Page 16. Whlby Free Press,. Wdnesday. November 30. 1994 The following is zt of a report (edited) by tC public institutions îinspection >aPnel> made Up of seven Durham Rgion reaidenta, that vis ited several local institutions Nov. 15-17. WHTY C1VC CENTRE BRECREATION COMPLEX Jane Morton, suparvisor of aquatics for tha parks and racreation departmant, actad as tha aquatics guida, and Judi Haig, superviser of sports and fitness, axpiainad the fitnass section of the complex. The complax bas a very safaty-conscianca atmosphara, and wa noted no unsafa conditions throughout the facility. Thare is an extensive staff manual oulining policias and procaduras for the aquatic division. Ramarkabia in its absence was the schoduling adjustments category, which wa undarstand is held up by the union. We would suggast that public safety could ha btter sarved by a guardfinstructer staff whch is both fuil-tima and of a more mature nature. H-igh morale and pride in the facility was avidant. WHMTY JAJL Upon arrivai, the panai was ascorted te the administrative area by A.C. Dvorakr, senior assistant superintendent, and wa mat Donna Cornwai, daputy superintandent. Following are semae concerns noted by the panai: eJanitoriai closats containing various chamical cleaning supplias wara laft open whan no ongoing claaning was avidant. Doors ware iabellad, 'Kaap Deor Closed When Net In Use.! Prisonars passing thase doors couId access chamicals and cause harm te guards or othars. 1 On the third fleor there wara ne saparate washroems for staff thus a guard bas to ha relievad of hiW/har shift to go up one floor to the washroomn. e It was notad that in the administrative wing, in the hall, saverai heuse plants ware partially obstructing a fire hose cabinet. 0 Fira extinguishars wara currently inspactad and proparly hung. IIHOPEINS STj uN~~ w~Uu~ w~u "t' ___________________________________________________ THIS W EEKOL EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED TO KNOW ABOUTi VICE MEL11NG PRODUCT Thora are an abundance of ica-mebting p roducts on the market today, al daiming te eo ffective against ice - and lhay ail arol However, thora are some significant dîfferonces in the performance of the produicts. ROCK SALT is the least oxpansivo and probabiy the most useof etal the do-icing produots. Used principally as a highway de- icr, it raquiras heat genarated by the fniction of the car's tiras and thai'oad te, work affectively. Whon usod on sidewalks and entrance ways rock sait is only effective te +20 F. UREA, thae maîl white pellets are a ue aU leave a White powdoy residuo when driod, which t'acs into your building. To noutralize this white film left on your floor from these p roducts - we recommend Swish Winterinse. This produot will rastore your shine and raduce the slip hazard created by the film. CALCIUM CHLORIDE PELLETS which we market under the nama of Swish tee Rid is the best soluton to loy sidewalks. They are designed specifically for de-icing walkways and stops in residential, commercial, institutional and industrial applications. Swish bce Rid beaves no powdory residue and does flot track into buildings. Most L potany it works effectively ail the way Ised principally as a fertilizer, tliay are Try Swbsh Ice Rid Pelts anid WnterinSe. xtremely slow working and ara only Nc(usIngthemcoubd libp'up ffecive to +25 F. Both rock sait anid urea atulrday CLEAN-IT CENTRE [s f 500 Hopkins Street, Whitby 666-1224 * Ventilation was adequate. e Windows on upper levai, were ver dirty. * The infirmary was adequately stafled and wall run. e Morale of both staff and inmatas seemed high. 0 Steraga area, where prisoners' personal 'ciothing Ã*aii-£tKpt seemed te be a flire hazard, having wooden walls and floor. One lire has already occurrad in this area. * Interior paint job done by inmates was weii done and greatly iniproved the environmeiit. The good security work by staff 15 evidenced by the faet thera has neyer been an escape, and we appiaud the efficient management of this faciiity which 15 performed undar arduous physical limitations. DURHAM COLLEGE SKILLS TRAINING CENTRE Alexander MacDonald, co-ordinator« of motive power programs, acted as tour guide for our group. Apprantica trades account for about 50 per cent of the student population. Ini ail, the centre boasts 400-500 students, with staff training nurnbering 60-65. We found the open concept facility ta ho bright and clean with safaty devicas well displayed. Morale among studants and faculty was very high. The group balayas this te be a prototype that sheuid be implementad throughout the province. SUNMMARY OF PANEL The panai fait this exercisa in commurnty service te ha aniightening and usaful. As taxpayers, we have a keen interest in how our money is spent. It would have bean usaful te this panai, and we think te future panels, if the Management Board Secretariat follow-up reports regarding response/action taken wero more spacifie in giving reasons why certain actions are not taken, rathar than a casuai referance that it is the ieson.ibiityof sorna ministry Mhertupthe hiararchy. The ministry ultimately responsible for action should be accountable by giving speciflc reasons for ne action takan. A HLSTORICAL FEATUIRE in the Wlitby Free Press i .When was the Brock Street Public School at Port Whitby used as a school?' 2.Who was Thickson's Point named after? 3. Sir John A. Macdonald was the favourite subject of which Canadian cartoonist who grew Up in Whitby? 4.Which one of the 'Four Irishmen' was Whitby's first postmaster f rom 1824 to 1836? Answers on Page 22' This feature provlded by Local Ard,,tecturai Coeoerv.tlo..Aà visooe9 Cofflttecc 75 opks tiricuei, by Buy 2 thes a Got 114 (hidwen & BRIGADIER 560XT ALL SEASON BY ENERAL TIRESý 155x8OR13 $39Ã. 95x75R14 $60. 195x7OR14 $66. 175x8OR13 $53. 2O5x75R1 4 $62. 2O5x7OR14 $69. 185x8OR13 $56. .175x7OR1 3 $55. 225x7ORi5 $7 185x75R14 $58. 185x7OR14 $62. 235x75R15 $7 WE CARRY MICHELIN UNIROYAL e BFGOODRICH GOOD YEAR e GENERAL - BRIGADIER - FIRESTONE USED TIRES $20.00 AND UP :Wh îtby/Oshawa>436-321 2f H i a PickeringlAjax 428-0333