Whitby Free Proua, WOdnesday, FebrurY 8-,19M5, P49 3, W -hitby resident victim of con artists Items from Whitby Council agenda(s) MondaFebrua6 Planning and Development Committee That council Initiate proceedings to have the* Robert Ruddy House at 501 Byron St. S. designated as an historicai structure under the Ontario Henitage Act. Bult in 1915, the house is a typical example of the type of brick homes bult ln Whitby during the First World War, a planning depariment report states. Robert Ruddy was a county judge and his son, Robert Donald Ruddy, was cierk of the former Ontario county for 16 years. The house was owned by the Ruddy f amily for 74 years. its current owners are the third fail ooccupy it. Recommened to couneil That a site plan application f rom Co-Steel Lasco to permit four separate additions to the existing steel processiflg plant on Hopkins Street South be approved. The.proposed additions are a scrap handling facility, a carbon storage silo, an electrical block house and expansion of the baghouse electrical room. Recommended to council That a minor variance to the Town's sign bylaw be granted to Cofee Time Donuts at 308 Thickson Rd. S. The'owner wants to increase the area of a wall sign f rom a maximum of 12 per cent of the area of the building facade to 16 per cent. Reconunended to couneil Operations Committee That the Whitby Transit progress report for the months 0f. September to Decemnber 1994 be received as information.,According to the report, ridership on Whttby buses ln 1994 was down 0.4 per cent f rom the previaus year. There were 814,064 passenger rides last year compared to 817,068 ln 1993. However, actual revenue of $91 8,196 for 1994 was $53,557 above the projected revenue of $864,639. Town staff attribute the increase to more passengers paying by cash at the time the bus ride was taken rather than the less expensive (on a prorated basis) monthly passes. Recommended to council That a report f rom the parks and reomeation departmient on the third annual Moonlight Madness program held at the Rossiand Road recreation complex on Jan. 13 be received for Information. More than 700 people attended to participate ln the various programis. The report also notes that 2,312 people had purchased memberships as of Dec. 31, 1994 and that the buiiding's outstanding deficit had been reduced by $1 97,539. Recommended to council A Whitby resident is one of the. Durham Reýgion victims of a con- tinuing scam. Companies operatingr out of the Montreal area tell victimes they have either won a vehicle, boat or other expensive item, or they say such items have been found with the victim's naine on it. The con artists say the item will be shipped te, victime for a fee . ng from $600 to $4,00 ÂWI.tby resident sent $1,300 Ontario riding MP Dan MeTeague wlll host a pre-budget tewn hall meeting in Ajax on Thursday, Feb. 9. 'With the budget only a few weeks away, it is important for the people of Ontario riding te discuss what direction 1 1t should take te deal with Canada's fiscal problems," said McTeague. WVhile it is clear Canadians have been taxed into oblivion and that the budget should flot add new taxes, it is not so clear what measures should be taken to *RRSP on one occason and then $4 000 -- and received an inflatable Loat worth $100, say Durham Regional Police who first alerted the public'atout the scam Monts ago. Tose receiving calis are asked to caîl Durham police at 905- 579-1520 or OPP at 705-495- 3899. The OPP anti-rackets branch ini North Bay is investigatinlg the fraud,1 helped. by RCMP and other police agencies. reduce federal spending. "Canadians want to se. a reduction in the federal deficit and eventually our debt. They also want their governinent te put its fiscal bouse in order. "Above ail, the federal governinent bas an obligation te corne forward with a fair and fiscally responsible plan that will provide results without adding te the tex burden," said McTeague. The meeting will b. held from 7 te 9 p.m., at the Ajax council chainher, 65 Harwood Ave. S. INVESTING AN EXPERT LooKs AVIER YOUR RRSP investirent Advisor DONALD R. DASTI SECURE INCOME FuNDs FOR YouR RRuSP .... In Q EFPD$RJF A$ATIANUAY.M*. . ........ 0 . ...............1 .... ........... ..e Inve..en..dv...N DE..WE. A.PRUDENT.WAY To....MANAGE.. ... ................. IvAstm F dvDorRKNEHU GIN Create the right investment mix. Wbile many investors spend the most timne considering the performance of specifie mutual funds or securities, it is the overail mix of investmnents that determines Iong-terrn resuits. There are hundreds of mutual funds available today, Depending on its investment objectives, a fund may invest in equities (company shares), fixed income (bonds), cash equivalents (T-bils, for example), or a combination of ail of these. There are specialty funds that choose a portfolio of industry segments and there are funds that confmne their investment activity to specifie geographic, areas. Diversifying your portfolio amoung themn soothes out the ups and downs of mndividual investmnent performance, and you are more likely to get a better retum. To determine the investmnent mix most appropriate for you requires a large measure of self- understanding., Consider your personal needs and circumstances; then answer these critical questions. * What do you want. your money to do for you? " What is your investment horizon? " How inuch risk are you prepared to acccpt? " When wiIl you nced the tnoney? " How nmuch wiIi you nced froin your investrncnts at retirenient? " What investnients hcst fit your tax situation'? Your response will help you determiùne the best maix most appropriate for you. For your complimentary appointment to, review your current financial. situation, contact Whifitby's top financial planners at TPA Investment Planning Centre at 666-0896, McTeague to hold pre-budget meeting Dentures 50 nuturul... yu'II neyver know te difference!1 NewSfttCh matericsls for sensitive gums Precision partial dentures FREE CONSULTATION! *©Juy, 1992 Walter Wimmer, DD. Denture CIinic PICKERING TOWN CENTRELOWER LVL 420m5020 e Toli Free 1-800661-5020 TUTOINGSERVICE * we use only Ceri tîted Ontario Teachers * we tutor in YOUR home, and * we teach the d-a%%bsoot, curricuilui- ____- .~piease cail 668-7841 for a brochure! Advertisemeflt TIlLE II)EAL SOLUTION TO...e The indicated rate of return is the historical annual compounded total return including changes in unit value and reinvestment of all distributions and do no a into account sales, redemption, distribution or optional charges payable by any unitholder which would have reduced returns. Past retums are not necessarily Indicative of future retums. Important Information about these mufual funds is contained in their simplified prospectus. Obtain a copy from one of the above investment advisors and read it carefully before Investing. UnIt value and Investment return will fluctuate. 1