Page 10, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, January 11, 1995 WfCT takesa walk in the 'Park~ The next Whitby Courthouse Theatre production j <reezeblock Park,' a ncomedy- drama by Willy Russell, well- known author of other outstanding plays such as 'Educating Rita' and 'Shirley Valentine,' both of which were madeà into successful movies. Breezeblock Park tells the story of a workcing class family living in a block of eomfortable British council flats. Daughter Sandra's Christmnas present to the family is the announcemegt that she is leaving home, to run off with her boyfriend.. The family's struggle to deal with this and other situations provides as much laughter as drama. Followers of Coronation Street will recognize the type' of characters in.their play. .Breezeblock Park is directed by theatre veteran Jim Renshaw and produced by Boyd Tattrie. The play opens on Feb. 9 and ruma for three weekends (Thursday, Friday and Saturday) until Feb. 25, with a' free performance for seniors on Feb. 8. Tickets are now on sale at Lafontaine Trading Post, 106 Dundas St. W., downtown Whitby3,(430-3775). Tickets are also on sale at the mame p lace for a fundraising night Uflie dancing,' at Touch of Class banquet hall, 104 Consumers Dr.* Whitby, starting at 7:30 p.m. TIckets are $12.50 per person. A late lunch will be served. LINDA PAULOCIK (centre) Is shown at a reception held in December to mark her 2Oth year as curator/director of The Station Gallery. She Is also chair. of a Whltby Mental Health Centre committee responsible for art commissions for the new fà ality under construction. Selections from the gallery's permanent collection are also being placed on al[ three ,floors of Whitby New Year's Eve party ends Durhain celebration Tlhousands packed Whitbyls Cullen Gardens and Miniature Village on New Year's Eve for the Celebrate Durhamn '94 cloeing ceremomies. From 4 p.m. te niidnight, standing-room-only crowds were treated toE ve entertaininent by an array of talent from across Durham. Singers, danzcers, musicians, even a spoon-player, entertained audiences on four indoor stages throughout the Cullen Gardens grounds. Celebrate Durhamn t-shirts were handed out to the audience during breaks in ýthe performances. An official 30-minute closing ceremony featured a new rendition of the Celebrate Durham '94 song by Leaskdale's Nancy Hall, with accompaniment by drummer Ryan Horses of Ajax. Outdoor activities included wagon rides, a bonfire and the festival of lights. At 10 p.m., a fireworks show lit un t he skies over Cuflen Duo-pi...sts.......ncert.I 6.eafood & Steak Bouse - "1TO OUR FRIENDS & CUSTOMERS"t ANN1VERSARY CELEBRATION Peter & im at Amadeus invite you (o celebrate with us our L. "5th ANNIVERSARY". Peter your host and iim the co-partner- and Chef, wlio has worked at many renowned world class- -dinng establishments in both the USA and Canada over the past 27 years. cordially invite you tojoin us and celebrate the 5TH ANVERSARY 0F FINE DINING AT AMIADEUS.-3 We wish to thank you for your support in helping to- establish AMADEUS as the best Family Dining Establishment Durham Region. We have kept our high standards for al --these years while maintaining attractive Iow prices for our - patrons. In appreciation for your love and support we are pleased to announce additional Lunch and Dinner Specials for your choosing. LUNCH: Two New Daily Specials - These include garlic bread, S- pickles & olives, soup or Caesar salad, potatoes, vegetables _ & coffee. Ail for the low cost of $6.95-- DINNER: Tender, Juicy, Succulent, Chateau Briand for two *-at $36.95 or Rack of Lamb for two at $28.95- COME AND HIELP US CELEBRATE!! « * (Above Specials willexpire Febuary 9, 1995) -1180 Simcoe St N., Oshawa a 436-9333 or 436-9065 Duo-pianists James Anagno- son and Leslie -Kinton will per- form Saturday, Jan. 14 in Oh- awa in the second show of the the keUfer Ceo the half PilfLtd. Pub & Restaurant ............ hI by Sat., Jan. l4th - Live 10 arn Blackburn vs. NoUts. Forest $5.00 cover / Breakfast $4.00 Sun., Jan. l5th - Lîve 1 lam Newscastle vs. Man. United $5.00 cover Friday & Saturdoy NIgut RICK WASHBRQOKE No Cover Starting Wed. Jan 11lth 9:00 Pm - 1:00 arn WINTER BLUES with. THE BARNEY ADAMS BLUES BAND JAM NIONT Sunday,.January i 5th Durhamn Region Concert Associa- tion's silver anniversary, season. Renowned for both their rap- port. with audiences and their musicianship, the two have set the standard for duo-piano artis- tery in Canada. The concert begins at 8 p.m. at the Salvation .Arzny Temple, 570 Thornton Rd. N. For tickets or more informa- tion,. caîl Thomas House of Music, Whitby, at 430-8015. Gardens. This was followed b dancing in the tea room, With music provided by The Edge radio station. Then at rnidnight, a second fireworks display welcomed the new year. 'World' seriesu of videos The Around the World video series is underway at the Robert McLaughlin Gallery. A videon50 to 55 minutes in length, is shown every Wednes- day, 2 p.m., until t he end of Feruary.. The series began today (Wed- nesday) with a video about Paris, France; Jan. 17, Venice, Italy; Jan. 24, Athens and the Greek Ièles; Jan. 31, Rome, Italy; Feb. 7, Portugal and the AMores; Feb. 14 Bali: A Window on Paradise; Fol,. 21, Arizona; Feb. 28, Barba- dos. Admission is free. Visit a friendly Irish Pub (only 20 minutes away> *10 of your favourite brews on tap as welI as a full compliment of beverages. *Try our fine Irish Pub lare. *Top off your evening with a game of darts. For a relaxed, casual Urne corne to a warm comforta ble atmosphere at The Atrim' 0House Good Food Good Diink. Good l7mes. 56 Water St. Port Perry.985-8853