Whitby Free Press, 21 Dec 1994, p. 30

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Page 30, Whitby Free Pross, Wednesclay. Deoember 21, 1994 HOW CHIRISTMAS gI'AKRED Now ne eue. raally icnows why Christmas started but this ls how the stery I heard goas.. Santa was young and vary orHe lived in a house in Then oe day as ha was waikingte the store te bu>' soe milk,haelbuniped into a very amail man who asked Mim wlere Noal Road was. Santa said, WhYr, that's the street I liva on. If you can wait oe minute, lIl taka yeu thera." Santa and Short>' becamae ver>' good friands and startad a aigh-building business cailed S and S (Santa and Short>') but it didn't last ver>' long bafore it want bankrupt. Then oe snewy day> as Short>' was waUing 'home (ha final>' figured eut the way) ha found a bunch od what iooked lika deer. Hae gathared tbem up and toek tham te bis house. When ha saw thamn in the liglit, the>' loeoed lika tliay could have bean deer but they had antlers on thoir heads. Shorty. called Santa 'and they decidad that they wvould keap the stranga animaIs fer awhiia. But that nigt Shorty heard loud noises coming fm the basement. Ha want down stairs and the dear were fiying. Whan- Shorty told Santa, Santals eyas lit up. Ha bad the perfect plan. The next day, they ware bus>' working in Shorty's garge. They ware building a briglit red sieigh, andwaýre gong toget the darte pull it. When they wera flying, tliay would drop presents off te anl thae iidren in the world. Than thay dacided that hacausa the dear wouid ha attaclied te the sleigh with reins, they would eaU tham reindear. The reason Santa thought of this idea se quickly was hacausa bis niace had plannad it, then told him. Except her plan had a lady giving prasants te children whan they took trains (bis niece took trains alot, se she would get lots ef prasants.) In Santaf' plan ha would delivar the toys and Short>' would ha cailed an al' and maka the toys- Santa's3 plan worked and ha dalivared the toy's ever>' year on Decembar 24. (Even aftar he got marriadi) Nancy Stewart Grade 6 LeslieMFale Public Schocl THE CHRISTMAS 1 WU.L NEVEU FORGET It was last yaar, it was the Christmas I would neyer forgat in my lifa. Weil maybe wlien I ama 68. 1'11 brin get zmy family scrap book and te 1 you the stey. Wel it was Christmnas Eve and I was at my hast friand's leuse it was a cold wind and a bad snow sterm, Mélanie and I were sitting by tha lire. My mom had died, my dad was supposed te pick me up but ha caliad and said that bis car * broke down. My friend's parents said te ni> dad that I could sty> the night and of coursefly dad said oka>' tbank-yeu ver>' mucli. Aare Peever Grade 3 St. Bernard SChMool IMMANUEL CHRISTIAN SCHOOL stu- whch wiII be presented tonight-(Wednes- Idents practice for their presentation of the day) at Faith Baptist Church, 95 Taunton I'Christmas Messiah for Young Voices,' Rd. E., Whftby. Admission is free. t PhtoIby Mark Reesor4 Whitby Fme Press SANTA'S SURPRISE Wbiia Santa was testiug the toys tha elvas ware bus>' making naw teys in the workshep. Wbat kind of teys wera the>' making? Ail sorts of toys: cars, robots, blecks, solders, etc. In the iethen Mrs. Claus was roastiug soe turka>'. "Oni>' fiva days tili Christmas Eva!" Mrs. Claus said.L But attha Northleavar>' thing doesn't -,goalriglit. The alvas weren't weorking as bard as the>' sliould. -The tklves weran't woridug bard bacause tha>' ware ver>' tiradt and thara wara oni>' four days til Christmas Eva! 'Santa satdown thinking how te save bis problem. Whila Santa was thnidng anethar problamn occurad. Rudoîpli got lest in the wood. "Now oui>' two day tili Cbhristmas and ail the teys arau't made yet," said Santa. Whan oe of the alves weut te faad the raindeer ha discovarad Rudoîpli missing. Ha ran as fast as his legs could carry im totelal Santa what lia lad diseovarad. As seon as ha got throuh the deor Santa had chuh f a way te help the elves, -but first I hava te look for Rudopli," said Santa. Se Santa set of inte the woods te find Rudoipli. Santa looked avarywhera but lie couldn't find Rudoipli anywhera. Se Santa waut back te hailp the alvas. Thare was oniy twe heurs te go. Santa lialped the elves until the>' were woeking fast again. Aftrr Santa laft the workshop lia set te look for Rudoîpli. Ha found hMm over b>' a cliff rasting. Ha teok Mim hack te the stable and got ready for the long ride after suppar. .Aftar supper Santa want te oa how the elves were doing. Tii.> had just packed bis bag. The elves had the reindear raady te go. The. just liad te carry the beg inte the siaigli. Mrs. Claus tuccad the aivas into bed and sanig them a Christmas carol (Up On the. liuse Tops.) radie>'W. Grade 2 St. John theo Evangeliat Sehoci CHRISflAS TREE The angel alwas Bits on the top of the Christmas trea or you eau haveaa star on the Chrismas tree 'Kimberly Ramnsay Grade O St. Theresa Schoai A2Lcli jfdI gi from th~e wS students oajour ~b SANTA'S BROTHER r Once upen a Christmnas Eva, c thera was a fat, joli>' man and aven>' Christmas Eve ha weuld gat into Mis siaigli and deliver toDys aroud the world. Sauta l the fat, joli y man. He lias twe hast lvas, Jingle and Bell. If Sauta avar lest soething tha>' would find it. Once Sant lest Rudeipli and feund hlm in the workshep aud anethar dtne, ho lost Me toy bag. He found it under the. siaigli seat. 1Now Sauta lias a brother uanied Raipli who is the opposite te him. Haelias an orange and black suit aud a back beard and lie doas net have the. spirit of t Christmas. Ha neyer buys1 presents aud once hoe stole the 1 boy s and girls preseuts and another time hae stole the. sack. This yaar h. stèle 1ail the Christmas treas. The>' lookad for weeks but the. brother's bide-eut was tee hard te fini The>' looked lu a huge hole at the. end of Christmas Town but it wasn't thara. Tue>' iooked in the. Christmast Town subway but it wasn't thera aither.1 Tua>' booked at the top of a tail,c tail tIaa but it wasn't thera. Suddeniy Jingle thouglit of1 sometbiug and lie and Bell set eut" te find a dark cave.c Wban the>' ware at the end Of E Christmas Town, Jingle feund the. bide-cut. Look, the Christmas1 trees.E Raipli was sleeping. The treas were ioeked up thougli. Ralph hia the k.>' in bis boot. Bail managed te get it eut and tha>' uniocke the Christmas trees and took tham aill back te tiie boys and girls. It was a Merry Christmas for ail. Matthaw St n>lm Gra&- Glen Dhü PublieSchoiii; THE C7 ITAS STORY Once upon a tima thera was a irl named Jassia. She was 17 ears old. One day she was aetting ready for achool. It was er>' cold outside. She put on her 3new pants, jacket, gleves and 3carf and lieadad. eut the door. Sia was getting ready aarly, ýecause sha was meeting lier riend Piper at the drug store. 'bey almost always go thera befora scliool, and thon the>' walk Lo school togather. Tha>' hauglit [ive chocolate, bars aacli. Wben Bchool was almost ovar Mrs. Bialosky said, 'I want averyone, te aead tha first chapter of 'The Greedy Grunch of Christmas!' Everyone answered in a chorus, '"as. Mirs. Biaiosky." When Jessia got home sbe said hi te lier farail>' and turnad on thie TV. She always watches Aladin. Aftar sha finlshad watching Aiaddin, sha though sha bottar start reading lier book. 1'bat's wban somatbiug strange happenad. The liglits in lier room suddeniy want green. Sha closed bar ayes and started te pray. When sha, opened lier ayes she was in the North Poe. And thon a littia tin>' aif jumped.eut of nowhare and sald M. She jumped twlce as higli as the aif. The alf was a littia scarad now. When lie was caim lia pointed te a huge bouse whlch sha didn't oea bafore. HIe explainad that ha was an aif and liow lia worked for Santa. Jessie was aid and diddt haliava in Santa. But the aif sbowed lier Santa. Suddenly she fail in lova. Hea looked around 18 and didn't hava a beard, haoliad brown hair and a smali moustache. Ha said tha othar Santa Claus retired, at tha aga of 599. -Héalais said wliy ha sent ber liera. It was because ha naeded a wife te maka hlm clothes. Ha was wonderingif sha aras interestad. She thougltfor a moment and askad if lier fanul>' could live there tee. Hae sald of course. Tha wedding was set for Chiristnmas. It was a beautiful wedding. And tha>' livad happil>' evar afrer. Carleen Kerr Grade 5 F.M. Hourd Public Sehool I amn geing te santa. Ha lives in tha North-Pole. Se lFm going a long way. Grade 1 BeIllwood Public Sehool TUE DAY BEFORE caMnIAsM Twas the day before Christmas and aIl through Whitby My parents wvere panicing trying te find presents for me. 1 was a wrack the prsnts 1 bought waren't wrappd My brother was drummling he tapedand he tapp. andmydad's fam uly were coming te "tY. Ail through the week starting Christmas Da My parents came home with their shopping baga fuil. I was pcal as miad as abull. For fI had forgotten te get a present for my dilg. Iran outaide and decided to go for DZ owt the pet store te gat Sandy a ta>'. I gave it te her and ber heart fiilad with je>'. 1 was up&in my room when I heard a knck on the dor. They were liera se early, What in the world for? They came in the door sayîng Merry Christmas, Hello. There was hugging and kissing but ne mislate. Thay loadad the prasents from out ef the car. I bat you cculd bear ail the loud voi ces frem afar. Thara were tons of prasents below the trea. The house was se crowdad, I wonderad if thara was room.for me. My cousins ware alrad downstairs playing pool. One of tham was acting likeaa feol. There are snacks upstairs my mother did call. The>' ware se hungry they almost ran right tbrough the wall. Ail the grownups wera laughing and tallcing. But I was thinldng. What's going to e in my stecldng. My mom calaed from the ldtclian, it's time toeaat. I bat avaryona was thinking it would ha a treat. Grandma said grace and than we dug into the grub. Chris thought it was grouse and asked for a sub. Dessert was great it was truely terrifie. I ata se, much I thought I was Cgoing e hasik Everyone was finishad -around aight o'clock. Then ail the grownups sat down to taUL'. Around tan o'clock it was time te goetobad. Se Santa would coma sooner that's what the parants said. I couldn't gat te sleap that magical night. I kept gaetting and tbinking it would bha liht. Se that's ht IthikChristmas is like around hera. But Nve always wishad I could we Santa and his reindear. Jan Daktcreik Grade 7 Pringle Creek Publie cSol CERUMTAS EVE Jennuifer Owens Dr. Rohart Thoenton Public Sehool

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