Whitby Free Press, 1 Feb 1995, p. 32

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Face 32. Whitbv Free Press, Wechiesday, Fobrary 1.,1M9 . - - - ~ ... .. ... .. ..... ... ... .. ... ...C.... . CALLA ......RV..E HOUSECLEANING: residential, commercial and apartments. Free estimates and referenoes. Some Thurs. and Fni. appointmeflts availabie. Please oeil 728-5622 after 6pm. LADY LOUISE CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES. Alterations and repair on draperies. Affordable pnices. For your free in-home shopping and estimate olil 432-1714. Custorners fabnics are welcome. HOME RENOVATIONS & restoration. Plans, inspections, specifications, carpentry, plùmbing, electrical, windows, energy conservation. Cail Jacques of Ail Trades, ASHRAE #2053385, 666-0993. DRYWALL a FRAMING. Complete'residential & commercial renovations. Taping & textured ceiiings. Cati Dieter for a free estimate, 430-1207. Whether yur ing »or sellirng. put the éas sto work for Ayoui To place your ad, cati CARING& RELIABLE mother will provide daycare in my home. Nutrtious lunches & snacks, fenced backyard with play equipment. Lots of fun provided. Thickçson/Rossiand. Cali EfIaine 430-3059. WANTED: A LOVING NANNY, part-time or ful-time, to care for our 3 year old and 12 year oid (before and after schoot) in our home. Required: first aid, references, car. Must be a non-smoker and enjoy reading, doing arts and crafts and walking in the park behind our Whitby home. lease cati after 6:OOpm 666-3180. MOTHER WITH, 10 years ECE experience offering loving home care. Large, bnight playroom set up as kindergarten ciass with ongoing educational activities provided Fenoed back ard with play equipment. tNutritious meals. Non-smoker. Manning &-Thickson. Caîli436-7857. LOV1NG MOM of one year old wouid like to car'e for your chiid. Smoke-free environment. Glen Hill Dr. - DundaslThickson- area. References available. 430-0345. QUALITY DAYCARE available in my home. Nutritious. breakfast, lunch & snacks inciuded & daily outings to play groups, library, etc. Reasonable rate. No chiidren under 1ya.For more information oeil EXPERIENCED MOTHER of 2 wili provide dayoere in my home. Plenty of TLC, nutrtious lunches & snacks provided. Smoke-free environment. (Thickson & Rossland). 723-8485. CHILDCARE AVAILABLE in my home, any age. Full or part-time. Within walking distance to Gien Ohu & St. Bemards schools. Cati 668-2226. EXPERIENCED MOTHER of 2 is available to, provide fulVIpart-time care to pre-school & school age children. Reasonable rates. Rossland/Anderson area. Cal 666-2685. RELIABLE IN-HOME babysitting. Ail ages weicome. Michael Blvd area. Fenced yard. Snacks & lunches included. One chiid in home. 668-3997. Specializing in _ Early Childhood . Ij- Education. For Peace of Mind Perry House Child Care Services 129 Perry St., Whttby 66Ã"-9476 RELIABLE, CARING MOTHER of two will provide daycare in My home (Brock & Manning area). Please oeIl 666-9581. MOTHER 0F TWO WILL provide reliable daycare. for ail ages in a smoke-free environment. Stories, crafts & lots of toys, snacks & meals included. Brock St. & 401 area. 668-3505. Privae Home Day Care The system that provides... *Unscheduled home visits ensure quality care for your child " Fuliy trained providers reoeive ongoing Agency support " Reliable local back-up covers Provider illness or holidays " Compete insurance coverage " incarne tax recei pts *Children six weeks and up " Fult or part-time For more Information cail: 686m-3995 a icensed Agency i1 Cali 668-6111 1 ROOMMATE WANTED ta share 4 bedroom home. Parking & iaundry facilities availabie. $350/mo. + utilities. Cati 666 3550, leave message. SHARE 4 BEDROOM BUNGALOW, 401- Brock St. S. area, walking distance to GO train, $80/week, references required. Available now. 430-4795. piainnnngCdrnsltreairs frmingppletee remotonadvle f ry ee aestpiate cs. 432 5-70 CFM¶GERALDiCARPENTRY IWHiTB LTD.* * GeneroJ arenùAdditions *Ceramic ?ying i Rec ooms - DrywallAndPainting 19 lYcars in iDurham Pol, !Region %4i Cail: I FURNISHED ROOM for rent, $80lweek.' Share bathroom & kitchen. Student or worker preferred. Walk to ail amenities. Please cali 666-3776 AFTER 6PM. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY - clean room in Whitby. Ail facilities included, parking & close ta GO station. $285 monthly. Firstiast. Cati 668-9736. ROOM FOR RIENT in downtown Whitby area, TV & cabte included. Close to buses. $85/week. Cali 666-4279. DOWNTOWN WHITBY - fulty furnished room in dlean, quiet home. Pniviieges inctude kitchen use, cabte, Parkinq. Suit responsible mature, workmng maie. $85/week. Èirstilast. 668-36-40. CLASSIF'IEý'D. mARKETPLACEý "'Advetise A croes Ontarlo r cross th*,eunr START YOUR OWN home-based business! Watkins is today's best business opportunity! For free infor- mation contact - Independent Mar- keting Director, 218 Megîund Cres- cent, Saskatoon, Sask. S7H 4Z6 (1- 800-263-2999). START YOUR OWN lmport/Export Agency. No lnvestment. Full, adviso- ry service since 1946. For frele bookiet cail Wade, World Trade. 1 - 800-322-9233. CR EER TRAININ BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER... with aur great home-study course. Cali for a FREE BOOK. 1-800-267- 1829 The Writing School 2266-38 McArthur Ave., Ottawa, Ontanio KI L 6R2. LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestem Schoot of Auctioneer- ing. Next lass:, MARCH 18-24. Information , contact: Southwestem Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R.#5, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115.1 BOOKKEEPING AND INCOME TAX COURSES! Learn incarne Tax Preparatian and Bookkeeping by correspondence. Earn your certifi- cate naw. For f ree brochures, no obligation, U & R Tax Services, P.O. Box 6052, London, Ontario, N5W 5R6, 1-800-665-5144, aver 20 years of tax training experience. EDUCATION Home Study Courses in Bookkeeping, Computers, Man- agement, Psychoiogy, Secretariai, Travel, National Colege, founded in 1964. Free information on courses and Financial Assistance, cail 1 - 800-268-7294. EMPLÃ"YMENT.OPPS*, ALBERTA FARM DEALERSHIP requires service manager. Must possess warking knowledge of farm equipment industry and experience in mechanical field. Must be neat in appearance and able ta deat with public and fellow empIoyees in friendîy manner. Computer experi- ence necessary. Forward resume ta: Blanket Classified Box l01, c/o OCNA, Box 451, Oakviile, Ontario L6J 5A8. ALBERTA FARM EQUIPMENT . deaîeisiuip requires addîiircal ep*- nienced parts persans/managers ta. stock and maintain ag parts inventa- ry. Clean appearance and ability. ta deal with public in friendîy manner necessary. Computer experience neoessary. Send resumne ta: Bianket Classified Box 102, c/o ONA, Box . 45 1, Oakville, Ontario L6J 5A8. WE ARE LOOKING for an enthusi- astic, seif-motivated persan ta be aur sales rep. Farming background and experience in farm ag sales field required. We offer fair cammis- sion with base salary. Send resume ta: Blanket Classified Box 103, c/o OCNA, Box 451, Oakviile, Ontario L6J 5A8. * ORSAL NEW 18" SATELLtTE DISHI Amaz- ing Laser Disc Quality Video; CD Quaiity Digital Audio. Featuning 150 Channets of Premium Programmiflg, Pay Per View Movies/SPOrts. Do-it- yourseif easy installation. Cail Now for Incredibte Pricingi 1-800-890- 3824. HEAVY DUTY MECHANIO required by Freeman Trucking, Fox Creek, Aberta. Tank truck expenience pro- ferred. Temporary accommodations available as well as company bene- fis. Submit resumês to: Freeman Trucking, Box 685, Fox Creek, Alberta TOH 1 Po. Fax (403) 622- 2003. HEIDELBERG MOZP Operat6r for large, modem Eastemn Ontario print- er. Excellent compensation. Write Mike Phiiiips, Performance Printing, P.O. Box 158, Smiths Falls, K7A 4T1 (613) 283-5650, Fax (613) 283- 7480. SALESHLP WNTED .. $ATTENTION STrUDENTS$ make a lot of money selling chocoiate bars . NEW $2.00 PRODUCTS. Nothing to pay in advance, fast deiivery 1 - 800-38-DELUX. POETRY CONTEST $24,000 in prizes yearly. Possible publication. Send one original poem 20 uines or, less: National Library 0f Poetry, Box 704-1368, Owings Milis, Md, .21117. PAY TELEPHONE SERVICE! (*A cost wiiî be incurred.) LIVE PSYCHICS. Police use us... Hamess your destiny. Your present and future revealed. *Love *Success *Money. Find out now. Caîl 1-900- 451-4055. $2.99/min. 18. PERSOÃ"N'AL.S: WHAT MAKES PEOPLE TICK? Find out! Buy DIANETICS: The Modern Science of Mental Heaith - AS SEEN ON TV - $39.59. Cail 1 - 800-561-5808. RL ETTE: GOT A CAMPGROUND member- ship/timeshare? We'll take it! Ameni-' ca's largest, oidest resale cleaning- house. Resort Sales International 1 - 800-423-5967. Timeshare rentais neededc. Cail 24 hours a day. CAMPGROUND MEMBERSHIP iifetime into five star rated Coast-to- Coast resort. U.S./Canada $1/night, paid $3,695.00, must selI $495.U.S. 1-800-236B-0327. STEEL :BUILDINGS.:.:.;.:ý,ý BUILDINGS ... EIiminate the middle- man. Factory Direct. 30x4O $6,944.00. 30x48 $7,794.00. Our straightsided quonset style is eco- nomical, easy ta assemble and built ta last. Pioneer 1800-668-5422. * ts Affordable a It's Fast e It's Easy e One Bill Does It Ail -Norihern Ontario $63,, Eastern Ontario $91 Western Ontario $162 -Central Ontario $168 - Ail Ontario $380 National Packages Availalile e Cati his paiper for details! 90CROSS CANADA MARKE»TPLACEO a'rof tiv t*& theoe mmfhê3 ofihe CCenral arÃŽo 5o nowspap.o-es-18fo 25 words - Ai Ontario 178 newppers- $O for 25 words AUCnada583 ne s-S$1,183 for 25 wods For further Information please cali the Whitby Fras Presu Classîlede - 668-6111 ........... .................... .... ...... ........ .......... ............ r5s, r4 ý C ALL A 50R f -MD 0IRTlb ?<'4e.............F «--i 1 1 1

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