Whitby Free Press, 11 Jan 1995, p. 27

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Whitby Free Prosu, Wednesday, January 11, 199, Page 27 HOW TO BOOK VOUR CLASSIFIED AD. CatI 668-6111. Ads placed by Monciay at noon wîtt be pubiished that Wednesday. Prepay by 5 pm to save moneyl Or, prepay Wth your VISA crd when plading the ad. Fax your ad to us at 668-0594. Please ensure you provide ail pertinent information, anid a number where we can reach you, if neoessary. Mail your ad to: Whitby Free Press, Box 206, Whitby, Ontario, Li N 5S1. Ads should be mailed to arrive by Monday at noon. iYou can enclose your payment, or provide biling information. 't We're open 9 arn to 5 pm, Monday to Friday. Place your ad by Monday' at noon for Wedneday publication. If your can't make it in durg offioe hours, we have a mail sioto the left of our front door. ....E R .......................... Human Resources Development Canada CUSTOMER SERVICE TECHNIQUES: This 123-hour program wiIi develop the skills needed to succeed in any customer service reiated position. lncluded in the course are the employability skills that were listed as essential in the Conference Board of Canada study. Appicants wilI have at teast 3 years' work experience. This fuil-time course runs from January 20 to February 17,1995 EIigibiIity Criteria: Appicants for these programs must be unemployed and receiving UIC benetls at the time of the course start date and must reside in the Region of Durham. In addition, you must successfully complete entîy tests. Location: Courses are held at DIAMOND MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE (Ajax) at Suite 404, 95 Bayly St. W. Durham Reglofi Local: 427-1922 .. W..N..... BEAUTY CENTRE IS LOOKING for a massage therapist to join our team. 2-3 days per week. Please caîl 728-0435. ALASKA JOBS! EARN UP to $30,000 in 3 months fishing saimon. Aiso construction, cannenies, oil fields, plus more! For immediate response cal 1-504-646-4513, ext. 142K-02, 24 hrs. CAR ATTENDENTS & counter representatives renquired. Experience an asset bu t wil1 train. Drop off resumne at Discount Car & Truck Rentais, 413 Dundas St. E., Whitby. FACTORY OUTLET IS NOW hiring. No experience necessary. Must be motivated & energetic. Car s necessary. $1800/month saiary. Caîl BilI after 2:OOpm 430-5307. AIRLINE JOBS! NOW HIRING $10-$25 per hour. Al positions both skilled & unskilted. excellent pa ~benefits. CatI 601-799-1362 for new dinîc in Whitby area OPENING SOON! * Estabîished practices given preference *@Experience required For interview caîl 905-571-2166 L ea ve message Long Distance: 1-800-268-0339 DAY AND/OR night cieaning staff plus cafeteria staff required. Cali (905) 649-5171 ask for Steve or Ro bb e. WINCHESTER ARMS Pub & Restaurant in Port Pemry is iooking for reliabie & flexible wait staff & an experienced cook. Please bring resumne to 189 North St., Port Perry L9L 1 B7. HAVE FUN making extra money as a TV or movie extra! Ait ages needed. Calil<905> 428-9756. HAUGEN'S BIBQ WHITIBY is hiring experîenced & mature servers. Appiy within with resumne. Dundas & Thickson. 728-9262. GET PAID TO SHOP AND TO eat. A national customer service evaluation company is looking for mystery shoppers in your area to evaluate the service level at retail stores and restaurants. -Cali 1-905-844-8932 January l2th. MOM & TODOLER ARE looking for a femnate chaffeur to drive themn around Whitby on daily outin gs. Hourty rate plus gas. Cali 430-8657. RELtABLE PART-TIME heip required for Wednesday evenings, 6:30-1 1:OOpm. Must be able toi some heavy fumîiture. If interested Clase caîl 905-683-0041 or 905-985-8161. PROGRAMS STARTING SOON: Health Care Aide, PC Technical Support, Windows Application Programming LAN Administration, DesTop. Publishing. Eveniny seminars in MicroSoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access. Tuition counselling available. Cai Computer Leaming Centre 668-9713. DR MIN r OSHAWA 'SCH-OOL Fui! Drivers Educqtion Courses JANUARY l4th Saturdays 4 week course FEBRUARY 7th Tues. & Thurs. 4 week course FEBRUARY llth Saturdays 4 week course a PR! VA TE LESSONS* REGISTERED & APPROVED BY THE DS.AO.AND OSL GUITAR LESSONS. Ait leveis. Ail ages. Accoustic or etectric. Register now. 666-1979. KEYBOARD, PIANO & THEORY tessons with experienced, friendly teacher. Ail levels, ail ages, exam & competition preparation in modem equipped studio. Cali Halina Zielinski 430-3038. LEARN TO SWIM IN clean, cozy atmosphere of a private indoor pool.. Qualified instructors. Days, evenings, week-ends. Cati now for January registration - chiidren & aduits welcome. Enquire about * iate tessons. Lorashton Aquatics 0O5-666-0906. Tap into your ' -child's early L ......... m *- - - 1 Shoo ofBusnes BOOKKEEPING -accounting services avaitable. CMA-expenenced, very current and computer iterate. Smati business, self- empoye d, . taxation. Reasonable rates. 905-666-6887. WOULDN'T IT BE GREAT if someone hetped you select computer equipment, elped set it up-hetped train your staff? We do!! Cai Compeng Associates 725-5407. WE DELI VER FLYERS The Whitby Free Press 668-6111 WINNING Be a sure winner every time! Use the Classifteds 0 C»8- C-» I IL:I learning potential. Create & Discover Presehoot offers a carefully bataniced 1/2 day program l'or 2 and i12 5 year ld fatunng: " an unparaiieled group size of 5 chiidren " ESCIE. teacher-, wiih 20 years. experience " music. stories. draina - imath concepts " computer- reading readiness progrnn. emphasizing phonetics " fine miotor deveiopmnent ihrough imixed mnedia ais. printing. ovs & puzzles " Outdoor play includes swings. cliiiînbr. slide & sandhox. Make the mosi ofthe preschoolyean! 430-1737 - Whithy 0 un v w , eiiffim

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