WhItby Free Pmss, WednesY, FobruavY 8- 1995 , PagO21 _________________A HOME DESIGN AND IMPROVEMIVENTFEATURE, The warmth ot wood Wood Suors cari add a unique warmth and elegance to any room ti your home, but they need te be tough as well as attractive if they>re te serve you well for many yeare. When you. consider what your floore go through every day, you'l see why duraili il an essential qualiy. Tink it .- floorsare walked on, jumped on, have furniture and toys dragged over themn. They take spiRle, burna, gouges, ground-in dirt and grit and y t still manage te add sornethiLng special te a rocm. 'H-ardweod fiooWs cari be cl malbirch or beech, although softwoods like pine and fir are eften used. The moot common types of fiooing include thin strip floering l akforing, which je tikrand cari be bored and plugged te simulate an old 'wooden.ýpogged"1 look, and parquet or block floering, made of short strips of woed glued into square or rectangiilar shapes. By Tom Re/Max Summit Real staRsady no f ville shopping. Wheri selting your homne, epi Mincipe hr in ceitak areasand n = tpdce range for- an assortrnent of diferent" reffsom. For instanc, people upgrade as their iorns escalate or their familles ro and more space le neede. Tmsarne holds true when couples' age and faITIiIy size deasses. The objeot when so y our proper*iisto achVihevigest posble e wthn a reasonable peulod of lime. To achieve thle you muet hlme a mealtor who can aclieve your goal through a stuon marlWUng plan geaed to the need of youand your famfly. To maiket your homne, a reaitor will use marketing -ools such as newepaper and televIsin acaan witti poesentinfg the property tethi fellow rmaltors. AM these vehicles will cost money. The- idea behind a gaod marketing plan le ta intrauce as many people ta the pnperty in an attemptIo sel it When shopping for your averge consumner products, you can give up on samne farme of service and sti buy mame brand pmoducts for less. But the samne daom not hold true when choosing a real estate flrm. Exposing your property Io as many buyers as possible cast maney,.* By llmniting the exposure te the buigpublc,_you, may be cating Seine companues custom-design beautiful but expansive fioring inlaid with brase and exotic wood, or make sections that are sceured with woeden'blocks and chains te give the pepular "dteitressed" look. You cari aise buy standard hardware fioorriig ti*ready-to-lay packages. If the floors ti your.house are ti good shape, yeu cari keep them looking thtat way witb a minimum of maintenance. Sweep them daiiy tu get ridof dirt and grit before it gets ground inte the finish. Wipe up any spille imimediately, anid try and keep sharp objecta, like shoe heels, away frem the floor., With a urethane or polyuretharie finish, your ýfloor will need only an occasienal cieaning with a, slightly damp mep te remove' accumaulated dirt. A wax fiorin goedshape can be cleaned and waxed with erie coat of' floor-cleanirig wax, theri polisbed er buffed, tu keep the surface smoeth -arid dirt resistant. Small scratches can be fixed with Wax putty sticks or even a child7s wax crayon i the right shade. Letes say you've just discevered that the reasen the previeus tenant laid wail-to-wall carpetirig was the awful state ef the, floors. Yeu may consider sariding and reflnishing them -te 'remove unsightly scratches, stains and ground-iri dirt. Be warned - it's a messy and time-consuming job. You have tu lie absolutely thorough about vacuunuing up ail the tiny particles of sawdust. They cari ruin a floues finish if the become trapped between coate <YarBsh lfyu lac k the experience or confiMece te do the job youreelf, or if partcularly large fluor needs refinishing, tmg b woethwbile hiring professioials te do the'jo. They cari "sotake care of baffly damqged sections that might rieed te be removed anid replaced. Once- the floor is sanded, keep in nind the kidd f service you expect from it when* it cornes te. choosîng a finish. Al varm.*shes, particularlyv the urethanes and polyurethanes, form a bard, durable surface that gives wood a glossy glow and resista moat spots anid stains. A high-gloss varish resiste wear best, and may be more suitable for hailways and- kitchens, for example, than a sefter, more satiny finish. If you decide on a- wax finish for your floor, apply two or three thiri coats __ thtck coats will become tacky arid bard te buf You cari dean off an old,. built-u{n finish.by removing the wax wit turpentmne, naptha or minerai spirite anid finishirig with thin new coate. Equipment-rental stores have floor-bufflng machines for a top quahty finish, .anid a thorough waxing every four menthe te a year will be ail the maintenance needed. For the floor that'sti reaily poor shape and tee, expensive te replac right away, opaque paint cernes i a myriad of celeurs and can cover a&multitude of sine. It provides a good 'base fer stencilling, or clours cari be mixed and matched for dramatic designs and epecial effecta that work particularly, wel ti cbiidreris roome. A varnisb wil add durability te, a finish that bas a warmth ailof its'wTi. This article is provided 'by local reali ors and the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA) for the benefit of consumers in t/w real estate market. 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