediately preceding Nomination Day for Uic purpose cf nominating fit and proper persans for the following office: Office of Member of Uic Durham Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board, twe te be electcd by general vote cf Uic separate school french- language electoral group from Uic combined municipalities of Uic City of Oshawa, Uic Town of Whitby and Uic Townships of Brock and Scugcg. Electors are hereby requircd te take notice and govern Uemselves accordingly, and furthor take notice Uiat Uic manner in which Uic nominations shaîl bo fled is set forth in Uic Municipal Elections Act. Nomination forms and full particulars of procedures te, be followed may be obtained from the undersigned. And further take notice that where, at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, October 17, 1994, Uic number of candidates for an office who are neminatcd and have not withdrawn is net suficient to f iii Uic number cf vacancies te, which candidates may be elected, Uic provisions of Uic Municipal Elections Act respectin% acclamation apply to Uiose candidates. On Wednesday, Octobor 19, 1994 following Nomination Day, Uic Clerk may, between Uic heurs of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., receive and oertify addîbional nominations for Uic remaining vacancies in Uic office in respect cf which there was an insufficient number cf candidates. If a greater number of candidates than is required te f ili Uic offices - are nominated and make Uic roquired dedlarations, polis will be open on Uic following dates: Saturday, Novembor 5, 1994 and Wednesday, Novembpr 9, 1994 Whitby Municipal Building 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario 10:00 a.m. te 8:00 p.m. Monday,iNovember 14, 1994 10:00 a.m. te 8:00 p.m. Ail qualified electors MIl receive a Voter Notification Card in Uic mail indicating Uic location et Uic polling place wherc Uiey vote. DONALD G. McKAY CLERK & RETURNING OFFICER THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario Li N 2M8 Telephone: 905-668-5803 __________________ I i NOTICE 0F STUDY COMMENCEMENT AND PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE GARDEN SREIPRAIL GRADE SEPARATION CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMVENT The Copration of Uic Town et Whiby has initiated a Glass Envronmenai Assessment. for Uic construction cf a grade sepaain on GardenStreet at Uic xisting CP Rail crossing between Mary Street and ilbcnry Drive (roter ta key plan shown bow). The purpese of Uic Environmcntal Assessment Ws te examine Uic need and justification for a grade separatien and te establish Uic prcferred desi gn. j J 1.. MaryL~~ St. EastI I- 1 r- l 1 -- The Study will be undertaken in accordance. with the OClass Environmental Assessment for Municipal Road Projects« (the Class EA) and fals within the scope cf projects described in Schedule 'C' cf the Class EA document. At the end cf the Study, an Environmental Study IReport (ESR) will be prepared for the froect and filed with the Town Clerk and wll be made available fer ireview by the public for the thirty (30) calendar day review period. If ne outstanding concemns are brought forward during the review peneod, the Town cf Whitby may proceed te construction. The Public Information Centre will be held te provide. the public, interest greups and govemment agencies, with the oppertunity te make cemments, identify issues and provide addltional information relative te Uhc Study. The work completed te date includes: an analysis cf existing and future 'traffIce conditions, an inventery cf Uie natural and social environments and an assessment cf alternative solutions te eliminate vehicle-rail conflicts on Gardon Street and increase Uic toadway capacity. The Public Information Centre will bcýheld on: Tuesday, Octoeri 11, 1994 Town cf Whltby Ceuncîl Chambers 575 Ressland Road East Whltby, Ontario 6:00 p.m. te 9:00 p.m. Cemments received from Uic Public Information, Centre will be included in Uic evaluatien cf alternative solutions.. Follewing Uic selectien cf the preferred solution, aternative design. concepts will be asscssed. At Uis stage cf Uic prooess, the public will be provided wiUi the oppertunity te review and comment on Uic alternative designs. At any time during thc Study, Uic public are invited te comment on this preject. Any group or individuals wîshing te comment on thc Study or require additienal information may contact eier one cf Uic individuals below. With thc exception cf persona] information, ail comments will becemne part cf the public record. The Glass. Environmental Assessment process is designed -te resolve concems cf these afcted by Uic project. If concems relative te Uic Study cannot be rcsolved, a persoen/group. may request that Uic Minister c 'f Uic Environment and Ertergy 'bump up' thc project te an Individuai Envirenmental Asscssment. W. J. HANCOCK, P. ENG. DIRECTOR OF PUBUC WORKS THE CORPORATION 0F THIE TOWN 0F WHITBY 575 Ressland Read East Whltby, Ontario Li N 2MV8 Teicpbone: 905-68-5803 Fax: 905-686-7005 D. BEHM, P. ENG. PROJEOT MANAGER TOTTEN SIMS HUBICKI ASSOCIATES 3W0 Water Street Whltby, Ontario LUN 9J2 Tel hone: 905-668-9363 Fax: 905-668-0221 Fire Prevention Week TAKE NOTICE THAT the week of October 9th te lSth, 1994 is hereby proclaimed as "Fire Prevention Weck" in and fer the Tewn of Whitby. Citizens of Whitby are invited te join with the volunteer professional and industrial' tire safety personnel în waging a neyer ending battie against the ravages et ire which dcstroys property and takes lives. DATED at Whitby, Ontario this 5th.day cf October, 1994. T. J. EDWARDS, MAYOR TOWN 0F WHITBY

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