Whitby Free Press, 1 Feb 1995, p. 1

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to tackle Whitb y'S problenis' Anatetwillwbe lmade to devise a Whitby solution to the proýbiems created by a changing society. Town council Monday appro ved establishment of a olner citizens' committee. that wiii r~ew>methoda used by other muncplties in combating vani-, eus societal problims. . The commidtte. il deterinne wÏhich mesuros can bèst b. ilm- plemented iocaily to deai with *uch examnples of «anti-social behaviour» as distribution 'of hate literature, vandaiism, sexuai abuse and assault. 1With oniy councilior Dennis Fox dissenting, council directed staff to set in motion a proces that will lead. to formationà of the committee and the drafting of its mandate. In binging forward her resolu- tion te croate the committee, councilior Judi Longfield said a similar initiative was proposed a few years ago and rejected by council. But 'with some probiema becominjK more frequent in Dur- ham Region, "I think it'. time we asked our citizens to look at what other communities are doing andsee if it can bo applied here, said.ILongfield. For exampife, the cost te Whitby taxpayers in damage from vandalismbas grown te $58,000 -from $25000 in lessi than two years, Longield noted. «It'. not just kids- kickixig over trash cans, it'. a littie more premeditated than that," she said. in arguing for the committee, Lionged stressed that she was not knckngexisting.program such as NeîighbourhoodWatch, but that the type of problems' SER PAGE 2 By MikeKowalsd A change in direction could b. in store for Durham- Region's conservation authority The Central Lake, Ontario Conservation Authority (CLjOCA), ls about te embark on a review of. '¶invironmental grouqpsj, gvern- ment and. the generar ipub c will- b. sèolicited for'their -vieso whether CLOCA ie fuifilling its noie of' watershed management and protocting natural resources.' Some -contend the. authonaty bas strayed too far. from its, mandate by delving into areas where it does not bel1ongý, such as an ill-fated attempt te develop land in north- Oshawa a few yeans ago. Although the. review will not fullygoft under way until after CLOC'. annual meeting on Feb. 7, it. cannot. corne soon enough for some authority mem- bers., "In my view, I've feit for quite sorne time that the authority has lost its focus "said Oshawa coun- cillor and CLOCA chair Irv Han- reli. "We've wandered off inte areas that might not be applicable te the authonity's mandate,» hoe said. As a resuit of his and other members' concerns, CLOCA i. undertakcing a «corporate stra- tegyrýeview,» Harroîl said. 9It'intended to aliow al membens of the board and general lpublic an opportuni tt provide input on what shouid b. our cone business and our priori- ties » ho expiained.. ,While Hanreil declined te cern- ment specifically since it involveès personnel matters, sources teld. .The Fre. Pross theimpetus for the review stemmed foman earlier study. ThIis «iternai1 -cons uitant'-, report made sevonal recommen- dations which >eventually- led* te the externali eview' sources said. «We got a lot ci~ strongý feed- ýback, most of it bad,» one souirce said.' But according te, Harreil, tbis i. only,«partially» correct. .The essence of what we want te accoplàshei. the -corporate strategy,»ehosaid. "The other tbing -i. tied ixlte it ... but it's an area, I c annot comment on.» With a budget of about $2 million and 27 fuil-time employoes, CLOCA i. one of five conservation authonities sorving Durham Region, although'it is the only on. contained entinely within the region. Parts of ~Durham alsio fal within the. watersheds admini»s- tered by thé Ganaraska Kawartha, Lake -Simcoe anA Metro Toronte & Region authori- ties. Funded by both the -Ontario govenont and Durham Region, CLOCA has a central office in Oshawa and thnee field offices elsewhere in Durhamn. It is gov erned by a 15-meniber board consisting of 13 regionial councillons and two private citi- zens appointed bythe province. Councillors, Marcel Brunelle, Joe Drununm (a former CLOCA' chair) and Genry Emm are SEE PAGE 30 MP, Flaherty sugges secodlo tshores plan By Mike KowaIskl Ne..w voicos are boing added te the chorus cf those deanding reconsideration cf the. Lynde Shores devlopmont proposai.. Durham Contre Pro!rosnive Conservative candidaten imPa- herty belioves the controvensial projects5houid go back te the arawingboard. Flaherty says the. Ontario MuniciPa Board (0MB) should sendth propmoal back tethe Town cf Whitby for re-evaluav tion. An 0MB pre-hearing con- forence inte, the matter got undon way iast week (seo story on page 17). Meanwhile, Ontario iding MP Dan McTeague wants te ensure that al fedonai rogulations woe observein Mithe.procesleading up te a ppnoval of the joint pri- vato-publE sector initiative. MecTeague demande assu;rance that affectod fedoral govermnent agencios were asked te comment on the proposed development's impact op-..the. Lynde Creok Marsh. After* attending last Wednes- day'. 0MB pre-hoaring, Flaherty has corne te tthe conclusion that the proposai, requires a second look. 'Mhe most appropriate course cf action wouid be for the. 0MB to nefer it back te tii.« Town cf Whitby for reconsideration,» ho said Flaherty, Tor hopefuI in the riding now ho Id by -New Derno- crat MPP -Drumrnond White, said bis decision was based on a' number of factors."" «I'm concerned that the, Ontario govenmenit 'through its lawyen, would ask Ion an early. (hearing) date," ho said.> (James Harbeli, solicitor for the Ontario Realty- Conp., and lawyenis representing the Rose Corp., Durham Regiïon and Town of Whitby, ail requested that the. hoaning commence as_ soon as possible.) Flaherty aise castigated for- mer provincial environmont ministen Ruth Gnonr for hon 1992 decision te exempt the proposaI frorn undergoing an environment assosamont. In addition,' ho criticizod Whitby council for being - iii a hurry»te approve the subdivi- sion plans before last November's municipal election.* "I dont have an axe te grind one wa~y or the other'about the* marsh,» Flahenty insisted. <Tm' tring te -look at it objectively." Faerty noted that thepo vin- SIH PAGE 18 Comimittee- MM M ..... . . . . . Biolog5st alowed as witness 1 CLOC<A operations to be.reviewed, "e.. te athority has lost its focus"

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