1Page 14, Whitby Free Press, WednesdiaY, December 7, 1994 "TWO 0F THE most beautiful voices in ctass pianist" Dong-Dongd Dong wiIl be in Canada," according to orgnzrs, Kpi ng concert next Wednesday night at St. Mark's Man and Xiao-Ping Hu (cete and "wol0rld United Church. Photo by Mark Reesor, WVhitby Free Press Concert features world-Mclas pianist "Two of the most beautiful voices in Canada" and a "worldl class *ianist" will be in concert nextWeednesdà y, Dec. 14, 8 p.m., at St. Mark's Unite4I Church. The concert- wasg organized by Whitby internist/ËastreenterolO- git Benjamin Ho te raise funds or acute care services at Whitby General Hospital. Pianist Don g-Don g Dong, a native of Shangh ai, China, came te the U.S. in the early eighties and won the Eastman Concerto Competition in 1983 . She now lives in Toronto. Tenor Kin-ping Man studied voice and opera in Shanghai then taught at university, fperformed as a soloist and helped establish a youth'art centre in the city of Shenzhen, China. He nxoved to Toronto in 1989. Soprano Xiao-Ping Hu, also a native of Shanghai, won the only first prize and special award for opera singer at the 20th Buda- pes1t International Music Com- petition in 1982. She has since toured around the world. She bas lived in Canada since 1990. Tickets for the concert are $10, and- are available by calling Diane at 668-5590 or Lynda at 668-4660. Free swim -and skate upcomrng The Rotary Club of Whitby> Sunrise will host the annual free swim and skate party for Whitby and district parents and children on, Sunday, Dec. il at Iroquois Park. -sony the Tiger, Pilsbury Doughboy and Casey the Bear are a few of the regular mascots to appear along with the Sunrise clown troupe. Doors open at 2 p.m. for skating and 3 p.m. for swimniing. CAi (41).72122 p:180-41-33 'GRUP OF 20 R MREI. 41 I) 93-14 please cal 666-0244 FOR AN APPOINTMENT - Insurance plans accepted - Days, evenings & Saturday ppintments available - Emergency calis accepted (ditring office Iiours) 701 ROSSLAND RD. E. SUITE 207, (Rossland 1 Garden Plaza) WIHTBYu MOJL S S Saigon