Page 14, Whltby Free Pros, Wednesday, Febnaiy 1, 1995 Amibulance driver earns the 5th degreh ancient martial art ByMark Reesor Frank Hili is hookedl on nin- jutsu. "«Ite'slikoadrugge; a druggie wats togt auother fizso-ho cau get that high agam. "I don'et have to do drug because if I learu a now move- ment thon I eau break that movemeut'dowu sciontifically -- for me that's like a high.. «Anâ whon I get to share that with other people, itsan oven botter feeling.» The Whitby abulance atten- dent'has a.fith-degree black boit teaching licence -- the highest rauking iu Ontario -- iu uinjutsu, aud has started a club for peoplo interested in the aucient martial art. "I love it; its chauged my whole ifoe... it gave me confidence lu myself and allowed me to deal with life from a differeut pers- pectivef Niujutsu covers ail aspects o Asian martial arts, says Hill. Most others, such, as judo, "have been refined sud a lot of the dangerous techniques bave been removed sc> that they eau introduce them lu a competitivo mauner. "Iu our stylo, we do a lot of woaponry... sud a lot of historical stuif as well as -contemporary things. Weapous change over thi. centuries (sud) youve got to b. able toadapt tochango Also, «we're deeplyrooted lu philosophy where most other styles teach very little of it.» Hilîgot iuvolved lu ninjutsu through a uoighbour who saw a magazine ad ror a book on the martial art. «W. thought it was a load of HOIVIE GCARME A VA ILABELLE I~Â 206 Chestnut St. E., Whitby e 430-0514I malarky but we ordered the. book sud split the. cost." Hill soon ordered more books andbea trai"nnu with a club inu Misaissaga, tie, closest ho could find . Four yoars lator lho made his firsttrip to Japan to study with- the 34th graudmastor of. the Togakurery niujutsu family, Dr. Masaaki Hatsuiui. «rve been going evor sinco, five times iu the last seven years, and stay two te three mouths. Hill obtained bis flfth-degre black boIt teachlug licous. from Hatouzul. Two years ago ho ropreseuted Canada at a public demonst- ration of n*ujutsiu for 16 ambas- sadors at the Canadian embassy in Japsu.. Call Hill at 433-1083 for more informnation. 9It' very family- orieuted (and) we have guysi fromn aIl differont backgrouuds, " ho saysj. FRANK HILL has obtained his fifth-degree black beit teaching license in ninjutsu. The Whit:by ambulance attendant travels to Japan every year to study with a grandmaster and has begun a club for people interested in leaming the martial art. Photo by Mark Reesor, WNhy Free Press 4~ïJt81edd«J0 PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL NEW LOCATION a 666-2853 3000 Garden St., Suite 204 (Loblaws) Lori Thachuk Certified Professional Electrologist Y carol e4SKINe CARE 1'Beauty care from head'to toe' Electrolysis * Facials * Makeup Manicures * Pedicures * Waxing Glft Certlficates Availlable .COST FREEË- CONSULTATION to discuss your treatment needs and to take away your fears. - FuIIy qualified technologists in the field - Established since 1983 - Doctor referrals - Member of Electrolysis Assoc. of Ontario ,' Reasonable Rates MO-L s s sa - - - - - - - - - - - - - -