Whitby Free Press, 8 Feb 1995, p. 10

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Page 10, Whitby Fiee Prose, Wednesday, Febnay 8, 1995 .......... -------- Tax talk for hkomepreneurs The Durhami Homepreneur 'ae n the small business' for reservations. Group will meet on Thursday, will be discussed by a forum of eb9,7:30 to, 9 a.m., at the accountants and boUkeepers. The group, for home entre- Ananae ontyClub, Cost is $10 per person. Cai preneurs and businesses that Chuch nd ayl steet, Aax. Brian Spencer at 905-839-4014 serve theni, meets once a month Store gears for Valentine's Day Myrt ics By Gavin Crlp Besides the usual assortment which to cuddle up, and> thro lh ao ib cs Henry Cameron and John of cardes and collectibles for Cameron's observations, they're Scarlett are gearing up for the which. Hallmark stores are "liot-selling" items.thtoii s u e ever-popular olidyo love. known, the new establishment Cameron says Hallmark th q "i se Theyre the ownersof te'Hall- bas facsimile machines, courier Canada was "a big factor in mark Carde store that opened up services, photocopyinghelum pttin hs(bsns) ehr The Whitby Chamber of government te, get te know eacl in Whitby Town Square last Sep- balloons and «cherbd teddies » or us ... they did an awful lot.» Commerce wilI hoet the annual other better and for our tember, a new line of merchandise with In 1910, 18-year-old Joyce Mavor'a Luncheon on Frida-v. members te familiarize LOOKING FOR THE BEST RRSP RATES? GO NO W FURTHER. .. . y.. r..o. . e.per.. ~RW 1 N AR A NCI1AT PL SE1TING TOMORROW'S STANDARDS ... TODAY 500 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY, ONTARIO Clyde Hall set out te better lie state of living by promoting the Nebraska-based store specaliz- ing in smnall gifts and potards that ho shared with bLi two brothers. His destination was Kansas City. After miany phono calîs te mer- chants in Kansas City and other nearby towns, Joyce, along with one of bis Lrothers wbo bad recently joined him, had finallr ostabliéhed Hall Brothers anZ the rest, as they say, is bistory. Fel. 24 at Cullen Gardens Restaurant. "Much bas been happening at the local level tbat members of this chamber of commerce sheuld get flrst-band from our mayor," eaye Allan Faux new president of the Whiýtby chamber. "We continue the tradition of yearly accountungrs by the chiof executive of Wbitby. fIt's a great opportunity for chamber members and our local Do you want a real easy way to save income tax and build weaith? Combine three proven moneyýr-making strategies into one and -your ffinancia future will býzgh tn considerably. We have already discussed in earer colunins how equities and RRSPs are well-suited for each other because they are both oriented for the lon g terni, and the higher returns associated with equities will mean a larger RRSP nest e. Why don't more people invest in equity then? I a wod, vlatility. 'Although equities have a proven record in the long terni, they- fluctuate in the short terni (considerably at times). Most people associate these fluctuations with risk - and if you were forced to take your money out during a downward fluctuation, there is a rii that you may flot recover ail your capital. However, the longer the tume tae the more the fluctuations change froni a realrisk te a peroeived risk. To those downward fluctuations into extra profit, make your RRSP investrnent by monthly pre-authorized cheque (PAO) into an equity mutual fund. Every time the market goes down you pani cheer because your PAO bought more shares than it did last month. As soon as the market goes up (which it eventually will) your portfolio will increase substantially This year is a go case in point. The market has been up and down, with more down than up. I have a PAO into one of my accounts and this year I bought two per cent more shares than if I had investe d al the money at the beginning of the year. Two ~r cent may not sound like much, but if you compound that over turne, it really ruakes a huge differenoe. Dollar cost averaging, as this is called, gets you the best average price without the effort of trying te tue e te market. It also makes you invest when the market is down, which is what successful investors do. Professional managers make their greatest gains b y positioning theniselves in good stocks when the markets are low, and nobody else wants te buy. And, finally, if you have been contributing aIl year, you wont have te run around trying te scrape up some money te top up your RRSP in February. Derek Dutka is an indéendent financial planner with Financiai Concept Group in Oshawa. The War Amps says: Ifs time for.. DRI VE9AFE!. The newest War Amps program cardes a safet y message direct frem child amputees te drivers everywhere. Champs know that safety is no accident. Many of them have lost imbs in accidents. E S4, Thanks te your support, The War Amps is helping more child amputees with mnore programs than ever beforel eCHAMPe t - MATCHING MOTHER9 - JUMPOTART - PLAY9AFE and new...A oeil"m i , For more information about DRI VEGAFE please contact: - The War Amps, Naional Headquarters ~ii Te.:281)731-3821 Drve.Ottawa,nror 100-28-88 Tel.:R(613)id31Drive.(Ottawa olro1-8008-82 Clrnrftble R.gSWfm Numnb.r:028883109 w T i r B STAR Strategic Asset Allocation A LEADING-EDGE RRSP PORTFOLIO,. SE.LECTED FOR YOU. With Mackenzie's new STAR strateglc asset allocation program, an RRSP portfohio is scientifically selected to meet yo:ur needs. The STAR questionnaire first estabhishes your goals and how much risk you're prepared to assume ro reach them. STAR then matches your goals to one of a number of portfolios with the right mix of mutual funds, structured with the goal of building more consistently rewarding long-term RRSP investment performance. M c i nc Building Financial Independence lnvest wiselly: important information about the STAR asset allocation pro- gram is contained in the smplified pros pectuses of The Universal Funds, The Industrial Group of Funds and Ivy Fun ds. Obtain copies fromn an investment advisor and read them carefully before investing. Unit values and investment returns of each fund within your STAR portfolio are not guaranteed and will fluctuate, as will the overaîl market value of your STAR portfolio, reflecting changes in the value of the underlying funds. For more information on STAR from Mackenzie - and the différence The Final RRSP Frontier can make to you - please cali us today at the number below. m themeelves with the local issues." The event is scbeduled for 11:30 a.m. Tickets are $26.75 for miembers, and $37.45 for non-membors. For more details, calI 668- 4506. Business award nominations underway1 The Whitby Chamber of Commerce business person and corporate citizen awards will be preeented this year in early sprig instead of October. - Te cbamber is acceptung nominations for both awards until Marcb 31. Those nominated for tbe business award muet bave made an eutstanclinj contribution to the town during 1994/95 and bave been working and/or doing business in Whitby in 1994/9. They must be successful in their occupations. SPrevieus winners include Bill, Little, Nigel Schilling, Jini Souch, Cris Douglas, Tom McTeague, Rob Mortn and Grant Souter. The corporate citizen award is presented only when it is deemed by the chamber that a business in Whitby bas demonstrated its good citizensbip by making an outstanding contribution to the tewn and its citizens. Previeus winners include Cullen Gardens and Miniature Village, McDonald's Restaurant, Miracle Food Mart Swisb Maintenance, Buffett k'ayîor & Associates, Royal Bank and KWS Energy Services Limited. Anyone making a nomination sboul d send the name, address and phone number of the nominee along witb ail pertinent supporting information as te why he or she should receive the award. Nomination forme are available at tbe Whitby chamber office. Nominations may be mailod, band delivered or faxod te the chamber office at 128 Brock St. S., Whitby, Ontario, LiN 4J8. Fax number is 668-1894. Nominations received after 4 p.m., March 31, will net be considered. CalI 668-4506 for further information. Semi'nar to be held alter

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