Whitby Free Press, 9 Nov 1994, p. 22

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page 22, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, Navember 9, 1994 Whitb CANDIDATES yChamnber of Commerce What is your first prioritv if you get elected, where wzIl you put your energies? How can you help ease the incredibly high sensre of cynicism currently experienced by the electorate ai ail three levelis? Durha lagged GT4E develol your v econozi m Regi 1behinc n lundi pment a iews 0on nie dec ?d to pment? asks... ion has apparently iother regions in the ngand in economie md gow5 h What are a '-ioahy famed uelopmnt office as municipal économie To maintain the fiscal stabiiity cf the Town established in aur termi of office, -- in 1993 no increase in taxes, in 1994 a decrease cf 1.2 par cent. In order te maintain thie, wa muet increase aur marketing initiatives ta enhance the aconomnie wll-being cf the Town. In the pariod 1992 ta prasent, mare than 790,000 square feet cf vacant induatriai space bas been sold or iaased in Whitby. In this saeapariod, we acquired naarly 50 new industries and almoat 900 new industriel jobs. In order ta pay aur way, wa muet increase this initiative by intense marketing and promotions. Whitby's attraction as a place te live, wark and play muet ha maintainad and lncreased. When elected I will change the procese by which Town council dace its business. Thora will ba ne more unnecassary closed door meetings. AUl business will be dons in public. I will focus on a pragram ta attract induettial/c'ommercial developmant in order ta create a better tex base balance hetwecn industriel/commercial and residential. Residential taxes cannat be expacted ta provida the bulk of our tex revenues. Cyicism cen oniy be overcome by.mainteining a posture o f frankness, opennees and integrt. Too many Politiciens of ail leveis have incurred the righteous indignation of the electorate b y failing ta measure up ta the standards of hanesty th et are recquired. These politiciens promise the unobitainable. They switch votes when the heat is turned on. Our obligation is to listen ta opinions, weigh countering arguments and then decide on the hast course of action for the community. It is not possible te please ail the people ail the time. Reesonabie people will fargive a cantrary point cf view if it is pursued with integrity. The reason people are cynical about politica in genaral is that they feel helpiese. Politiciens tell the votera what they want ta hear ta gct themseves eiected and then do as they lease when in office. This is wrong and muet be corrected. I will make each porson's opinion caunt. I will net ignore petitions or protesta. I will rapresent the people in the truest sense cf the word. Invoiva people in shaping their community and the cynicism will stop. Although Durham did flot receive fixnding and infrastructure assist.ance in earlier years, this je beginning to change. Whitby has been the racipient of major funding measures in the lest two or thrae years. With respect to the question regarding e regionally framed econornic deveiopmnent office, I arn convinced that oniy by intense marketing et ail levais, cen we achieve the required imporovemanta in job opportunities. We need to increase the marketing within our own community. We need to farm alliances wi th othar commutnities in the region of Durhem to promote our ares. Consequently, we need to join in aliainces with other municipelities in tha Greater Toronto Area so thet we, might advertise and merket the goodeasnd services aveilabie in this ares, to buyers on the worid market. If we feu ta foiiow our industriel ekilis in this fashion, we wilI be ieft behind and, inevitebiy, we wiii be left with a iower standard of living. Municipal economic deveiopment eilowe us the contrai that would be iost et a regional level. There infia reason to bolieve thet a re.1ponailly based system would be to our benefit. With a littlo tnie, effort and imagination, Whitby could be merketed as the new economnic centre east of Toronto. 1 do not believe e regionally besed system would serve our best intereat. Literacy counci*l wants help i*n plannig angmn The Literacy Council of Dur- ham Region is looking for board members. The council seeks individuals who realize the rieed for literacy and management. anid who cari help with planning Those interested should write Oshawa, L1H 1B3. kNo enrolment fee if you join this week Join now for $77* and lose 15 lbs. for the Holiday Season WE OFFER YOU: " Regular Store Bought Foods " Nutritionally Balanced Programs " Guaranteed Resuits " Safe, Easy Weight Loss " On a Fuit Program Basis B kE -I3 I FREE CONSULTATIONS MAYOR Tom Edwards Pat Perkins 'Y i i 1

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