Whitby Free Press, 4 Jan 1995, p. 8

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page e, WhittW Free Prmes, Wednesday. Janua'y 4, 1995 The year 'in euaif In FeIbruary, Durham Board of Education trustees approved a controversial plan to hold ail- day-everyr-other-day kindergar- ton classes begnxng in Septem- ber. Te plan, opposed by many p arents, was estimated to save 95000O in noon-hour busing costs. FEWERTRUSTEES At a meeting in February, the Durham Board of Education voted ta reduce the number of trustees from 20 ta 15. in the November municipal elections. Whitby was ta have two trusts instead of three. SKMIS Five Whitby tudents -- Kris Sharpe,,Alex Kish, Bryan Birch and Peter Jaruscik of Anderson CVI and Jeremy Dresar of Henry Street High School -- won gold medals at the Durham Skills Challenge (technical skills) in April. Ksh wont on ta win agold medal in electronics in the Ontario, Canadian and North Ainerican skills challenges. Dro- sar won the Ontario event but declined ta attend the North Ainerican challne. Under a phase-m ptrogrram appoved the province, th e Dur- hamý BadoEducation announ- ced early ini 1994 that junior iinderatn classes wouid be offered, starting in, January, 1995, at two schools in Whitby. Five more Whitby public echools will offer <1K classes in Septem- ber, 1995, four more in 1996 and three moreoin 1997. SCIENCE FAIR Andrew Shiner of Ormiston Public School won a silver award, in the engineering toch- nology ciass, at the Canada-wide Science Fair in May. TRAC lER Sarah Olivo-Inkpen, a former Whitby resident who teaches at Seneca Colle ge, roceived the Association of Canadian Com- munity Colleges 1993 teaching excellence award in June. NEW SOHOOL Whitby's new Sinclair High Schooi, a $24.9-million showpiece of modern technology and design, goened to, about 800 studonts on Durham Board of Education staff began moving into the new, $24-million haq artrsbuild- ing, adjoining theschooi, in July. In the November municipal élections, Tom Qîdmnan, Mar Ann Martin and Judy Morris woro returned as trustees to the Durham soparate school board. Patty Bowman, was re-elected to the Durham Board of Educa- tion, Joined by newcomer Doug Ross.Incumbent Tanya Guiliver Banner year frpermits PROM PAGE 1 branch of the Royal Bank on Rossland Road East. Fifteen ful and part-time jobs are expected ta be created;, * an $8.2-million permit for construction of the Home Depot warehouse hardware store at Street, creating 225 jobs; * a $1.7-milion permýit for construction of mini-storage units on Victoria Street; * a $500,000, permit for reno- vations ta the former Woolco store in the Whitby Mall. The store is now a WalMart outlet and employs about 200 people. hm be usies Breakfast, meeting The Business Networkcing Group cf Wihitby will hold a breakfast meeting at Marigold Restaurant, Whitby Mail, on Tuesday, Jan. 10. 7:30 to 9 am =dison, 1w-hich includes broakfist, is $10. There wiil be a guest speker. Ail owners cf home-based businesses are welcome. Fur more information or to, rosorve a space, cal Sandi at 433-1246. wealth The CIBC Banking Centre où Garden Street will ho d semmnars on <Walth Management? on Jani. 19 ana Feb. 16. >Seminars are from 7 ta 8 p.. For more information, ca116e66- 2146. Computer infoirmLeiatiQn A free information session on the I80 9000 Network prograin will be held on Monda, Jan. 9, 8 a.m. at the WJhitby Skills Train- ingôonq;tre of Durham Colege. To reserve a seat for the infor- mation session, caîl 905-721- 3319 or 1-800-263-3735. o fd tii1 Document Shreddung # High volume equipment wîII reduce your shredding cost + Secure Iocked containers at no extra cost + Oonded drivers * 100% of paper is recycled # Certificate of destruction # Volume discounts available year-end, clean-outs 3. I CALL NOf (905) 427-3605 (Derrick) AIKEEAD'S Ini January, ail objections toaa proposed Akenhead's retail warehouse on Victoria Street East, east of Thickson ]Road were withdrawn at a special Ontario Municipal Board mneet- .TeAikenhead's outiet was originaily haif of a massive ware- house development on the 22- acre site. The Price Club was ta occupy the other half, but puIled out after a corporate merger with Costco Warehouse Club, which had opened an outiot in Ajax. Invar Industrial Ltd. owner cf the abandoned Price èlub site, thon 'applied for a rezoning ta increase tire size cf the proert ta allow smaller units te be built- -- ta give Invar tho floibility ta shlow more than one tenant. Moanwhilo, American retailer Homo Dopot purchased 75 per cent of Akenhead'se from Molson Companios Ltd. Construction of Homo Depot began late in the year.. DMCLE STRIKE A three-month strike by employees cf Miracle Food Mart stores, inciuding two in Whitby, ended in February. The agree- ment included a $1.75-an- our Mircle owned by A&P Canada, shut down the Whitby Mail store Sept. 17. Business Depot opened an outiet at the location. DBIA in February, Town council voted ta continue its support of the Downtown Business Im- provement Area. In doing se, council rejected a itition signed by 85 per cent ef £)BIA members that demanded that a special tax levied against businesses in the downtown core be held in abeyance for two w years. It wasn't until June when a $130,895 budget was approved for the DBIA. That amount was almost $21,600 higie than the budget proposed in May. DBIA t-riticos iaid the Town had no logal authority ta deai with the new budget. It was pointed out that council would violate its own procedural bylaw if it approved the budget, based on a previous session when depu- tations weren't allowed ta res- pond ta the revised budget. While approving the budget, council agreed with DBIA critics that the current structure needed revamping, and approved a plan ta eiect members of what was a counil-appointed board.* Nine people registered for the seven positMons, and elected were Doug Anderson, William Brant, Kerrr Kirby, Linda Peacock, Pat Porkins, Paul Savage and Naren- dra Sethi. CLATON MACKAY Whitby veterinarian Claytan MacKay became president-olect of the American Animal Hospital Association at the association's annual meeting in March. Ho will become president cf the 12, 000-member international organization for the 1996-96 term. Despite objections from nearby homeowners, Whitby council in April approved waiving an onvironmental assessment har- ing into a prorsed waste pro- cessing plant (Simtar Environ- monta td.) on Warren Road. LASCO Ini May, the province approved, with no hearing, the environ- mental assessment of the pro- posed Co-Steel Lasco iandfill adjacent ta its automobile shred-, der facility. As part of the agree- ment, Lasco provided a right- of-.way over its Lake Ontario shoreline property for a stretch o! the waterfront trail as well as public accoua ta the new trail. ln April, two mombers o! a. Town-appoitedcitizens' commit- tee were dismissed for publicly questioning the committeePs value. Joe Butson and David Robins were relieved of their duties on the five-person committee that advises Town council on econo- mic deveiopment. The decision was made by Town council, in closed session, after thoy made commenta about the commlttee's roe ln an article- ln the March 28 edition of The Prm Prose, SANDOZ EMPLOVEES load a traiter with TheraFlu (similar to Neo Citran). The Whitby plant has shipped 98 traiter loads of the cough and cotd medication to the Both s *aid'they feit the commit- tee had not been allowed ta fuill its mandate of advising council on how ta, attract. business ta Whitby. WALL CLLPE On June 5, a retaining walI collapsed at the plaza at the southeast corner of Rossland Road and Gardon Street, causing about $3,000 damage ta three parked cars; and narrow1y mis- sing people walking underneath. Toplaza -owners, First »Gulf Groupmivestigated the cause of theco1apse and later in the year rebuilttho wall. CHIA As a resuit of a viat ta China in the spring and a subsequent meeting, a trade mission from China visited Whitby ini Septem- ber ta sign an economic alliance. One of the companies instru- mental in inviting the delegation was KWS Energyr Services of Wluitby, which had $1.5-mniilion in projects in China and another large deal in the works. CHMR AWARDS Grant Souter wau namded Business Person of the Year and ICWS Eneryservices Business of the Year bythe.WhltyCa ber ofCommercey US. so far this year. It also ships it to Switzeramd, Mexico, Austria and the West Indies. Production at the plant increaseda almost 100 percent in 199. b MyF rs 1 -

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