Whitby Free Press, 7 Dec 1994, p. 28

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#-A,. ---r ,rA e r% - . - ,. fr o -..,-.tI Page 28, Whitby Free Pros, Wednesday, DeoeMber 7,1i994 Students skate> for wish fund Henry Street High Sehool stu- dents and staff will go for a skate on Dec. 16 to raise menev for the schooi and the Children's Christmnas Wish Foundation. Urganized by the school's auto- motive class, frein an idea by teacher's assistant Larry Evans, the first 324 students and staff who purchase the $3 tickets that go on sale Dec. il will get out of school at 1:30 p.m. to participate in the skate froin 2 to 4 p.m., at Iroquois Park. And students will have an added incentive to participate in the skate -- there wiil be $1,400 worth of prizes up for grabs for ticket-holders, with numbers to be drawn every 15 to 20 minutes. «You have to be there in order to win," says Evans, senior bell- man at the King Edward Hotel in Toronto, and a Durhamn Col- leg auomotive student. mong the prizes is a night's accommodation and free brunch for two at the hotel, dinner for two *at the hotel restaurant, and Phantom of the Opera tickets. "Ail the prizes are very nice,» says Evans. Paula King ANDERSON C.V.I. Anderson, we are the best. Our senior girls' basketball team beat Fine Ridge to advance te OFSAA. This victory was shared with ail the fans who piled into the Anderson gymnasium and cheered along with our mascot and our dear Sente Claus. The teazn didn't bring back the modal frein Hamilton, but tho>' represented Anderson proudi>' and continued our tradition. Congratulations on a fine soason. Congratulations aise, go te al those involved in 'Brigadoon,' it was a great success. Thanks go te Miss Joyce, Miss Kavanaugh, Mrs. Ross, NMiss Pillar and aIl the other staff and students. The music department is ver>' busy getting ready for the 'World Wide of Yule Tide' Christmas concert. Conducting ceremonies wiil ho Heather Gibb, Lori Daniel- and Amy Ferrer. Tickets are $5 for aduits, $3 for students. For ail of you looking te save a couple bucks,' bring a non-perishable food item. The concert is on Dec. 15 at 7:30 p.m. in the old gym. There1l be a special appearance by Santa, so don't ho naughty and come out to 1994 Christmnas concert. 'Handcuffs' is ceming in Januar>', se, buy tickets now. PARTICIPANTS in an Amnesty Inter- national forum held recently at Father Leo J. Austin Catholic Secondary School talk with Faustino Lombe, who was tortured- and imprisoned for il years in Zambia. Lombe' received 18,000 letters fromn Amnesty members and the president of Zambia received twice that number. Lombe says the letters pressured authori- lies intoreleasing hlm. Poto by Mar-k Reesor, Whitby Free Pres 1 i.d Juliana Metselaar TRAFALGAR CASTLE The past few weeks at Trafagar Castle have been busy. On Nov. 23, our four bouses (Maxwell, Farewell, Carter and Haro) each presented a play te the rest of the school. It was a groat evening and ail the houses put on welI-rehearsed productions. Thore has aise beon a bit of panic iately, as our grads have been trying te make their three university choices. Ail week long, girls were racing around with course calendars and pamphlets, evaluating their marks against the bigh admission cuteffs. Most of the girls have also taken advantago of the universities' tours and have visited et least one campus.' The single most important event at Trafagar this term started on Monda>' -- exams. At Trafalgar, ail girls froin Grade 7 te OAC write their Christinas exams this week. Some girls have nino exanis te propare for, and wherevor you look you will find someone studying. After mest of the oxains have been written, ail students, their families and teachers corne back te the school for tho annual Christmas dinner. Many girls aIse bring their frionds te enjýo> interesting skits and presentetiens from our various, school groups, the highlight of which is always the principal's peoi, 'Night Befere Christmas,' in which events 'al through the castle' are put into the ster>'. We start our Christmas vacation on Dec. 14 and ail girls go home or te, their extendod families for the break. After such a lo~ng break, it's'always bard to come back. This year, classes resume on Jan. 4. Merry Christmnas, everyone, and have a joyous New Year. Chelsea Balzan HENRY ST. H.S. HENRY STREET HIGH SCHOOL. students got together last Thursday 10 discuss their experiences during the 'Take a Student to Work Day' Nov. 30. Ninety per cent of al Durham Board of Education Grade 9 pupils -- more than 3,500 students -- participated in the day. Photo by Mark Reesor, WhItby Free Press With Christmas right areund the cerner, Henry students are going a bit nuts. Net onl>' do we have presents te buy and holidays te plan, but we aise have another two and a haif woeks ef school work ahoad of us bofore we got a well-deserved break. Last Friday there was an air band competîtion in the cafeteria with performances b>' the likes of everyone frein 'The Butthole Surfers' te Tina Turner. Students had the epportunity te buy-out for $2 in support of an upceming trip for the music departinent. In sports lest week, the junior boys' basketball teamn participated in the G.L. Roberts teurnarnent. Even though the boys lest their first twe gaines, they held on te win the final gaine 45-39 against Pine Ridge. Last Thursday Hawks swimmers placod third overaîl in an eight-teain meet. Hayley Mess, Erika Niceta, Stephanie Currie, Sabrina Dubeau, Tain Burnett, Clinton Taylor, Jeif Armstrong, Craig Watson, Kelly Robins, Sharon Pugh and Tony Mayer aIl placed in the top three in their events. LOG is back. Yes,, Low Organized Gaines are here again. If you missed them yesterday, nover fear, you stilI have a chance te participate today and temorrow. Meet in the new gym at lunch. Hoxneroom 107 bas coine up with a great way for Henry students te, give this Christmas. The Skate Fxtravaganza wilI take place on Dec. 16 et Iroquois Park. Tickets are $3 and net only do you get te skate, but there are aise $1,400 worth of prizes and donations. Proceeds wxII go to tne Children's Christmas Wish Foundation. Tickets are liniited, go to roorn 107 et lunch if you are interested. Students planrung on attending college next year should set up a guidance appointmnent soon te start the application procees. Keep in mmnd during the next few weeks that after the Christmnas rush, we have a week and a haif te veg eut before it's back te the grind. Amnesty forum ý7ý tam

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