Whitby Free Press, 8 Feb 1995, p. 34

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Page 34, Whitby Fiee Prose, Wocfnesday, February 8, 1M9 ......... ...... M _ _ _ _ _ _ I... .. .. .. .... . .................... ............... HARVIE - CIT and Heathor and son Duefin are very happy f announce their second ch'idTasha Tamera bom on Oct. 6193 af 10:25 arn AjWPceng 1Ho~spital., roudc ý randparehfs are Ireno Parent and e lefe Joseph Parent and proud great-grandmofhor Lillian Graham and grandperenfs Harold and Emily Harvie. HAPPY 40TH BIRTHDAY, SUE. Love David, Fran, Erin & Kefelyn. TO MY HUSBAND JOHN, Hap 49th Birthdey on February 9th. aIl my love, Georgina Bradley. for HaçffBhidy or Anmivoesy. 111wclassifieds are a special way tO Smdglvetgsl Cail 668-6111 FOLK ART for beginners - cf art ing February 20th. Tuif ion $45.6 evening sessions. Useful, inforesting projecf s. Discounf on supplies. 20-25 min. from Whitby/Oshawa on Hw. 12. Cranberry Pinos 905-985-1276. COMING EVENTS Cail 668-6111l FOR THE SERIOUS MARTIAL arfisf. Stuck on a plateau? Looking for mental stimulation? Send $12 ( money order) f0: J. R., Box 119, 106Brock Sf. S., Whifby, Ont LIN 4J8. NOVENA TO Sf. Jude. May the Sacrod Hearf of Jesus be adlored gorified,Iloved and preserveci froughout the worid now anid forover. O Secrod Heart of Jesus pray for us. Sf. Judo, Worker of Miracles prey -for us. St. Judo, helpor oÏ the hopoles pray for us. Say thisprayer 8 timos a day. By the eighth day your prayors wili be answord . If has nover been know f0 fail, nover. Publication muet be promisod. Thanke f0 St. Judo for prayer answered. E. R. THANKS TO HoIy Spirit, Sacred Heart, Bîessed Mari & St. Judo for answer f0 prayore. C. L. MAY 'THE Sacred Heart il f Jesus bo praisod, adored, glorified, Ioved ana rservd throughouf the world now and forovor. Secred Heait of ..J osus pray for us. St. Judo worker of miracles, pray for Us. St. Judo NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Ail ldaims against the Estate of Henry Ernest Lade, late, of the Town 0f Whitby, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the l5th day of September, 1994, must be filed with the undersigned personal representative on or before the 22nd day of February, 1995, after which date the estate wiII be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned then shall have notice. DATED at Oshawa, Ontario, this 2Oth day of January, 1995. THE EXECUTOR 0F THE ESTATE byhis Solicitors MACKEY, BAILEY & KORB Barristers & Solicitors 400 -22 King Street W., OSHAWA, Ontario L1 H 7L9 .... .... .... M ... ... ... DIXON- Treasured memories of a dear husband, father and P randfather, Charles who .Ioft us eburyl7, 1979. No ie*ngth of time can take away our thoughýts of you today.- Forever rememnbered by Isabel and family. PRAYER TO the'Blessed Virgin, neyer known f0 fail. O most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruifful vine, spiendor 0f Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immacuafe Virgin, assist me in necessify. 0 star of the sea help me and show me here you are my Mother. 0 HoIy Mary, Mother of God Queen of Heaven & earth, I humbly beseech you from the boftomn of my hearf to secure me in my necessity , (make req uests). There are none. that can withstand your power. O Mary conceived wifhout sin, pray for us who have recourse f0 thee (3 fimes>. HoIy Mary1I-pace. this cause in your hand (3 fimes). Say this prayer for 3 consecutive days and then you must publish if and R it uI be granted f0 yOU. C.L. MAY THE Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised, adored , glorified, loved and preserved throughout the word now and forevor.* Sacred Hearf of Josus pray for us. St. Judo worker of miracles, gray for u s. Sf. Jude heper of the opeless, pray for us. PNAER. T TH.LSS. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ESTATE 0F WILLIAM ERIC GREENE Ail peisons having dlaims against the estate of William Eric Greene, deceased, late of the Town 0f Whitby, in the Regional Municipalify of Durham, who died on or about the 3rd day of Oct ober, 1994, are hereby notified f0 send them f0 the undersigned, duîy verified, on or before the 1 Oth day of March, 1995. After such date the assets of the above-named estate will be distributed among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only tf0 daims ofW h ich the executor shahl then have notice. DATED at Whitby this l6th day of January, 1995. SCHILLING, EVANS Barristers. and Solicitors 330 Byron Street South, Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Solicitors for the Executor inau - mmaimnu. m at mne ma mmamam RECYCLING a SCONSERVES NA.TURAL; RESOURCES, HELPS a IMPROVE THE ENVIRONMENT AND CREA TES NEW JOBS.; la amoa&me la cmaime m lmsm a es CONSIGNMENTS WANTED SeIl your car af PETERBOROUGH AUCTIONS PUBLIC AUTO AUCTION On Hwy. #7 - 2 miles eest of Peferborough Now eccepting consignimenfs of cars, trucks, 4X4s vans RV's moforhomes' etc CÃ"NSIG(Y NOWý f0 our SATUÀDAY, FEB. 18 AUTO AUCTION. Cal Orval or Barry McLean af PETERBOROUGH AUCTIONS 705-745-5007 or 1-800-461-6499 BANKRUPT AUCTION SALE SAT. FEB.llatlOam* 870 Taunton Rd. E., Whitby Having received instructionrs frm Lawson, Fisher lnc., Trustee in Bankruptcy, we are clearing the assets of Awans House of.Design plus restaurant & bar equipment, consisting: large oak bar, 12 oak bar sf00ls,. ights, wagon wheîs, signs, triple sink, sub table, 6X1 0 walk-in icooler, 2 gas.ranges, 2 dr. cooler, 5 ton air conditioner, ranges coffee M/C, SS counfters, ý mircroweve ovens, dishes, etc., 3 industrial PFAFF sewving machines, lar8e quanfity 0f maeeril, approx. 18asrfed wedding dresses & bnidesmaid dresses, mannequins, racks, couniter, office desks, Miing cabinets , chairs, photo copier, vacuum cleaner, vieWing from 1 f0 6pm. Terme: cash, VISA, M/C, DC. McLEAN AUCTION& LIQUIDATIONS 905-686-3291 or 905-432-2836 KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS - =vryWednesday et 6:30prm ocfd #2699 Jrock Rd .N., Pickering, 3 miles north of hWy #401ý (tako exit #399). Foatuning everyz Wed. an excellenf seloction qf aniqes, fine fumnishing s, glace china, olloctablos, primitives, and other unusuals. .50 oin us every Wed. and participafe in one of Onferios "true" auctions with no buy-becks or resorves.- Terme: cash, choque (wifth proper I .D.) or Visa. Previews from I :OOpm %1Consignmýent & Estet e sellin our specielfy.' CatI us foday - rahn Aucf ion'Services 905-683-0041. AUCTION SALE THURS.- FEB. 16TH Ç@5pm et Islander Banquefi-laîl on Scugog Island 51 Jacuzzi, computer, prinfor, fax machine, office equipment, good app!iancos, fumifure, exorcise eqUIPMoýnf, coder lumber, etc. Viewing from 2pm. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES SUNDAY AUClION THIS SIUNDAY, FEB l2th, l2noon, preview il :3Oarn At the Knighf s 0f Columbus Club, 133 Brock St. N., Whifby NEW TOOLS, EQUIPMENT, ATITQUES, PINE REPRODUCIONS Pine reproductions,. antiques, 9 Pc. walnut dining set 2 bow glass. china cabinets, sidoloard, bedroom suite, waInut* dresser & highboy mahogany corner cabinet, Cheval minrore, 3 pife wardrobos, 6 pine bookcases, farmn bell, . 4 PC. "Lancount" sofa set, win g back chairs, stool tops, harvosf table set, blankof boxes, pine desk, panfry cupboerds, parlour & occassional tables & chairs, rocking horse, quiifs & quilf racks, fire ecreen, vanious lampe, Oriental carpets, femn stands, deecons benchos, f, rints, pictures, walnut desk, coffee able sot, glasswere, chine casf iron pcs, cfiil prese, chein block; axes, hammors, floor jack, chisels, scrowdnivers, squares, crocks, rocking chairs, vanify & et 001, curio cabinets, copper woather, vanie, dining table, old woodon doore, tru nks plus much more. Terme: cash, choque, .VISA, M/C - 3% prom., dolivery available. $1 bid carde. AUCTIONS UNLIMITED 519-345-2426 .P... ..A...j MAGGIE! Iovely, lovoly fhoughts of you. My heart beats for you. Love in timePlease write. No more denial. lîm yours. Write or caîl. Bill. BILL - bear with me! How do we have a moaningful conversation? ce&-nnd p ins utamesgei (Cash, VISA, choque received before deadline) $7.50 for 25 words; ($7.01+ 490,GST) 150 each additional word; (140 + 10GST) 150 each additional word; PLUS GST Regular display rates apply - $1 .08 per agate -lne (14 agate Unes per inch) Minimum size1i olumn inchi$15.12 CONTINUOUS RUN DISELAY ADS 20% OFF after 3rd insertion (no chianges>. G.S.T. is extra on ail ads unless otherwise indicated Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. 668-6111 Ploase check your adverfisement for errors on the first day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wilI not be liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographmc errors in publication beyond the cost of the space ooeupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the insertion. The Whifby Fiee Press reserves the rig;ht to classify or reject ail advertisements.

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