tAi .~ Whîtby Free Press, Wednesday, November 9, 1994, Page 29 A HOME DESIGN AND IMPROVEMENT FEATURE Purchasing furniture If you're in the mnarket for some new furniture te enhance your home, yeu may have already envisioned exactly what you want and now the only task je te find it -ifvou can. Whther your tastes are contemporary or traditional, sophisticated or rustic, there's something for you eut there -- depending, of course, on your budget and epace restrictions. You may prefer te acquire oice ne at a time, saving up for items 'ini between -- or you may want te outfit an entire roomai at once. Regardiese of which route you choose or what your personal preferences are, make sure you decide what yeu absolutely need and what y ou want se you don't find yourself getting carried away once you start shopping. Take measurements Ites very important te accuratély measure the space you have te work with before yeu actually start shopping. After ail, it's very disheartening te buy an item on impulse, have it dlivered and find eut itfs too big or simali, or tee short or tee tall. As well, measure doorways and staircases through which youMl have te manoeuvre thingese you don't mun inte problems. Keep in mmmd special features of the room you're buying furniture for - such as the type and coleur of woodwork and walls and the size of the windows. Youll likely want pieces that cemplement these lements -- net overshadow them and drown them eut entirely. Once yeu start te shop, don't necessarily buy the first thing that catches your eye -- you niight regret it later. Look around and compare prices, styles and fabrice. If you're investing in pieces that you want te last for a number of years, try te avoid items that are tee trendy because chances are they'1loolek outdated in a couple of years. If you're inte antiques, decide whether you want te refinish pieces yourself or buy themn aiready refinished. If you erjoy working with wood, you may find it more economiical and rewarding te handle the refinishing yourself. Auctions are a fun way te' acquire the right pieces but ba sure te examine items carefully before making any bids. Try ot things wen buying furniture in stores, make sure you try out items te ses if they're comfortable, functional and durable. Push clown on sofa cushions te, see how quickly they sp)ring back. a7~ ushing chairs around te get a ee -for their weight and ease of use. if yeu're buying a sofa with a p)ull-eut bed, ask the sales staff te, pull eut the bed for you se you can check the thicknese of the mattrese. And, don't be tee ehy te lie down on it te see how comfortable it really je. Coeidertlon lifostyle If you have pets or young cbildren, take their needa into consideration as well before buying. Ie a good idea te choose strong, heavy-duty fabrice that will stand up tea lot of wear and tear. You may want te have epecial protoctive fabrie protector applied, te make cleaning easier. Most furniture stores offer this service for a nominal fee. Ites much easier and safer te have it done by professionals before the piece je delivered than trying to apply it yourself at home. if you have youngsters, you'll want te avoid pieces with sharp or rough edges and corners. Corner protectors are a great way te get around the problem. Once you've macle Up your mmnd about what you want te buy, find out about deliverY charges and if the items you want are in stock. Keep in mind that items can be custom-made te fit your particular space or colour requirements, but you'll have te be willing tewait -- and this will liloely ceet yeu more. HNTRODUCING A NEN PIODUCT LIME!!M *5 yr. warranty *Many models, sizes, colours to choose from *immediate availability *Free delivery & set Up ($250. value) *Imported siate *Handcrafted cabinets 37 rnodels to choose f rom 22 oz. wool/nylon cloth Crafted leather pockets Made in Brunswick, 0hio TAUNTON z Cr - F- ROSSLAND INTRODUCING THE KOZI Pellet Stove Introductory Offer 1 ton of pellets purchase. No chimney required. -I --J & e> oe w "J o -~ c.>~ o ~ ci> ~> -j- 'HI-LITES'111111 from ELDON LIGHTING WE ,WILL NOT BE KNOWUNGLY UNDERSOLD * * * ** * **** ** *** ** ** *WroughtlIron CHANDELIER Coprlpclucase * ... . Mî ll - -1 @l el-8 * TABLE &Wht *DINING DINING ROOM or KITCHEN DINING ROOM or KITCHEN* FLOOR or Brass ~ Avalalen Aalbl0n W.P or KITCHEN 5-60 W. 5-60 W. o et i Polished Brass, Polished Brass, Stucco White, fr m56 .-Plse rs i Verde Green . Verde Green 1~ ] Verde Green *fon56 .-Plse rs i ). 259 L- el,,Reg. $124.95" Reg. $274.95 Reg. $89.95 52" DUAL MOUNT *LE! S AL!SALE!*SL!Rg M9 AE -60W. 15u_- 1599 ~~Avalable in vanous colours I DININGROOMorKITCHEN DINING ROOM SPIRALS HALOGEN LIGHT Pre-Wired HALLWAY or or FOYER 56" - 8, 60 W. Bulbs Black or White RESEDLGT B ROM 6-Tier Rg 399 Complote with Trim & Baffle Polished Brass 10 Lights SALE! W~~75 or 150 Watt ~2-40 Watt Pol.sor 4 as, 5T0rW.kSALE i 915Reg. $23.95 Ved re tHge rcslv .Bulbs 2ft r t.TSALE e5 SALE 6Lights Reg. 199 SALE!. ,p SSALE! ~r¼ SALE! S Warehouse Prîces on En tire Stock!TANO ýNe ut %RN LLIGHTINGI m à a a . 1 9 a0- CHISMA SECIA FRE