Page 24, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, November 30,19lm CHIEF IN CEREMONIES that included Markham Town Crier John Webster <photo, left) and Lieutenant Governor Hal Jackman (photo, right), Chief Scout Awards for the lakeridge region were held in Whitby on Nov. 25, hosted by the Whitby SCO:UTrS district council of Scouts Canada. Bryan Alldred offi th Whitby Scouts is shown receiving his award from the lieutenant-governor. Robert McKeown of 6th Whitby Scouts also received an award. ht yermDesWht FePes "DARE TO BE THE BEST" TAE KWON-O ELITE 1 SCHOOL 0F TRADUTIONAL MARTIAL ARTS * BENEFITS 0F TAE KWON-DOI FOR CHILDREN: ht teaches children Ita respect lhemselves and others, ta Ileam goad sportsmanship and a Ihealthy respect for aduits and thase In *authority. It can also teach them ta do *wellI n sohool and to strive ta improve. TEENAGERS: Young aduls leam ta have the Inner strength to say no ta unheallhy peer ressures, ta make a Icommitment ta become a better Ipersan and develap Inta healthy, law Iabldlng citizens. IADULTS: Aduts can meet other Ineetnpeople and eam about odhath and fitness. Most notice a dramatic improvement in energy andI stamina, a renewed outloak on lite. *The martial arts ls a lifestyle that Istresses mental and phsclC IFISR CO Improvement In ones icaî CMR. TRF.WHTE I * 4th Degree (Dan) Black Beit I * international Instructor *~ &Examiner * INSTRUCTOR MRS. EVELYN WHITE *2nd Degree (Dan> Black Beit I National Instructor I * Both are Certified Instructors I * Both are National Champions * * * Both are Canadian Team * Members à MEMBERSHIPS To first 10 NEW studentsI with this ad. 'da AII6 a I I - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - ---- - getting a hairwct Would you really want the cheapest? When you ch oose a barber, you consider his skill and reputation as welI as price. You choose the one that gives you what you want at a reasonable, aff.Qnale price. Advertising is no different... The value points for advertising are: circulation, readership, creativity and price. Circulation: The Whitby Free Press has 40%l higher circulation in Whitby than, any other newspaper. Every week we reach 99% of the homes in Whitby. Nobody else cornes close. Readership: 'he aid adage that ads have to beaonuhe i-font page, or page 3, or up front cornes fromthe fact thal so many papers have so little real content that they don't get read. Ads can be effective anywhere in the Free Press because people read it cover ta cover every week. Creativity: For an ad ta work it has ta gel noticed. An ad with an eye-catching desigu' can frequently out draw much larger ads. WVhile other papers have fought the recession with lay-offs, we've kept our crcative staff because goad effective ads are what aur advertisers are paying for. Pirice: The only ad that warks is the anc thai gels delivered and rCad. nhe anly rcaf priccîis Ihe cast per reader. Advertising in the Free Press is really the cheapest. Circulation, Readership, Creativity & Pice. You don't need a computer to add up the BEST advertising IVALE Roty an thea ffhIfà by Free Press Caoi 6S-611 pr- vrN 1728ý4589 1916 Dundas St. E., Unit B-5, Whitby ----------- . .....