Whitby Free Press, 4 Jan 1995, p. 3

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Whftby FMoèPress; Wefëdsiay, January 4,1i99651 pagel3 Oucy ovrproposed hospital rote Change At the end of Decernber, 1993, Tii. Free Press reported that a forthomîng std would propose that'Whitby General Hosital be converted int a rehabilitation treatment centre serving ail of Durham Region. In sapring, 1994, it was confir- med that the study, although not officialiy released, would recorn- mend that change in the roi. of the hospital which was celebrat- inits25irth irtday in 1994. Thtprompted concern by somn. loal servce clubs aînd comi- munity organizations,'and a dlaim by hospitai vice-president of community relations and deve- iopment Marc Kealey that the prcs was too long, too costiy and a public relations cisaster. Tei. fficiai release of the study ini June waa foliowed 4y an information meeting held by the Durham Region ýAcut. Car. Study steering committee at a Wty school. An estimated 550 people crow- ded into -the school gym, and another, 100 were turned away, to oppose the recommendation made by a consultant. A second meetingi was then held the saine .I *ithird meeting, Dr. Ken* Hobbs, one' of the original Whitby Generai Hospital physi- cians- and a -former éhair of thej hosýpitai board, called for the resipations of current board chair Ed Buffett and other board members who supportd' the rehabilitativerole. Buffett, at the- hospital's annual generai meeting that was later héld in June, refused to resign and said he was insuited» that people would believe he wouid put the hoapital "atisek.» Bftthad completed his tomi HITORICAL FEATUR in the, WMhy Free Press .Where did Whitby's founder, Peter Perry, establish his store when he moved to Whitby in 1836? 2. When was an Act of Parliament passed for the incorporation of the Town of Whitby? 3. When was the first fire department established in Whitby and who was fire chief? 4. Whitby reached a peak as chair, and',was succeeded by Jin Soucb. Town council also decided, at their June 27 meeting, to join the fight ta preserve acute care ser- vices at &e hospitai. A citizens' group Save Our Generai Hospitai (éOGH), was then formed ta mount apposition tothe roposai. AIly7deadlin. ta respond to the proposai' was extended ta, Loal doctars submitted a pro- posai. that stated bath réhabili- tation anid acute care 'services could b. acconinodated at the hospital. On July 21, more than 100 people attended a meeting at the municipal building. Most of those who spoee laznmed the report's proposaIs or criticized the provin- cial government's mishandling of Ontario's health care systein. .I Auguat after bass than two montha, SÃ"GH had collected 20,000 naines on a petitian demanding that acétive treatinent services'be rotained..- In Se ptomber, about 700 people atended a rally at Hey- denshore Pavillon, telling provn cial politiciana wheo attended tat acute care services must romain at the hospitai. By late October, about 30,000 naines had been coilected on the petition, and on Nov. 1, Durhamn Centre MPP Drummond White presented it in the legisiature. AN EXPERT Looi<s"ATER- YOUii RRSP TPA INVESTMVENT PLANNING CENTRE in Whty has attracted a lot cf investor ttnin. Why? Because its one of Durhamn's top investment advisors. Their reputation for shrewd, careful investing has mnade them a popular choice with investars who don't want a lot 0f ups and downs ON THE WAY TO SUPERI OR RETURNS. »lut SOGH- membera said the presentation was bungled, as the petition was- split -- WVhite pre- sented tih. naines of those in, his riding and Durhamn East. MPP Gord-Milîs presented 'the naines of those in his riding, which, includos Whitby north of Taun- ton Road. Milîs noted that ail but two pages of the. petition wero retur- ned by the. legislatures Table Clork Who said the. petition had been . presentod in the wrong¶ formn -- Milis said it was the faug of those who prepared the peti- tion. But, SOGH said they oniy fol- lowed thierocedures outiied by Ini December, after first being denied permission to address the health council SOGH co-chair JoAnne Prout leanred ah. could mako a presentation in January. REDUCED HOUES Beginning March 31, the hours of emergency service at Whitby GeneralE~ospital were reduced -- 8 a.m. to 10Op.m. -- to reduce hospitai operating coats by $250p,000 to $3009O00. No fuli-time or part-time employees lost their jobs, but saine art-time employees got fewer tours as a resuiÏt of tÏh6 cutback. During the summner, hospital staff removed signa around Whitby that directed traveliers ta the hospital, .because emer- gec sevces had been cut back. Theere were objections by some Town councillors, but hospital officiais said they were only. com- plying with provincial laws. 0_ WO; AV»ABRKE WIHE IWHITB' IYAUO LSS HAVE LUNCH specialists t" * i FREEus 6 ITEM VWIAMEDIUM PIZZA I Lkfrorn Square Boy 1 ....1éI...Pizza & Subs wI 1013 Dundas St. E TOLL FREE 1-800-668-9247< MOBILE SERVICE, GUARANTEED' WORKMANSHIP, *'wffth most Insurance companles wfth this ad at time of purchase Advertisement TUE IDEALsOLUTION TO... 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SECUR INCOME FuNDs FOR.....~ TPA INVESTMENT PLANNING CENTRE in Whitby, advises clients who seek long-terni high income and'M capital preservation in their RRSPs, are iooking at investment alternatives in response to today's more volatile interest rates. Looking beyond traditionai rnoney rnarkets investrnents like GIC rnay be the answer TPA recornmends an exoeilent opportunity to învestment Advlsor drversify your RRSP portfolio and maxirnize income. NADEGE WEBB .. .. . . .. .. .. . . Invesirnent Advisor DONALD R. DASTI A PRàUDENT WAY To MIANAGE. Youî RRSP TPA INVESTMENT PLANNING CENTRE in Whitby, *seleots Canadian Equities with the kind 0f attention ta detaîl you wauld expect from a top advisor. But what sets themn apart from the pack is a focus on avaiding high risk, while seeking a consistent return. ThaV s important if you rely on your investment for personal future incarne. KEN HUGGINS R~t0 N~TW~N$ ~TMW!RSWP4' ~V .~ .<~.. «. 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