Whitby Free Press, 21 Dec 1994, p. 29

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Whitby Free Press, e.Wdresday, Deoember 21,1994, Page 29, Chesea Balzan HENRY ST. H.S. rve started a new tradition this a ar. It's called ' Lots seo how ate I can leave =ny Christmas shopping and how wi11 it affect my stress level." Once y ou read what we've been up to this week, youl1 understand why we 1{[awks are so busy. Henry beld its annuel Christmas concert a week ae. The performance was erjoyeaD y ail Buttat wasn't it. Not only wss thora xmusic, there was also a raffle by the music department. Congratulations to Dr. Malik who won the Yamaha keyboard donated by Mr. Ash frein Yamaba.. I can almost hear Dr. Malik now ... calling the keyboard a "tupid thing." Bot the recreation leadership class and the HAC are to be conunended for a great party. They planned and ran a Christmxas get-together for staff and their kids. Unfortunately, earlier in the day, some scrooge stole four boxes of candy canes that were meant for staff members' children. On Friday the skate extravaganza took place at Iroquois Park. Henry students are te be congratulated because of ail the money raised for the Children's Christmas Wish Foundation. Organizers said it was "fantastic." Henry's animal Christmnas food drive was once again a great sucoess. Congratulations te the winning homeroom and thanks te everyone wbo donated food, lothing and toys. If yeu've seon soea wacky staff stuif going on this week, nover fear, you haven't driven' your teachers mad (yet). It's merely al in the naine of staff secret Santas. Congratulations te the Henry wrestlers, nidget and junior beys' basketball teanis and the junior girls' volleyball teain for ail their successes during the past wýeek. Steve Edelson bas lost bis calculator and bas promised he will put an end to the 'Bad Joke of the Week' if it is returned te him. In the spirit of Christmnas (and ail Henry students' sanity) please return bis calculater. If I bear another bar joke over the announceinents I think il crack. Happy bolidays! STAR funds for 3Rs A provincial grant of $161,321 bas been g*ven te the Durhamn separate scbool board for a recycing and composting project. The funding, announced on bebaif of Environinental and Energy Minister Bud Wildinan, is made available under the Student Action for Rtecydling. (STAR) prograin wbicb encourages young people te learn and use the principles of the 3Rs' -- reduce, reuse, recycle. The STAR prograin funds two-thirds of tbe cost of modifications te existng buildings for storage and providing. storage containers, mncluding blue boxes. Funding is also available- for tbe appointaient of a board project co-ordinater. Shannon Maracle SINCLAIR SECONDARY SCHOOL HeySnclair! This past week bas been one full of festive activities and exciternent. The semi-fermal Stars and Mistletee last Thursday was a huge succese. But bow could you go wreng with free food? It was an excellent campaiýgn by tbe entiro student coundil. The top 10 reasons te, attend were wbat sold a lot of people. Ail too quickly this seinester is winding down and the word exain is becoxing a comnion word in the halls -- except for the very fortunate Grade 9s who do not write exains until next year. Se, for now, we can just hope tbat well feel a little more motivated aftar the two-week break wbich will begin in less than 48 heurs. The festive spirit this past week includes the colourful decorations found in classrooms te students singing Christmnas carols in the halls while geing te class. I think this is because of the snow and ail the Christmnas shopping that stili needs te be dono. Unlike last year, there are only two days of holidays before the big day this year. Our wrestling teain had a sucoessful teurnarnent, placing fiftb overall and baving a modal count of oe gold, two silver, and a bronze. Congratulations on an excellent tournament. The junior boys' basketball tearn played an excellent gaine against Dunbarton with the score going back and forth right up until the final seconda of overtime. The Celtics came eut with a 49-48 loss. The boys'rugby teain is making a comeback but net on the field. They will make an appearance in our Christmnas talent show, singing Rudolpb. the Red-nosed Reindeer. Pin sure tbey will do just fine (we hope). The student of the week was Mickey (Michele) Mimins. Whether she is belping a fellow student or a teacher, she is always close by when you need a hand. And shealaways does it with a cbeery sinile. Congratulations Mickey. Just a reminder that our official achool oponing is May 18. Students aind staff are invited te a sbaring session of mnmories and ideas on Thursday, Jan 12. Bring your memorabilia and yeur memories ... we want te script our history and tell it in music and song. HENRY STREET students rehearse for sohools senior concert and stage bands, 'Do You Hear What IHear'for aChristmas junior concert band, Henry Street Singers, concert Iast week that featured the Henr Street Brass and Fabulous Flautists. Photo by Mark Reesoi', WhItby Free Press LIA Theresa Magee FATHER LEO J. AUSTIN Austin, 'in the lane snow is glistening,' 'Santa Claus 18 coming te temW and 'Mary>s Boy Cbild' is about to graco us with Mie presence on Christmnas day. Tomorrow is the last day of school for an entire two weeks of Christmas fun in a winter wonderland.. And se bogins the 'Wednesday Before Christmias Column.' At tbe tep of the newe je the junior girls' volleyball teain. Tho proverbial lump of ceai ;was delivered early to G.L. Roberts, Dwyer, St. Mary's and. Ajax as tbey ail lest to the Lady Wildcats in last weekend's teurnament. In a separate mauling incident, Uxbridge was defeated 16-14. This team is just warming up, se opponents of the Wildcat can expect furtber 'gifts' in the new year. Tha midget boys' basketball teain was on a simlar streak Iast week as they annihilated net one, not two, but three competing teams te tuck a second teurnanient cbampionship under their boit. Speaking of chaxnpionships, tbe junior boys' basketball teain conquered several opponents of the Wildcat te acquire their divisional cbampionship last weekend. Botb il and *12 grade levels attended separate retreats ainidst the beautiful surroundings of Trilliumn Trails in Osbawa. The Grade 12s were treated to a thougbt-provokcing talk by Catbolic Worker House membor Scott Marratto. Mr. Marratto discussed the pligbt of the third world in very personal terme. Fr. Bagely travelled ail tbe way froin Buffalo, N.Y. te speak witb the Grade ils about the issues and concerns. of teens. Peppered witb humour, tbe discussion was botb educational and enjoyable. The Austin Wildcats know wben this 'most wonderful time of tbe year' rolîs around because of two Austin Christmnas traditions: the semi-formal dance and CandyGranis. Student council's semi-formal was beld last Thursday and the well-dressed crowd partook in tbe mirtb and merriknent of the final dance of 1994. Austin's chapter of Amnesty International will bo delivering Candyrains tomorrow. Eacb year, Austin students purchase these cards, write messages te tbeir friends and tbrough the magic of modern tecbnology, they appear on the last day of school with candy canes attacbed. On a final note, Austin, 'You botter watcb out, you botter not cry' because in only three days jolly old St. Nicholas will swing through this corner of tbe world again. And, 'aithougb itfs been said many tintes, many waLys,' Merry Cbristmias and Happy New Year! A Trent spring at. Durham 11gb school students wbo graduate in 'January bave a chance te enrol immediately in first-year university courses evenings at Durham Collage. Trent University will offer a 12-week spring academic program from Jan. 30 te April 27 at Durham Collage. Four introductory' courses in antbropology, cultural studios, history and sociology will bo offered. Each course meets two evenings a week. The session is open to al part-time students, but is scheduled particularly for the conveniance of higb school students graduating in January. 'Adv&6 n1-ýý Il .

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