Whitby Free Press, 1 Feb 1995, p. 21

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Whltby Froe Press, Wekiesday. FobruarY 1.1995., Pae 21 The Cesjarean Prevention, Supp~ort and Education Group of DýraRegion wiil meet on Monday, Feb. 6, 7:30 p.M., at 10 Fewster St., Courtioe. Topic for discussion ill be '<Postive Post Partum Tlps.' For more information, contact Leeann at 432-1425. CAUDS Valentine Court whist card games, hosted by.- Ail Saints Anglican Church, wiil be held Frday, Feb. 10, 7:30 p.m. Refreshments served. Tickets are $5. Cei Pauline at 668-4886 for tickets and information. MACHINE KN1TfERS The Oshawa Machine Knitters Guild will meet on Tuesay, Feb. 7, 7p.m., at Dr. S.J. Phillis Public School 625 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. Thxere 'will be a demonstration of weaving, lace and other attachments. For more information, caîl 728-8531. CHINESE NEW YEIAR The Chinese Heritage & Inter- national Language School'parents wiil clebrate the Chinese New Year on Friday, Feb. 3. at Eastdale CVI. Tickets are $8 for adulta, $5 for seniors and children. Cail 579-3628, 430-8642 or 432-7684 for ticket sales and additional information. QUILTERS GUILD The Durham Trillium Quilters Guild next meeting wiil meet on Tuesday, Feb. 7, 7:30 p.m., in the Caribbean Cultural enir, 600 Wentworth St. *E., Oshwa. Wheelchair accessable. For more inforation, caU 9054683-5135 or 905-725-7751. MUSLJM DISFLAY The Ahmadi aMovement in Islam (Durhamec ater) will have a display at the Whitby Public Library Feb. 1 to 28. Thie theme will b. Rahnxadhzan (month of fasting). For more information contact Lone Alunad at (905) 666-9539. "i wnau~s~ VEGETAIAN COOKING Kendalwood Seventh Day Adventist Church will hold a vegetarian cooking-nutrition achool on four Sunhdays, beginning Feb. 12 and ending March 5, 3 to 5:30 p.m., at Kendalwood SDA Churèhassmbly room, 300 Kendalwood Rd., Whitby. Coet is $25 per person, limited spaces available. To'regieter or for more informnation oeil Tim or Helen at 436-8875. PARKINSON Parkinson support groUp, Durham Region iclapter, wiil meet on Monday, Fe. 6, 7:30 p.m., at St. Markes United Church, WhVitby (corner of Colborne and Centre streets). Guest speaker ie Janet Ozenchowekys fleld -director, Parkinson Foundation.-For more information, cail 666-8576 or 668-6580. DILgRSS CENTRE Training workéhops te become a volunteer peer counseilor with Distress Centre Durham's 24-hour-peer counselling heipline wiil b. held Feb. 12 and 19. Cal 723-4461. SPORTS DANCE The VWitby LegionBranch 112 Ladies Auxiliary will hold a sports dance on Saturday, Feb. 18, 9 p.m. to, 1 a.m., at the Legion hall, 117 Bryon St. S., Wihitby. Music by Ron Moore. Dress ie casual or western. Cost ie $5 per person and lu:hch is included, plus spot and door prizes. Refreshments available. For tickets *eall 668-3215 or obtain at Legion bar. HOSPICE DURHAM Hospice Durham, a non-profit community-based . volunteer' program that provides mn-home support, needs additional volnters and bas scheduled a volunteer training prormat Mémorial Hospital in Bowmanville. The 24-hour course je offered Saturdays Feb. 11, 18, 25 and on March 4 (a day). Registration fee je $20 for people who will commit to a least one year of volunteer service. For those unable te make that comniitment, the fee i. $40. For more information, cal 905-435-5242 or 905-623-3691. PRNATAL EDUCATION The. Childbirth Education Association of Durham offers courses that are scheduled te, suit expectant parents. Refresher and sibllng preparation classes and weekend infant cars workshop are also offered., The free . aly pregnancy , seminars offered monthly at the Ajax Public Library are available te, everyone. The regular prenatal series of six classes je 'held weekly in both Pickering and Oshawa. Cal 905-420-3890 or 905-576-0562. MONTE CARLO NIGHT The Kinsmen Club of Whitby will sponsor a Monte Carlo Night for members of the Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre on ZhurdayFeb. 2, 7:30 p.m. There ill rbeblackjack and wheels of chance with prizes. Cost*is $1 at the door or pre-regieter at the centre. Rtides will b. provided if needed. For more information calI 668-1424.. Non roit OOMMunltyrotip 6wwhlch are ased on )Whty or have a substantial WhltbY membershlp May uplace their or ac tivi es on ths page at n0 cost. faon Wa IflS«4@fl l fflC CLUB The First Oshawa ITC Club, which helps develop confidence in public speaking and leadership, will meet on Tuesday, Feb. 7 p.m, a the Michael. Starr Bidng first floor, 33 ing'St. W., <5shawa. For more infrmaion cal 25-9179. PHOTfO CLUB The Whitby Photographic Club will meet in room 111 at Henry Street High School, on Monday, Feëb. 6, at 7 p.m. Guest speaker Toronto Star photographer Rtichard Lautens wii discuss hie career as a photojournalist. Al welcome. For more information, call Peter at 430-0823. DESSERT !AND) CAIRI)PARI' A dessert and card pary 1il be held on Wednesday, FeblS 15w p.m., at St. Marks Unite Church, 201 Centre. St. S., Wbitby. Tickets $3. Cail 668-3057 or 668-3091 for detais. flNC The Flrs't Oshawa ITC Club, which helps develop confidence in public speaking and leader- ship, will meet on uesday, Feb. 7, 7 p.m., at the Michael Starr Building, first floor, 33 King St. W., Oshawa. For more informa- tion, caîl 579-9179., VALENTINES DANCE A- Valentine's dance will be held on Saturday, Feb. il,7:30 p.m., at the Whitby Seniors Acti- vity Centre. Music by Brian Smith. Cost is $4 at'the door. Caîl 668-1424 for more informa- tion. Bfflv9RMBREATHING The Lung Association Botter Breathing support prora will b. held on Tuesday, Feb. 7, 1:30 to3 P.m. at 40King St. W.:suite 300, Osâhawa. To pre-register (requirked), caîl 436-1046. STAMP CLUB The Oshawa Stamp Club will meet on Tuesday, Feb. 7, 7 p.m., in the cafeteria at O'Beiil CVI, Oshawa. Coilectors and gueste are welcorme.: For more informnation, oel Boy at 728-2599. EUCHR Euchre, sponsored by the Odd- fellows and Rebekahs, is held ever Friday 8 m. at 211 Brocx St. S.1, Witby.Âdxission is $1.50. Ai weloome. OHILI)PRINT Big Sisters 'Newcastle- Oshawa-Whitb, ini co-operation with Durham Beioal Police and the Independent Order of Foresters, wiil sponsor a free fingerprinting day at the Wbitby Mal on Saturday, Feb. 4. 1 to 5 p.m. For more information, RaR 436-0951 or 721-1700. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY The Whithy-Oshawa Brandi of the Ontario Genealogical Society will meet çn Tuesday, Feb. 7, 7:30 p.m., at Hery Street Hlgh Sohool cafeteria, 614 Henry St., Whitby. Topic 'is beginnerd night and problem eolving. ,'For -more information, oeil Marion at 683-2476 or Bessie at 723-7460. KAIRAOKE NIGUT James House Durham (posd EHIV/AIDS home in DuhmRegion) wil hold a karaoke- night, featuring Starquest, Saturday, Feb. 4, 8 p.m. to 1i a.m., at the Hungarian Culture, Club,' 64 Aiban St., Oshawa. Cost is $8 in a ce $10 at door (buffet included). Volunteers are needed. For more information, oeil 686-5242. g ~ u ~ relu s] ~±1 M ~ :&U~Ie] :~ i I FU~V±1 M -- L.....~ O ~ .w#~ a%4 fr%/~ ~ #Nè~C4 fiN ~IINI I

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