Whitby Free Press, 15 Feb 1995, p. 22

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Page 22, Whlby Free Prose,,Wednesday. February 15, 1995 Mujlae third best in ational finals James Muilane of Whitby won a bronze modal ini the inter- mediate welterwoight (147 pounds) division at thé Canadian amateur boxing championships in Montreal over the weekend. Muliane, 16, had a win and a loss against older, much more experenced boxers in hie divi- sion (aged 16 te 18) and hie Motor, City Boxin g diub coach says Muliane ie weil on lus way. te a. future spot on Canadas Olympie boxing team. Mullane earned a decision over Chris Murphy . of Alberta, who had more than 50 previous fights in the first bout. Mullane was ahead in the third and final roun!d by a point on the computer scrn ystem when the referee took a ont away from Mullane for holdig Tied in points 23-23 at the end of the fight, described as a«real war» by Nelson i t was left tethe judges te decici and they gave Muilane the decision. Mullane was stili sore when ho tôok on Martti Leiviska. cf Brit- isih Columbia, iast year's cham- pion in the division, who has had Muilane was trailing by four p oints in the third round when h e irijured lus left thumb, with a minute remaining.After comsult- ing with his manager, he puiied out of the fight. "It was just a matter of ri*ence,» said Neison of the larbout. But ho adda that Mullane <handied hirnself well - only two guys in the country are better than ho is, right now» --and ho stili has two more yoars in theo same division. X-rays were te, be taken this week te, determine whether Mul- lane could participate in the box- ing show on Sunday afternooin a t he ]Regenttheatre im Oshawa. Seventeen fights have been lined u,and they wilî start at 2 p.m. Adission is $10 for adulte, $5 for those under age 12. 4 skate to Easteirn Tony'9s temflc! TONY JONES (Ieft), 75, of Whitby ba'rely edges out Chuck' Hartman to win the WaIk of Ages one-mile walk around Lake Mirror in Lakeland, Florida recently, Jones, a bronze medalist in the decathion for his age division as the world masters games Iast year, beat out 126 other walkers aged 55 and over Photo by Pierre DuCharme, Lakelnd Ledger newapaper club I Eri n.- Camern ftheWhitby Fgure Skating Club had a first- prlace finish at the Eastern Mneridge interclub chaio n- ships at Irouois Park on Sun- daLe and three other Whitby club skaters will advance te the Eastern Ontario interclub com- petition in Port Hope March 4-5. Wînners there go on te the Ontario finals. Cameron won in the bronze artistic ladies division on Sun- day. Michelle a2nd Jeif Koeslag were, second ,linprelimiary dance and will also go on te the Eastern Ontario compotition. Jason Collier, who was te represent the Whitby club in the goid artistic men s category, received a bye te the Eastern Ontario competition as there were no other competiters at lus level on Sunday. Sarah Cook of the Whitby club was second in bronze artistic ladies, and third-place finishers, wore Candi Gravelle in pro-pro- Henry and Woutewrsk at G amGes Jennifier Hon and Sharol Wouters, both 'Whitb ,ý wiillj competing in the Canal-an Win- tor Games in Grande Prairie, Alta. Feb. 19 te March 4. Thoy are membors of Ontario's ringette teain that wiil compote againet other provinces. Ringette la, one of 23 sports involvig 3,200 amateur athietes at the gaines. Club members dlaim eight gold medals Kiichi Sai Judo Club memabors won eight gold medals at the Ontario jinior championships held recently in Toronto. Amber Gallogley, 11, won an Ontario titie for the sixth straight year. She was competing in the under-46-kiloram, Nlue-. brown boit class for girls aged 10 te 12. ,Her.,twin sgister Shantionwoný. her fourth provincial crown, this year in the under-42-kilogram clasis. Ian Alexander, lwa inrtl under-46-ldlogran, Lilue boit for boys qe 10 te 12, and Robin LoIni st in under-34-kIlogram for gils qged 8 and 9. Noil'.Thompson, 15, won the .under-68-k4logram, oran e bot class for boys aged 13 te 16. Cameron Russell, 6, won the minus-26-kilogram, orange boit class for boys q!ed 6 and 7. Coach Dan Grilben wanted te enter the talented Russoel li tho aged 10-12 class but tournanient or~ ers woulAnPt aîîow it. Ason Hancock, 6, won tho minus-26-kilorm orange boit clas for girls.RobieAusman, 4. won the white boit (beginner) class for boys aged 4 and 5. Pinishigseod were 12-jear- old Mistyrybonko (bobind Shan- non GàUoleýy), Dan Kuhi, 8, Adamn Saunder's, 8, and Bertun Shainar, 14. Third-place finishes went to Aij*un Shamar, 10, Ryan Alezan- dor 13,> Ben Gribboen, 5. and Chriusl,8 5nalsý liminar B ladies, lNicoe Kies in pr-pelmna1 A adie, Pamela Dunn in silver rtistic ladies and Lindsay Molonoy in junior bronzeladies. According to, Lana Colier, chairern of the event, Pïneridge is a test stream event.' "The ekaters participated in one or more of 17 different figure skating categories, including freeskato, figures, art 'istic, dance pairs, and free-skate pairs," said Lana Collier, chair of the Sunday competition, a test streai event. Petites unbeaten i Kingstoôn Whiitby Executive Copier petite A ringette team went undefeated inigsos annual teurnament la1 wekn to capture the gold medal. Whitby started play Friday night aginet Metcalfe. Behind the shutet goaltending of Jenifer Martel and a four-goal performance by Kristy KoUtrba Whitby scored an impressive 7-0 victory. Gaine two against Kingston saw the hast team, jumpinte a quick 4-1 lead. But WVhitbýy came back mu with two more goals bofore the first prod ended. Ini the 'second, VWhitby iskated, away te a 9-6 victoiy. Gaine three against Cumborland ended on a 3-3 tie. The final again matched Whitby and Kingston. Whitby came up with its boat two-way performance. Wiîth tirelees checking and Sld goaltending froinMartel, Whitby earned gold with an ipesii 4-1 victory. ipesv For the tournament Natalie Babony had 10 goals and two assiste, Kotarba tour goals and four assiste, Tara Henry four goal and two assiste, Jade Blight threo goals and threo assiste singlo gos by Nicole Clarke and Michelle Leni. Krystal Chartrand had fivo mssit and Lisa Paddiso two

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