Whitby Free Press, 16 Nov 1994, p. 35

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,Whity fre Press, Wednesdaw,-Npvembe 16 .94 Jagom35 GRACE JAMESON Grace Jameson of Whitby died on Nov. 3, 1994 at Oshawa General Hospital. She was 68. She was born on April 26, 1926 in Richmond Hill daughter of Archie and Ruby (kuttan) Muir- head. She married Alex Jameson 6 Generations of Service, Quality & Tr-ust " Family Monuments " Granite or Bronze Markers " Cemetery Lettering " Sandblasting 1 Staffor-d Monuments 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby 6689-3552 After Heurs 668-4460 or 721-9882 Home appointmerita gladly arrariged on Dec. 27, 1947 in Blind River, Ont. A Whitby «resident for three years, Mrs. Jameson was a regis- tered nurse. She was a memer of St. Mark's United Church. She is survived by her hus- band, sons David and John (and bis wife Sandi), daughters Mar- garet (and ber husband Ian Henry) and Sylvia (and ber bus- band Ed Smith) granddaughters Elizabeth, Carolyn and Mè-lanie, grandson Kirke, mother-in-law da ameson, brother Norman Barr, (and bis wife Wilma) and sister Lyla Wejnsheimer. The funeral service was held at St. Mark's United Church on Nov. 8, Rev. Jeanette Millar and Rey. Brian Gee cenducting. Interment at Cawton cemetery near Port Hope. ROY SM1TH A resident of Whitby for 35 years, Rai ph (Roy) Clarence Smith died at St. Micbael's Hospital, Toronto on Nov. 8, 1994. He lived at 15 Regency Cres., Whitby and was a fermer resident of Ottawa. A 'son of the late Har-y B. Snmith and Harriet Tuck, he was berri at Regina, Sask'., on Nov. 17, 1918. Mr. Smith was a retired empoyee of «Direct Winters !rnsport and was a inember'of St. Marks United Church, Whitby, and Royal Canadian LeIon Brnch 419, Port Perry. On Oct. 31, 1942, hoe was married in Ottawa te the former Marjorie Jones, who survives him. Mr. Smitbhe ise s survived by one son, Sheldon, and bis wife Janet of Port Port-y; one daughter, Marilyn, and ber busband Len Murphy of Haveleck; six grandchildren, Brenda, Tina, Wendy, Moorie, Jason and Jennifer and their spouses; and seven W at-grandchildren, Franklin, Michael, Gregory, Geoffrey, Melanie, Kristen andMegan. One brother, Ivan and one grandchild, Terra Lynn -Smith, died before bim. Mr. Smith was at the W.C. Town Fàneral Chapel, Whitby, wbere a private famnily memorial service was beld on Nov. 11, 1994, followed by interment in Mount Lawn Mémorial Gardens, Whitby. OBTURE i~ n i-n n ~, .~Ii ~ ~r. -'-"'----" -. '-r' -'----- IJi...j1i-L~LPP1pL~~ Dg i g g ' ' g 'g ' g g 'g Iii g g The Regional Municipality of Durham and The Corporation of the 1Town of Whitby PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE 1995 PROJECTS Local Sanitary Sewer Servicing and Road Impro vemnents for the Community of Brooklin in the Town of Whitby Thé Regienal Municipality et Durham is in the process et finalizing cletaled design forth ocal sanitary sewers required te service the Community et Brooklin. In addition, the Town of Whitby is preparing detailed design fer roadworks which wiIl be constructed in conjunction with the local sanltary sewers. A Public Information Centre te present engineering drawings, construction phasinq and te seek public input for those streets shown on tie map wîll be held on: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1994 7:00 P.M. TO 9:00 P.M. BROOKUN COMMUNITY CENTRE 45 CASSELS ROAD EAST, BROOKLIN Staff et the Region et Durham, Town ef Whitby and the Consulting Engineers for the project will be in attendance te answer questions and receive comments on the undertaking. PLEASE NOTE: A brief presentatien wiII be given at 7:30 p.m. Further information cari be obtained from: SANITARY SEWERS Region of Durham Mr. H.G. Oiver, P.' Eng. Telephene: (905> 668-7721 ROADWQRKS Town of Whitby Mr. Gary Carroll, P. Eng. Telephone: (905) 688-5803 8:30 a.m. te 4:30 p.m. Menday te Friday The Ministry et the Environment and Energy is financially assisting in the cost of constructing mhe local sewers threugh the Jobs Ontario Capital Fund. V.A. Silgailis, P. Eng. Commissioner of Works Region of Durham W.J. Hancock, P. Eng. Directer ef Public Werks Town of Whitby Election of a Board of Management for The Whitby Central B Ùsines District Improvement Area PRELIMINARY LIST 0F FILECTORSq Copies of tho Preliminary List of Electors showing tho names of ail individuals and corporations entitled te vote in the December, 1994 election of a Board of Management for the Whitby Central Business District Improvement Area wiII be posted on Monday, November 21, 1994 at the following locations: - Board of Management Office, 128 Brock Street South, Whitby . Whitby Muncipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby Individuals and corporations assessed for business assessment in the* Whitby Central Business District Improvement Area are qualified to vote in the election. Ail electors should examine the list te ensure-their names and other relevant information are con'ectly shown. Applications for revision of the list may be tiled with the Clerk between thie hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monda y te Friday, during the period Monday, November 21, 1994 to T hursday, December 1, 1994. LAST DATE FOR REVISION - DECEMBER 1, 1994 Notice is hereby given that nominations wiII be received at the office of Clerk of the Corporation of the Town et Whitby, 575 Rossland Road East, Whutby. between the heurs of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday te Friday, during the peried frem Monday, November 21.* 1994 te Thursday, December 1,* 1994 for the purpese et neminating fit and proper persons for the office of member of the Board ef Management for the Whitby Central Business District Improvement Area. Every person is qualified te be elected or to hold off ice as a member of the Board et Management for the Whitby Central Business District Imprevement Area, (a> wvho is assessed fer business assessment in respect of land in the improvement area or is a nominee of an individual or corporation so assessed; (b) whe has attained the age of 18 years; c) whe is a Canadian citizen; (d) who resides in the Town of Whitby. is the owner or tenant of land in the Town of Whitby. er is the speuse et such an owner or tenant; and, (e> who is net otherwise disqualified or prohibited by law from voting in the election. Nomination ferms and full particulars et the procedures te be followed mnay be obtained from the Town Clerk. And further take notice that where at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, December 1, 1994 the number of candidates who are nominated is net sufficient Ie fui the seven vacancles on the Board et Management, the provisions respecting acclamation apply te those candidlates. If a greater number et candidates than is required are neminated and make the required declarations, an el ectien wilI be conducted by the Town Clerk in December. Ail electers whose namnes appear on the revised list et electors for the Whitby Central Business District Imprevement Area wilI receive notice et the electien. DONALD G. McKAY, CLERK TOWN 0F WHITBY Pets Pets are available for adoption at the Animal Control Centre by calling 427-8737 I I - Board and Committee Appointments Every year Whitby Town Coun cil apoints citizens te varieus Boards and Committees. Tfhese citizens make recommondations and decisiens on a variety of matters that affect the character and quality of lite et the Town et Whitby. The appointments give Town reidents tram a variety et backgrounds a chance te, volunteer their skills te help run the Town. Whitby Town Counicil is currently accepting applications from- residents interested in the fellewing positions:, Board or Commite. Baiponsaïklles Cemmittee et Adjustment Fence-Viewer Groveside Cemetery Board Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee Plumbers' Board et Examiners Committee W t Public Ubrary Te review apRplications fer miner variances frem the provisions et theMuniK*alitys Torm et Appinmen Three Vears Te review matters Three Vears relative te the standards for the erection and maintenance et lino fonces. To administer cemeteries To research and premote the con servatien et heritage p roperties wimhin thie Municipality. Three Vears Three Vears Te examine applicants Three Vears for master plumbers licences. (Members et the Board et Examiners must be licenced as master plumbers by the. Municipality>. To review matters Three Vears relative te the standards for the maintenance occupancy et property within the Municipality. To administer mhe public libraries within mhe Municipality. Three Vears If you would like te volunteer your *skiIls te, help make Whitby a botter place te live, werk and pay yeu are invited te, make application. Application forms for gis purpose cari be ebtained by contacting the Clek's Department. Completed applications are te be submitted te mie Town Clerk by no later than November 30, 1994 for mhe Ceuncil's consideration. DONALD G. McKAY, CLERK TH1E CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY 575 Rossland Road East, Whltby, Ontarlo Li N 2M8 Phone: (905) 668-5803 Seniors! Take advantage of our Healthy Living programs at the Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre. Cati 668-1424. ISeniors! Take* advantage of our Meals program at the Whîtby Seniors'Activity Centre. Cali 668-1424. Whîtby duplicate bridge' Noulh-Soulh Nov. 2 BigIand M71 Gral 0.Adoynd% Oik. 86.5, Albrt and Marion Krwa 8U., Big Howdon and Gordon Khakhria 82.0. Bort and Wa Janvary 79.5, Hm* Mllladom and Kat Wagenet 77.5. Lena Bird and Hilda Richards Nov. 9 Big and MMGry 3&>. Di and Olga Howdon 90., rsmdDnIowos 88.5. PiÉ Adanisand Tnudy Rusi 86.5, Frankc M= IOyand ClIff Çharn*rrs 85à5. Lena Bird et 411dmRichards 80.5, Frank Hirrlng and Dossi.Dparti 805, FloChildorboso mdk HsithaOk OQ691 Nov. 2 1.ýMaiguoto Soefliaend Gorel a v 07=l.irnsEngiard mdVonnie Wiwrloe 94-6. MargarotWang and Rcih Methvon 870., Ron and Chris Adair U35. Mile Juby mdRm Rbette M1. Frank H.rrlng.ad Ses"l Bryant 80.5. Trudy Rustan d Pdt Admis 741>. 0Damd Don Howo 68.5 Nov. 2 Kart Wagner and FHage Hdorn D2.0, iren. Enbglmd md Vonnie Wharri931..Ron and Chtus Açair 900. Motlon "MdAort ICnllt 88.0. Margaret Wadg. md RuSh Mothv 80, Larry Ruostand Ida Jmnvazy 85.0. Marguerie Stefliorand Goorgis Dovay 79A0 I I 1 1 Anillial contio/ contre 1

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