Whitby Free Press, 1 Feb 1995, p. 30

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page 30, Whitby Free Pross, Wednesday, February 1, 1995 Conservaion authority o!per ations to. be roeviewed FROM PAGE 1 Whitby's plitical representatives on CLOtCA for the next three yoars, while David Archer of Whitby is a provincial appointee. Ajax resident Katrena Halli- day is the other non-politician. Created in 1958 as a way te help prevent a recurrence of tho destruction inflicted on southern Ontario by Hurricane Hazol in 1954, CLOCA and ahl conserva- tion authorities have oeveral vital functions. 1 m "One of the most important' thinga wo do is watersbed management and reguiatingý floodpiain areas te, protect people and the environnient; te, prevent people (development) from' encroacin too close te the watershod,» said Harreil. AithoughÉ conserving naturai resources is another part of CLOCAs mandate, some of the measures impiemented li recent years 'te achieve this goal and the way they came about cause bum concern, Harreil adnitted. I I~iw Are You, Gambling wuth Your Family'st Financial Future?~ Àdjb7-The federal gomerment is planning to deal YOU WUIAT (AN YOU DO? LEARN HOW TO BEGIN SAVING NW! RICHARD RHODES - TAX EFFECTIVEL Y - For aFREE pubticaîon ta eam haw ta keep Marofa what yau eam, cal! Rchard Rhodes at THE EQUION GROUP Wealth Creation, Preservation and ManagementL 3000 Garden Street, Suite 214, Whitby Ask a Oour free monthly "TAX TIPS" semninars! The Newspaper Publishers of -Ontario For instance, Harreli wonders if the authority should be in the "parka business» as he described one of CLOCAes functions. «Wde responded te aroas of funding that are not truiy applic- able te our mandate,» hoï said. CLOCA's failed attempt to elo off surplus land in north Oshawa for a housing devlopment would be. an example of how the auth- ority bas «lost its focus," Harreli said. (The proposai iiteraiiy stunned David Crombie when the former Toronto mayor learned of- CLOCA's intentions during the Durham Region portion of bis 1990 royal commission hearings inte the future of the Greater Toronte Area7s waterfront.) Stressing that ho did not want te «prejudge the process an.,drili- pose mr personal view, ari said ai groups and governxnent agencies whîcb do business witb CIOCA, as weii jas tbe generai public, wili be consulted. "We're just in the initiai stages, the opportunity for public iniput bas not rrved yet." Bruneile concurs with Harrel tbat the review is "long overdue.» «I was a citizen member repre- sentinq Whitby in the eariy seventies," he recaiied. «(Former councilior) John Goodwin was the chairman and it worked.» Returning years later as a regionai councillor, Bruneile iooked forward te going back but was disappointedby what had trans ired in the interval. «Since tben things have slip- ped be said. utseenis were Fspendingmor time with the politics of the Rgion than worrying about floodpiains and wbat we shouid be <bing .» Brunelie confirmed tbat an internai review was conducted, but preferred not te discuss it ini tgreat detail. «Thero was a preiiminary con- suitant's report Ubrought forwar< Answers to Whitby Trivia from page i1i 1. Traagar Castie Sohool, as the Ontario Ladies' college, almost became a female university in the 1890's. 2. The f irst Whitby Free Press was published in 1880 as a f ree paper by the Whitby Gazette. 3. The Whitby fire department saved downtown Oshawa trom a tire set by an arsonist on Dec. 8, 1872. 4. Henry Langley (1836-1907) designed AlSaints' Anglican church, 1865/66; St. Thomas Anglican Church, Brooklin, 1869 and the first St. John's Roman Catholic Church, built 1867/68, burned 1901. whicb looked at wbat other auth- orities do and wbat ho tbought we sbouid do " said Bruneile. "TMe boarci of the day were of the view tbat it was time for a thoroug h review,» ho said. "Ho (cconsultant) looked at that and confirmed wvhat everyone was thinking -- that thero sbhould be more openness, more public examole, the consultant auggsted that gioups with a particular 'intereostý in the environment sbould be more in- voived in tho decision-inaking process, Bruneile said. 'II dont icnow if that's tho way it wiil turn out, but that's whatlI tbink should happen » ho added. Meanwie, Harrel intends te seek a second terni as CLOCA chair at tho Feb. 7 meeting. .Even thougbheholi one of il Oshawa mnembers of Durham Region council, Harreil wiii not be representig bis own munici- pality at CLOCA. Whiie regional council can a Toint any ono of ts own te COCA, it usually foiiows tho local municipaiity's wisbes. Since his name was not arnong tho four submitted by Oshawa, Harreli was in danger of losing bis seat on the autbority. .However, a vacancy was crea- Charges laid mn fatality A8year-old Toronto man has been charqed with impaired driv- ing and ciminal negligence caus- ing death in connection ith a car accident Jan. 12. Lana Hebert of Mary Street North, Oshawa, a passenger -in his car, was critcalIy injured in the crash, which' occured on Rossland Road at Waverly, east of the Oshawa/Whitby border; she later <ied of her injuries. The driver of another vehicle involved in the accident, a 39- year-old Faliingbrook Drive maxn, received minor injuries. Weapons stolen Ten shotguns and rifles were stolen in a break-in friday even- ingyat a Lupin Drive home. The residents had been out for about an hour, police say, and returned aroundl 8:30 p.mn. to discover their home had been Thb u near o.were storod ia iocked case, say police, who note, theY're «actively investigating" the incident. The War Arnpe aye: il, time for... à The War Amps i b .an hour of your, lime worth $1,OOOs of dollars?. R. DEREK DUTKA GARY J. HIRLEHEY Financial. Planning Consultant Financial Planning Consultant Call us -, and find forward someone te represont it on CLOCA. Uxbridge regionai councillor Susan Para,- a member of CLOCAilast terni, will now ait on the Lake Simcoe ahorin A local councilior had repre- sented Uxbridge on the Lake Simce authority last terni, but Para opted te make the sitch because the Lake Simcoo watr- shed is the iargost one in -the township, Mayor Uern aaynn O'Connor teld The Free Press. O'Connor herseif wiii continue te serve on the Metro Toronto -& Rgon authority. The rules cio eue state that you 'have te, be a rec onal councillor to sit on CLOU and Uxbridge bas threo conservation authorities in its jurisdiction,» said O'Connor. "I said if regionai council was prepared te give us another councilior, we couid- have smre- body there (CLOCA),» sho said. «lIn light of that, Uxbridge is peased te have, Irv Harrel ropresent us. O'Connor and Para nominated Harroli at the last regional coun- cil meeting. S"ObviouslyPOl atdm back on CLOCJAMlHarrOialnaddoed.e Wednesday night dart leaguie (Men*) Standings as.of Jan. 25 Dodd a Sauter 91 FaibrIoIng Teahnlae Ina. 0 Gary Copplins Servesf 88 Baker Fuinture Fînlshlng 84 Raye Enterpise, 69 Suzie Seahorse F&C 48 Claramnot Cohator Cams 45 Gamasplay.d Dodd & Sater Baker Fumiture Suzie Seahorse Jan.25 Dodd & Sauer Whitby Traphy Fabrlcatîng Tech. Gary Coppins 91 90 86 84 69 48 46 Clarront CoUac. Whltby Traphy Raya Enterprue Gary Coppins SeL. Claremont CoUac. Suie Seahorse =Roy'asEntarprise Bkr Furniure John MoPherson 498 AIlPindar 400 George Hiliard 301 Mkley Nieuwhoi 371 Scott Lorirner 341 Tony Van De Van 306 Gary Cumingu 297 MakPafing28 Frank Bowen 272 Gruin Sanigmin 264 Ployer othe wsek J am 18- George Day. Jam 25 - Mark Palng LABATT'5 CARLS13ERG DIVISION (Mzsd) Sta.ngsm as of Jan. 25 Naional Trust Dubé Hair & 5km In-Une Store Fixtures 41 38 37 Jan. 18 Dubé Hair &S Skn 5 NatonaiTrust1 Deulrattaffice 4 ti-bneStoroFb. 2 Jan.25 ln-Lins StoreFix. 5 Dté HairA Ski Deartaffice 0Na! lonai Trust O Top 0oscors Wayn Thanis 136 Dave Ied13 PatiePaïng 93 Doug NtMon 92 Chîbs indar 84 Susan omier 92 Ployer of the. wsk Jan. 1B Jean ApïphbW. Jan.25 - Ryn Com* STH ANNUAL CLASSC DARTS TOURNAMENT Jari 28, North End Boof. Odu» Lanit Dry NWIuWou. Gayl. Jams,. Kedh Parkas. Moia MoIr MSP- Gwen Devit Hlgh ucoer: Lima Ckbiue Bue Dîvkdon ulmer Don Mafflla Roni Nuiton. Demb isBatarahe MSP: Sh.rri Lodimo kîlgh *mcer: Sus Huard Oeubuu Draft Dvsion ulivr J off Scot. Shelly Gautier. AIi dui MSP. Brenda Neddow Hfigh score: Audrey Cokermn Bus Ught Dlvtdon ukur Laurie Hurla. George IIlrmd. DeniseParkes MSP: Lucy Bediz Hfigh smcer: Kim CufMrrngs I..-.M Yoti've lelpcd recover 75% o f nid ncws- papers through your Biue Box. Nowv we nieed your hiellp t( get even more ixick. Ontario's paper milis mnake recycled ncewsprint out of every single oid ncws- paper and fiyer insert you givc theni - and tliat's stili flot cnough. Tiicy actu ally have to import more frorn the U.S. If wc recovcr more old newspapcrs, the icss wili go to, dumps and the lcss milis vill need to import. And the more municipal tax dollars we'll save. But wc nccd your lielp to recycle as niany newspapers as possible. Recycling newspapers and flyer inserts is a real Ontario success story. Together, we cari close the rccyciing ioop. [COU [ F$G(OVERNMENT CUTI

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