Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, January 11. 199, Page 0 MeTeague to present cable petition By Mike Kowaloid Despite last week's capitula- tion by Rogers Cable on a 1a- ned rate- increasn the ,eta% MY~Dan¶ M ~e bas warned. "The battl hasn't even started yet," McTeage said after Rogers announced that it will not foroe customers to buy new specialty channels or lose existing pro- graine. "TMe petition is stili intact,» McTege said in declaring that he wil i continue his nation-wide campaign te reform Canada's regulator of cable television com- panies. .McTeaque intends te present a petition in, the House of Com- mons next month wbich would make the Canadian Radio-tele- vision and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) more res- ponsible te consumers. The' petition calîs on the federal government te order the CRTC te review the entire man- ner in which cable companies offer new channels and te ban "negative option" marketing. This is when custemers are billed for channels they. do not want and the onus is on the consumer te, cancel the service. Gable companies in Canada can charge whatever they want for extended service -- only basic service is regulated. "The CRTC must share respon- sibilit for what has occurred over 'the introduction of the new sp ecialty channels," said McTege. "It fohould undertake te, re- examine its policy of not regulat- ing the price charged b ýcab e TV companies on specialty chan- nel,"hle said. "In'addition, thé CORTO mnust review tbe operations of cable TV companies and examine ini grea- ter detail the ramifications its channel licensing policy bas on consumera. "For far too long cable TV subscribers have been virtually captive audiences for monopolies operating in this industry.» Oneof the few politicians te openly condemn the planned rate hike, McTeague's 'opposition struck a chorcr with angry con- sumers last week. . The fax and telephone answer- ing machines in his Ajax office could not handle the hundreds of messages of support from across Canada and both miachines broke down. Fellow Liberal MPs were also quick te cail with congratulations after Rogers' announcement. "I didnt do ane bng except get involved,» said: cTeage. "Which begs the question, 'Whydidn't you? » hie suid. Althougb j«ubilant over Rogers' decision,McTéague said con- sumers cannot rest easy.' As of last %rday companies such as Maclean 1Ëunter and Trillium had not y et indicated whether they will follow Rogers' lead, be noted. There is nothing te prevent Rogers or anyone else from con- By Mlark Reesor Trafalgar Castle School is look- ing for belp from the province te, construct a new gymnasium. Whitby operations committee voted Monday night te support in pnciple an effort by the school teconstruct the gym under the Jobs Ontario grant program. A.'staff report notes that in erder te, qualify «"for a sizeable grant,» the new facility must also serve the community. By1Jilin Bar The Whitby SeniorsActivity Centre bas raised more than $263,000 in order te cover the costs, of furniture and equipment for the centre when the expan- sion is completed. Their fundraisingr efforts bega li 1989, when theUbard decided that they needed more room for their activities at the centre. "We are planning on doubling Whitby man, wmns big Mike Praeterius of Whitby won $25,000 li the Celebration '95 lottery. He and another Whitby resi- dent1 Allan McDougall, each had previously won $1,O00 and a trip te Montreal for a chance to win the $1 million tep prize. They were two of 34 people from across Canada with a cbance to win the million. AIl, including McDougall, received a minimum prize of $5,000. Praetorius, 40, a maintenance mechanic for 17 years, and bis common-law wife and six chli- dren plan te pay bis and take a vacation. templating similar action again, McTege said. "Some might say the fIght's over, but it's not. We have te iook down the road and how we deal with this in the future.» The new iy would be a "real opportunit for the communit and a 'most economic al approach» te, providing a new facility, according te Town parks and recreation director Larry Morrow.. The parks and rec department will meet with local recreation and culture groups te gauge their interest in using the gym and 'report back te committee. the size of the building,» sayis Wilf Frank, vice-chair of t he board at the centre which now has 1,665 mexnbers. "We have seen great success in fundraising ý wth regards to bingo 1 mes white elephant sales anrbot ~ ogsae. The fundraising goal is $3009000. It is expected that the expan- sion poeet will be completed by S e pt. 15. 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