Whitby Free Press, 19 Oct 1994, p. 35

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Whtby Free Press, Wednesday, October le,94,P e Arena.fundraising-carnpaignýundra SBy imlan-Barry A grassroots campaign te raise furids for a new arena in Whitby is underway. The .Whtby Arena Fundrais- ing Association (WAFA) was reccntly formed raise mofley for a mueh-neded ice facilhty in Whitb . Woiing closely with Town officiais,,local service clubs and the business sector, WAFA has planned several evenits afied at raisin g funds for ýa fourth and possia a fifth, ice surface in Currntly, the Town has two ice padsat Iroquois Park and a single-pad arena ini Brooklin. ~e frt major activity'plan- ned is a Halloween pupkn al at Iroquois Park on Oct. 21, 22, 23, 28, .29 and 30, with prices starting at $3. "We are going to put the pro- ceeds -offunïdrasingevents lîke this towards. WA. and the buildingf of new arenas in Whitby,» said president, Cheryl Thomipson. A director of fundraising for the Whitby Miner Heckey se- ciation, Thompson and bier fam- ily have lived in the Whitby ares, for the past 10 years. The impetus for forming the WAFA came about this summer when. Thompson met with tbe presidents of varieus ice user groupe such as ringette, men's hockey, figure and precision skating and minor hockey. * AIl agreed something had te be donc abut the lack of ice facili- tics in Whitby, Thompson said. For example, parents of minor hockey players h ave been. foroed te 'camp oet over night. at Ire- quois Park the last two summers te be guaranteed a chance at the fcw spots open on local tcams. There- are more groups rcquesting ice ail the time Thompson said. Women's anc1 girls ' hockey in particular bas beorne more poplar in recent ycars. According..te -Thom paon, 'Whitby is one of the fastest- owing o n i ies in Canada wihapopulation approaching 'o accommodate that inany people, thre arena.s are net sut. fîcient., For optimum< usage and availability, the best ratio of facilities ,te, population bas typi- cally been one ice pad per 15,000 people. Thornpson applauded last week's resolution of Town council which endorscd "ini principle» the WAFA's initiative and last rnonth's decision that an addi- tional ice pad at Iroquois Park would be its next major capital spending prirority The cost of a thidicesufc bas been estimated at $3.5, mil- lion, but ne tender will be awar- ded until the finançial implica- tiens of* such a project are known. Weare thankful that the Town has recognied the efforts made by the c user groups themselvcs, and the importance of these facilities, espedially for our kids and the youth in cern- munity,» said Thompson. "The executive of WAFA has pulled this thing together in such a short time. We are al werking togther towards a cause, that wil 1 benefit' the..whole - cer-' murnity.» For more information 'about the gruphornpsen can b e- cheda 66-2210. CO*STEEL eLASCO EsabisedSinc 180 gÀ MEMBERS O)F the Whitby Arena Fundraising. of adding another ice pad at 1Iroqul Park, Association' (WAFA)- are working to raise' which the Town has discussed, is more than money and gather support for the construc- $3 million. tion of new arena space. The estimated cost Photo by Mark Reesor, Whitby Free Pres Rough start or novices The Whitby miner novice AA hockey tcam, sponsorcd by Longley' Vickar Barristers aid Solicitors, have found borne ioe te be a disadvantage in York-Simcoe league play. Their only victory te date occurrcd last Thursday in Aýjax as tbey skated te a cenvincing 2-0 win. Chris *QOborne opcned the scoring on a set-up from Justin Fox. Whitby would add an ins3urance markcr by Kenny Henry assisted by Josh Miller. A strong defensive effort in the tbird,, along with- standout goaltending, by Gcoffrey Niblett. and Justin White, preserved the 'vin.- Home ice, however, bas not been kind as Whitby lest their home opener 6-5 te Ajax, followed by losses te Bowmanville 11-1, Vaughan 3-1 and Orillia 2-1. In their opener, Wildcats hcld a, 5-3 lead ging into the third but ran eut of' gas. Henry led 'the way with two, goals' with singles going te Fox, Josh Miller and David McIntryc. Previding assists were Philip Mcflhone and Andrew Farie with two ecd, Zach Orcer, Miller, Mclntrye and Cainerson Cassidy. The Bowmanville game saw Whitby get beat in every aspect of the game. Henry would be the only one te find the back of the net. The Vaughan game was close from start te finish with a late third pcriod goal icing the Win for Vaughan. Henry provided the only goal for Wildcats. Orillia was the next, tcam te visit. Whitby dominated'-the flrst two periods but,*feli bcbind 2-0. Green closcd the gap te one in the third. Howevcr, 1penalty ..trouble stopped Whitby from sustaining an attack late *in the third. Osborne and Fox combincd te bel p set up Greer. Goltending duties bave been splt in each game by Niblett and 15 miles north of Whitby on Lakeridge Rd. For more information, cail 655-3091, I whitby, m'ino r basebali1 association- 1 " Repreettie e oaces" The Whitby Minor Basebaîl Association is accepting' applicatio.ns to coach 1995 'rep" teams. WVhltby W,111 enter the following levels in the EOBA during the coringseason: Born ln Bor n T BALL ALLSTAR (1 game onl y.. Myors Cup) MINOR MOSQUITO 1985* MINOR BANTAM- 1981 MAJOR MOSQUITO 1984 MAJOR BANTAM 1980 MINOR PEEWEE 1983 MINOR MIDGET 1979 MAJOR PEEWEE 1982 M MAJOR MIDGET 1978 JUNIOI9 1974,75,*76,177 If you wish to apply for any of the above teams, applications can be obtained at Iroquois Park or the Whitby, Public, Library. Compete and. return it to the following addross: WMBA, P.O. BOX 81, WHITBY', ON a LiN 5R7 For additlonal information, caîl Dave Imeson at 668-9790 ater 6:3Opm. Applications must be received no later than November l3th, 1994. 1995 CAMF NEW 1095 TOYOTASI DARE TO'COMAE ?Y LE 1995 COROLLA 1995 4RUNNER __Dx SR5 V6, . .. .. . .. .. . ..-.. Voted"The# 1 Truckline lnM Customer. SaWlfactoui Years ln A Row!.:'* A>R*Cornes btter equlpped than Cornes btter equippea mhan bWflU Mullorquuppmuu mm mousa +TX HysCondaAcord eMaMa SE, Honda Clvlc EX, VW JetUa OL, APathtlnder XnChevy S-Blaer. Tahoe, Chvso Cnore,%2ajltm Mazda Protegé DX, + Ax Jeep Cberokee Country, Ford Explorer )IL# Cronos LX# VW Passat GL* * Mosn Sentra XE, Saturn SL2. Isuzu Rodeo 5W" THE NIEW (¶> WHITDlV ïTOYOTA.9%*IN7NING 12 U DSSR E WET HTYcustonmoonly annew i 2 ad 195Tayla Rue= aymc~si m 02UD N ASSTEE ESSHIB dekvered botween Oct.1lia Oct. 31,1994. Tweive tb48 mrWh onnaavoab TOTW Wil 6 8lllîîîî47 2 r 86 22 8 TOYOTA 1Leus. 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