Whi1by r Pèý,"ënga,'oe br*,I ,Page 431 VCAR~ER I ----------- ._...._......... ...__ _ ........F.S S ON. WE ARE LOOKING FOR experîenced professionals ta help us pamrper If you fit the description, please. cait us Hairstylist -sa lary& commission:, Esthetician - experîenced in facials ta rent room. Hairstyîîst - ta rent chair. & Massage Therapîst ta rent roam. Please cati 728-0435 $200 - $500 WEEKLY! Assemble y roducts at home Easy, no selng You're paîd direct FuIly guaranteed No experience necessary Caîli 1-504-641-71778 ext 142 REG. PHYSIOTHERAPISI tovwork in Ger;atric Home care Lonig-term care settîng in Whitby FulI-tîme or part-time hotirs avaîlable $34,hr Cal 416-489-1832 nr 416-425-9722 COMMISSIONED SALES AGENT required No quotas or network marketing Your work determîines orpyheck. Locaîlly awned ~usiness needs help' Please cal 666-3617. Experience preferred. A QUALIFIED, KINO & carîng persan requires ight housekeeping or daycare in your home. alsa companion ta elderly. Mon -F-;ý Cal 666-0620 CLEANING LADY, excellent work Leave message 725-5920. PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, drywalilrepairs or installation Rec rooms ful basement apts. Fast cîean-ups on for sale properties For frée estimate-s eail Tony 430-201 *1 CHARACTER CAKES for chîldren or aduit birthdays. baby showers or wedding showers $2-5 per cake. One week notice apprecialed Cali U.lenlys at 666-0366. EXPERIENCED CLEANING lady wili clean your home Reasonable and reliable Cali 666-5526 DELBA PAINTING & Home rnprovements. One bedroomn apt painted for $49.5 100,1 seniors' discount. Qualîty work at ý-easo!;%able prîces Call today for a tree estimate 728-2969 ALTERATIONS BY MARY. Gîve your aId wardrobe a new lift. No job s tao small. Ladies'* & mens tailoring at reasonable prices. Cali from 3-6pm 436-1448. PAINTING - professionai painting & wall paper lnterior.'exterior Power wash & swing stage Na lob to small For good prices & - 000 wOris call George at 725-7,70 Free estimates YOUR #1 SEWING CENTRE. Sewing machine repairs. Ali makes. 10% Seniors' discount. Camplete tune-up f rom $29.95 + parts. Factory trained technicians. For free pick-up & delivery caîl 432-7375. ERROL'S APPLIANCE REPAIR. We repair ail major appliances, gas. 'ne remove Freon from your oid aý liances. Monday ta Saturday. BOOK NOW - eavestrough cleaning bungalows $35, 2 stories $45 Tre rmavalspruning. Dont get caught in the cold. Snow removal from $200 per seasan. 905-428-1305ý CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES. Ahterations and repair on draperies. Affordable prices. For yaur free in- home shopping and estriate cai 432- 1714 ater 5. Customer~s fabrics are welcame. HANDYMAN - clean yards, basements. cut trees. Caîl 655-3004. SPANKY'S PROPERTY MAINTENANCE. Snaw clearing service for driveways and parking lots at competitive prices. Free estimates. No obligation! Book y aur snow removal befare Nov. 3th/94 and receive a 10% discount. Caîl Jim naw and ask for details at 668-6803. STEAM CLEANING - car pet & uipholstery by Darrin Murtani. Servin gthL Durham Region for 10 years. Capet cleaning any 5 roams S79.99: liv.. din.. hall $34.95; upholstery cleaning sofa, chair. loveseat only $64.95. Caîl for a free estimate or book your appointment today. Ail workmanship guaranteed. Caîl 666-8590 1 Scho o uins. _____________ OPPORTUNITIES g$INE$$ j BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL WORD Pracessing .Services letters, reports mailing lists newsletter, graphîcs. Laser pnnter. Reasonable price. Caîl 416-368-7012 days or 905-571-0484 evenings TYPING SERVICES provided witri a ur choice of printîng an edther a ~00 DPI laser prînter or Hewlet Packarca colour prînter. A great selectior cf coloured & textured paper & envelopes are also availabie SpeciaI resumne packages also available Ca!; speFrdy Business Centre 668-0800. BE YOUR OWN BOSS - fast food restaurant fuily equîpped wîith exclusivity on ail fast food. Excellent growth potential Priced for q uick sale - wont ast long caîl 571-9464 for mare details NO AGENTS PLEASE c xe~n arnings -e F-exic!en.rz 6-N uvn D sein. * T-j bre-,3ts Enjoy them ail wîth your own home based business1 As\,& w.v -iI tefl~O 1 Cail Rubi 430 2984 or jim 571 18341 PIANO LESSONS with experienced ~5 professianal musîclan. RoyalW Conservatory exam preparation or just for fun Beýinners ta advanced Audul 1t be mners weicome,______________ Reasonable 2-90 GUITAR LESSONS. ALL LEVELS. .uisii AIl ages Accaustîc or electric > Register now. 666-1979.Cines Linen e ntdaLfor am Occasion TRAIN NG.-... nay St. Unit 12. Whithy, SER I~~ j Ontario LI N 9B5- 430-9099 DerekTheuta Sp ca forg n taadtren t planning sinoe 1986 CALL 579-7777 FOR AN APPOINTMENT. eu is lcese Mlua FrdDel. .& !CARtPENTRY WHITBY LTD. Genera) Ckrpentry Additions! Home improvement Ceramic Tiing -Rec Rvoms- DrywallAndPainting 19 Ycars in Durham- -E Region <7.2354\= XpressionZ 6 OltIr ds S'haÃ---,& \ertcais * Custoiin Beau ng & Accessories Ca3t0:15 Wndo;vis fFREE IN-H-OME CONSULTATION 666-3762 O DRIVINO @2hagSE te#0 Ohwa *728-0091 Full Drivers Education Courses NOVEMBER 8th Tues. & Thurs. 4 week course NOVEMBER l9th Saturdays 4 week course HOLIDAY COURSE 4 day course - Jan. 2nd ta 5th PRI VA TE LESSONS REGISTERED & APPROVED BY THE DSA.O.AND OSL ï