WhiiI6y' Frm 'NeiesatOveuiber 9l9~ I ARTICLES I ARTICLES i FOR SALE FOR SALE WANTEI) A professional couple to rent the main & upper floors of a detached home in a prestigious neighbourhood in Downtown Whitby. One minute to Brock St. & 401. WaIk to GO, parks and sehool. Features include: Living room with beamed ceiling & brick fireplace, spacious cat-in kitchen with walk-out to fabulous deck & gazebo in private fenced yard, dining room and two-piece bath. Upstairs: Master bedroom and 2 piece ensuite, newly renovated bathroom & 3 bedrooms. $1,000.00 includes parki'ng & utilties! (available mid December - early January) Phone 666-0902. ADVERTISEMENT Your Landiord Says Hi and Thanks A gain for Payinig His Mortgage Before you make another paybnent on your Landlord's mortgage, here are a few things you should know. Many people who rent cen actually afford their own homes - So whet's stopping them? A lot of tenants believe that they require a big downpayment. which is difficuit to save, plus pay ail the other monthly bis. Others are convinced that they don't qualify for a mortgage and that the payment would be too much anyway. Just about everyone is overwhelmed over the legal end financiat red tape surrounding the purchase of a home. It seems a whole lot easier to just keep pà îying the rent H-ere are a few facts: FACT: Many people actually quelify for e 5,7 down mortgage but don't realize it. FACT: The average mortgage payrnent costs about the same as the average monthîy rent payment. FACT: A lot of people don't want toaesk a salesperson any questions because they're afraid they are going to feel obligated to buy something. MY GUARANTEE TO YOU 1 will consuit with you on an individuel basis ta heip detcrminc what you cen afford. 1 wilt explein every detail and answer every question thet you have until you are ready to take the next step. Most importantly, if et eny lime you choose not to proceed, just tell me. There will be no questions asked and no pressure to continue. 1 know buying a home can be stressfut. MY job is ta make it as comrforteble & pleasant as possible. CALL LILIAN NORTH FOR DETAILS (905) 668-3800 TOR 686-3800 Re/Max Summit Realty (1991) Ltd. FOR SALE I MORTOAGES I HOMES 4.9% COMMISSION. Why pay 6% or take a chance with a discount realtorý? Proven fuil-time top producing a gent - open houses, advertising.Caii now. Rîck Deniels 579-3537 Major Reeity Inc. "I received 65 phone catis abota house I was seiing r B.O. SHOW YOUR CUSTOMERS HOW muc h you eppreciate them .. Let them choose their own g ift"! For an expianation cai 666-3617. SAVE THIS - you'il neyer see it again! This entities bearer to $999 listing discount. Full professional service. Joanne Swedron/Gordon Shirbon Sutton Group Executive Reeity, iýea1tor 905-571-7000 MORTGAGES & LOANS et p rime rates. Caîl Michael, 668-7200. Anubis lnvestments Ltd. Serving Ontario since 1973. CALL A PRO! FOR WHEN LIFE BRINGS SYOU A SIOCK OR TIO! Just check the CALL A PRO section and let the pros do the job' the senices you'Il find there! GARAGE STORAGE evailabie in Whitby downtown for coliector car. van or boat, etc. $75/month. First/last. 668-3640. FOR ALL VOUR 'EYEWEAIR NEEDS. 2 for 1 - Buy one pair eit $199, get second pair of sin gle vision .giasses free. Eye examinations arran ged. Discount for senior and ch idren. Tilley 0 ,ticians 102 Byron St. S FIREWOOD. Excellent quaiity hardwood. Mapie & beech. Extra ion g timne fuiiy seasoned. Very dry. Spit.. Honest measurement. Free deiivery. Kozyheat Firewood. 905- 753-2246. FRIDGE, STOVE, washer, dryer, harvest gold; microwave Panasonic top-of-the-iine, wood Fnish, black door, Kirby vacuum vvith accessories & shampooer freezer; 19.9 cu. fI. Cali 905-985-1403. JUDYS BRIDAL RENTAL - alfordable weclding gowns to buy or rent. Large selection of sizes and sye.Frapontment oeil Judy et WELL SEASONED FIREWOOD for sale. Dry, hardwood, kindîing haif face cords, face cords, bush cords. Pick up or deliver. (905) 649-3183. FIREWOOD FOR SALE - cut your own. Large oid appie trees, cut any weeken d in Novemiber. remiove anytime. Ajax-WVhitby boundary south on Lakeridge R~oad toward leke. west on Range Rd. 1 km. Lakeridge Farms A T YOUR OWN RISK. 40 GAL. HOT WATER HEATER, insulated, approx. 3 yrs oid. $95 RoI laway bed, good condition, $20. CatI 668-8070 LARGE WALL UNIT, 2 Pc excellent condition. moving sale askiqý $50. Alsu LP iecords, mini condition. mostly classical offers 905-666-2397 POWER IRANGERS: Ttanîs. Megazoid. Dragonzoid. Green Ranger. Red. Blue. Black. Yeliow & Pink Rangers. Goidar. Baboo. Squat. Separately cost $350. seit for $250 C ail 666-0077 LAUNDRV DETERGENT, lemon scented, 100% phosphate free, concentrated. 155 I-bs. or 295 kilos for '$25 Cati 666-9237 300 LB. SANDBLASTING MACHINE fuily automatie $700, 2500 PSt aîriess sprayîng equipment $1500: haif a million BTU portable propane heater. Maxori - $D1200 OeIl 668-5069 CHEST 0F DRAWERS $30; highboy $35- step iadder $5 2 wood chairs $30, 2 foling chairs $8. chrome table wîth 4 chairs S30. electrir, broom $10 668-3975ý SEASONED FIREWOOD - hard or sot appie. mapie. beech. asti, oak. Free delive Adax Pickering - MING EVNTS Cali668-111 WEDDING GOWNS FOR SALE and for rent. Aiso gowns & dresses accepted on consi Tment. Cai Rhondas et-432-9289 M- e- a-il F Call Toronto, Markham - $1 5.95/mo CaOlil Okville, Brampton, I Aurore - $34,95/mo *Business Rates evellable reg. wih Bell Canada & CRTC since 1992 Calil 619"622 ext. 258 for free day trial FOR THE "best" for your'heaith', your stress level, energy and general well-being, try our "Matol P roducts". Cali Jannette Neweli ait 905-430-8244. WALL UNIT. 4 pcs.. ight oak veneer, excellent condition, asking $600 o.b.o. Cati 666-9384 evenîngs or 666-3187 days. GREAT BUY - one se!f-cleaningi Moffat stove $250, one washing machine $100, gas dryer $100. Cati 436-2989 QUILI - this pnize-winning 'Country Bride'quit done in a combination of blues on a white background is suitable for a double or queen bed Price $600 Oeli 644-2335 after ilours wîth message. 6' PATIO STORM DOOR, used. white frame. hardware inciuded. excellent condition. $200 o. b. o. Cali 668-6185. WASHER & DR VER, excellent condition 5 yrs. oid. $300 o.bo. Cati 430-342u. HO TRAIN LAVOUT - *15 locos, roiling stock, dual power pak, lots more, $375 Unisex snowsuît, size 12, $40. Girl's coat, slze 12, $50. Doublesided easei. $40 Cati 668-1081 ADMIRAL FRIDGE, aimond, 7 yrs. old, perfect order. $250 Cali 668-4644 Look to Classfied! Ci.ASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT HUGE MULTI-FAMILYyard sale on Saturdey, November 12, 1994, 8am 2 pm, Iocated et R.P. Oil Limited, c orner of Beech St. and Euciid St., Whitby. Rein or shine. STOP! Don't throw it out. Somieone may want it. T ytheiti Free Press classifies. Wi 668-6111 1 1986 PONTIAC SUNBIRD, 4 dr., auto, AM/FM cassette, reciining fr. buckets. safetied, $1450 o.b.o. C ail 723-5852 after Spm. 1986 FORD ESCORT WAGON, $750 obo. as is. Phone 666-8996. 1981 BUICK LESABRE, PARTS or as is, good motor & transmission, body parts, etc. Phone after 3pm. 430-2571. 1980 CHEV PICK-UP PARTS, tilts, gauges, stnd. trans., chrome rear bumper. new heater core, grill assebiy, H.D. trailerhitch, more. No body parts. Caîl 668-6193. Need a car- Cmedit Pmoblems? " We have lease tk-overs repssessions) " Lease toown anymeke or modei *Cash for trade -*Cai noforfree quotas LEASEGUIDE AUTO LEASING 683-6230 - Gary 666336 1 Alilsizes. Installation and Computer Balancing aiso available 103 Dundas St. E. (corne of Hwy. 12 & HWY.2) Phone 430-8900 Ryan Keeer Auo aes :SE L-BUY fE&k GOOD SELECTION 0F CARS & TRUCKS AT REASONABLE PRICES (stop for coffee) 517 Brock St. N., 666-0627 WA T DTREE CUTTING TIM& NG Fully insured Free estimetes 433-140 I WILL BUY your contents or unwanted items. Cai 728-8485, leave a message. FLORîDA' WATERFRONT Gulf Coast prîvate home - boeting. hiking, bîking. fishîng. swîmmîng, att amenîties G orgeous decor Alil conveniences, From $350 US weekly Smeii pets weicomie GARDEN GRACE - specîiîlzing in pruning, fait cîean-u ps, lawn & garden care. pientings. Free estimates. Reasonabie. Lcensed & certified iandsceper, CatI 668-0242 or 668-0230. LAWVN MAINTENANCE pruning, grass seeding, sodding. Palil dean- ups. Renovations of gardens, rock gardens, planting, f irewood. Free estimEtes. Dutchway Landsceping. (905) 649-3183. COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE 45', S215 - $35 Phone 655-3211 1 . L-