Whitby Free Press, 2 Nov 1994, p. 8

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Page 8, Whitby Free Press, Wednesciay, Novembor 2, 1994 $25,OOO damage in warehouse fire The Ontario. kire Marshal was called in to investigate a suspi- cious biaze in an empty ware- house at Ash and John streets Thursday afternoon last week. There were several points of enigin for the fire and mron is suspected says deputy fire chief Bob Marslall. He notes the power had been turned off and a door te, the building was open when fine crews arrived. «We weren't sure we were Cgoigt get it out for a while beause there's false ceilings and a crawlspace underneath a lot of it -- no basement as such.» One firefighter was slightl injured flighting the blaze whicZ wareported around à pa. Damaage *was -estimated at $25,000. MARK MICHALKOFF commission candidate wants improved service Putting Whitby Hydro-Electric Commission's financial affairs in order is the goal of Hydro Cern- missioner candidate Mark Anthony Michaîkoif. A graduate engineer of the University of Toronto and cur- rently a self-employed accoun- tant, Michaîkoif says,- if elected, hie will impreve customner service at the commission, extend due dates for seniors te coincide with monthly pension cheques and modify pre-authorized payments 50 money is withdrawn on the bill due date, not the billing date. He also promises te reduce administrative waste, educate the public about energy conser- vation, ensure "that late payers pay the price» and don't f'orce everyone else's rates up, and harmonize the meter-reading process with other utilities, te, reduce costs. *Michaîkof is a Whitby resi- dent who's lived in Durham for more than 25 years. He's a mem- ber of the board of directers and head of the audit committee of a local public hall» and chief financial officer and treasurer at the local level and auditer of the national executive with a «recog- nized national youth oriented charity,» according te, a press release. HISTORICAL FEATURE in the WMhy Free Press i .What institution in Whitby produced 26 photo post cards of its premises 75 years ago for sale to the public? 2. The former rectory for St. John the Evangelîst Roman Catholic Church, at 506 John St. W., was designed in 1914 by what noted architeot? 3.What noted Toronto industrial f irm had two factories in Whitby? 4.The original club house for the Whtby Yacht Club was a building taken f rom another site. Where was it? Ans wers on Page 38 This fealure provided by C ENTRE WARDý A battie By Mike Kowalski If it was a Hollywood produc- tion, the battie for Whitby' centre ward would probably b called 'John Doîstra, Shirley Scott --Part III' This year's municipal election campaign marks the third time the twe have squared off for the right te represent the centre ward on Town council. In 1988, Doîstra and Scott finished second and third respec- tiveiy behind former councîllor Lynda Buffett. Three other can- didates wene aise in the race. In 1991, after Buffett made an unsuccessful run for mayor, Dol- stra wen the seat by a scant 94-vote margin over Scott. Four improvements,» said Doîstra. 'h at's a significant achieve- ment, he boasts, consdering council was foroed to cope with a ravaging recession for much of its tein., In fact council was able to accomplisl' many of these pro- Iects without increasing taxes, Doistra proudly points out. "The days of big tax increases are gene," h said. Through a combination of cane- fui management of the Town's budget and funding fromn the federal and provincial govern- ments, two Major projects recel- ved the green light this year, Doistra noted. other candidates split the Council did net have te issue remaining votes. debentures for its portion of the This time out the two have the new tire departmnent headquar- fleld ail te themselves but with esoTannRadrth an interesting twist Fr'om their tenis, îcTantonRopadsior, the previeus skirmish. said. Robent Palmer, who collected Doîstra likens council's fiscal 790 votes te, finish third three golicies te that of "running a years ago, is serving as Scott's usineis on behaîf of the people campa1gnn'anager for the Nov. of Whitby ... nq4 a charity. founaa- 14 e ectîe .'tien.»- His assistant Joan Mann was If re-elected Doîstra has thnee Dolstra's campaign manager in objectives for tle next terni. 1991. H e wants te hold the line on "It's their democratic right, taxes; 'do everythinff I can te get a new ice arena, and work towards the building of a new - central library. "The libnary should stay where it is, but be expanded for the betterment of 'downtown Whitby)" he said. In tMhe samne vein, Doîstra said the current tire department headquartens will continue te operate as a ire hall. "We need it in the downtown cone, it's a tradition,"»lho said. "Look at othen small communi- ties, they have a ire hall down- As for the anea overaîl, Doistra enthusiastically supports ceun- cil's decision te investigate mea- JOHN DOLSIRA sures te, improve the downtewn's appearance in the hope of attracting commercial învest- they can de what they like," said ment and tourist dollars. - Doîstra. "We're leoking at beautifica- "People have the right te do tien projects along Brook Street what theŽ want. I wish them al from the downtown cone te Hyw. the best, was his only comment 401 " ho said. on the subject. M~eanwhile, Whitby's new offli- But even if ail past candidates cial plIan calîs for an increase in and fermer campaign workens the dewntown's commercial floor were in his opponent's camp, t space te, 1.1-million square foot, would net makce a difference, the Doîstra said. Regency Crescent tesident in- "Wo want te pnotect the small- sists. town flaveur as woll as incroas- The-issues and his track record ing jobs and attracting tourists,» wiîl determine the outeome in he said. centre ward, the 39-year-old Finally Doîstra pledges te sup- General Motors empioyee says. port e2rts aimed at keeping "I'm running on the basis of acute cane services at Witby the things I've done ôver the last Genoral Hospital. three yoars,» said Doîstra. Noting that Premier Bob Rae "The centre ward has fared recontly announced $40 million very woll.» for a cancer treatment centre at To back up his dlaim, Doîstra Oshawa Gonenal Hospital, Dol' lists several projocts initiated by stra said the facility could oasily council or completed during the bo built in Whitby. past term. "With 15 acres of land, plonty Theso include reconstruction of of piirking, there's ne roason why several downtown streets, expan- it couidn't come ever here.» sien of the senior citizens centre; Maintaining Whitby General improvements te Port Whitby as an active treatnient hospital andl neighbourhood parks; -the is probabiy the only point on railway crossing on Garden whîch Doîstra and Scott agroe. Street, and installation of a The 64-yoar-oid former down- spray pad at Kinsmen Park. town business ownen has beon «I believe every anea of the active in the Save Our General -entre, wand. has been. Ihit with esealctzes ou~iteand. repeated as a Iong-time volunteer with the hospitai auxiliary. teh tal's uncentain status and tie proposed Lynde Shores housing development are the issues ef' most concern to centre ward voters. The Trent Street resident vows to fight for the hospital and against the development. 'I regret that thiere was neta full environmental assessment of the project," she said. "There's always some under- lying reason for it not being done and it seems dollars are more important than people. Scott is prepaned te help the Save L.,nde Marsh citizens com- mittee 'in any way possible" with their Ontario Municipal Board appeai of Town council's decision approving the planned com- munity of 5,000 people. "Even with some free legal advice," she added. Scott's two sons are both lawyens. Scott hesitates te, set any per' sonal goals s'hould she be successfui on Nov. 14. SHIRLEY SCOTT "I don't like niaking promises because yeu den't know if you cati carry them eut," she "But Iwill be a fulI-time ropre- sentativo, not ,Just for a couple cf heurs a night.' While net wiiling te make pro- mises, Scott said there are several issues which must bo addnessod, such as the need for anothon ice pad and other recrea- tional facilities, as weil as a now library. «Council is se damn prend of housing deveiopments, but what's se groat' about ail this dovlopmont when we can't keep up with it?" she asks. uRoads are in terrible con- dition, the library is underfun- ded, the fine dep artmnent is undorfunded and fees for our children's sports facilities are cri- minai.» Scott said counicil should think, ahoad when it approvos future deveiepmonts, instead of reacting te the need for services after cpehave moed into thoir She cites the area north cf Dryden Bulevard as an exam- "Tees all thosa portal4es, there already. Where are we goingn to put ail those new chul- dnshe asks. "I think common sense is lack- tentre ward is bounded by Taunton Road on the north, Gar- den and Blair streets in the east, Lake Ontario on the south and a point mid-way between Cochrane and Brook streets in the west. In 1991, Doîstra received 1 147 votes to Scott's 1,053. RobQert Palmer had 790 votes- Keith Harris, 139; John LazenÊLy, 134, and John Southern, 40. There are 15,882 people living in the ward. Muicipal election '94 The candidates Tom Edwards' Pat Perkins REGIONAL COUNCILLOR (Volers àw. la elecI hroe) Doug Anderson Ross Batten* Marcel Brunelle' Joe Drumm* Gerry Emm Vata Gopinathan Jim Pries! Steve Szuhal CENTRE WARD John DoIstra' Shirley Scot EAST WARD Dennis Fox* Derek Glass JoAnne Prout Dory Smith NORTH WARD Don Mitchell* Brian Wick Rick Sidier WEST WARD Judi Longfield* (acclaimed) DURHAM REGION ROMAN CATHOUC SEPARATE SOHOOL BOARD (Votum oee ta eleci lhroe lrwstoe lothis bard) Frank Canataro Luciana Jovanovic Maureen Licsi Mary Amn Martin* Judy Morris* Tom OldmaV Silvia Rapont FRENCH LANGUAGE TRUSTEES ON SEPARATE SOHOOL BOARD <TWO ta bu BeCI(9 Robert Boisvert* Louis-Arthur Langlois' Jean Marc Leclerc Elaine Legault DariyPoitras WIITBV HYDRO COMMSSION (Vl.oe eteciaatotal 01 lat ot h.eiilky) Ralph Blank* Mike Cohen John I-kghes Bill LaiMer* Don MacMastere Mark Mchalkoff DURHAM REGION 130ARD 0F EDUCATION (Val.o edo ttal ai lmv tnu.<os) Patty Bowman* Jack Bremer Jamie Curran Tanya (Qulliver' George Milosh Doug Ross Lxxi oAw,6tertýaf Coý-»t-c>. Co,-ttec 1

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