Whitby Free Press, 15 Feb 1995, p. 3

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WhtbyReo Presd, Wechesday, ýFebruary 15.!'1995. PqPA Couinty Town Carnival retulrnfs Items from Whitby Council agenda(s) MndayFbruaryla, Recommenda- tions from the Pla nning and Development Committee That council Initiate proceedings to have the Robert Ruddy House at 501 Byron St. S. designated as an historicai structure under the Ontario Heritage Act. Buik in 1915, the house is a typical example of the type of brick homes bulft In WhItby during the First Worid War, a planning department report states. Robert Ruddy was a county judge and his son, Robert Donald Ruddy, was. clerk of the former Ontario county for 16 years. The house was owned by the Ruddy famlly for 74 years. Its current owners are the third f amlly to occupy Rt. CaMred That a site plan application f rom Co-Steel Lasco to permlt.four separate additions to the existing steel processing plant on Hopkins Street South be approved. The proposed additions are a scrap handlinig faciiity, a carbon storage silo, an electrical block house and expansion of the baghouse electrical room. carred That a minor variance to the Town's sign bylaw be granted to Coffeelmire Donuts at 308 Thickson Rd. S. The owner wants to Increase the area of a wall slgn from a maximum of 12 per cent of the area of the building facade to 16 per cent. CMArred Recommenda- tions from the Operati Mons That a report from the parks and recreation department on the third annual Moonlight Madness program held at the Rossland Road recreation complex on Jan. 13 be received for information. According to a staff report, more than 700 people took advantage of the f ree event to partIcipate ln the varlous programs. The report aiso notes th at 2,312 people had purchased memberships as of Dec. 31, 1994 and that the buliding's outstanding dol icit had been reduced by $197539. -ie Éy Mark Reesor Whitby council han pledged Rts support and "seed money» to help brmg back the 'Counity Towin Carnival.' The carnival, which included bicycle, yacht and je>wer boat rcs, sorts competitions, fire- woka parade and midway rides,9 was first held over the Civic Holiday weekend in 1973 and continued until 1981. Forty-three representatives By Mike Kowalid Gerry Blake knows a secret but he won't let on until next Wednesday. Blake chair of the Durham ]Regionbistrict Health Council, tdThe Free Press on Monday that the council has received the final, report of its acute cûre steering committee. But ho would not indicate whether the report supports an initial recommendation to con- vert Whitby General Hospital into a rehabilitation treatment centre serving ail of Durham 'I'can't do that, it would not be RRSP The indicated rate of retum is the historical annual compounided total retumn including changes in unit value anid re! into account sales, redemrption, distribution or optional charges payable by any unitholder which Would have redu Indicative of future retums. Important information about these mutual funds is contalned in their slmpllfied prosp lnvestment advlsors and read I: carefully before lnvestlng. Unit value and investment retum wiII fluctuate. from 18 community organiza- tions attended a Feb. 8 meeting oraized by Whitby mayor Tom Edwrd aimed at reviving the annual event. Town administrator Bill Wal- lace said at Monday night'à coum- cil meeting that there was "very positive and enthusiastic sup- oAn organizing committee was formed ta plan a four-day cani- val, to take place over the July 1 weekend. The Whitby Chamber of'Com- merce's Peter Perry Award cere- monies would kick things off Thursday night.. A. preliminary- sahedule suggests having !à iid- way at Iroquois Park, a casino niglit, dances, pancake breakfast, a. parade, sports tournanxents, tant garage sale barbecue, athtub races anc1 flreworks, among other things. Coucillors were enthusiastic and voted unanimously ta, chip in INVES Create the r While many inveç considering the perfi or securities, it is the determines long-terr There are hundred today. Depending on may invest in equitic income (bonds), cas], example), or a combi specialty funds thatc segments and there a investmnent activity t( Diversifying your out the ups and doNvr, performance, and yci return. To determine thei for you requires a lai, understanding. Consi circumstances; thienî *What do you want your mo " What is your investment ho " How much risk are you prel " When wiIl you need the mc " How much will you need fr, " What investments best fit y( Your response willý most appropriate for y For your complin your current financil Whiùtby's top finanei TPA Investinent Pl enough seed money% allow the organizing committes to initiat. commitments for activities au well as the promotion of the Carnlval.» Wallace says the amount has yet ta be doter- mnined. Edwards is credited with com- ing Up with the idea of bringing bacék the carnival. Ho sees it as a way of integrating and invol'mi new and long-time residents of the town. fair to the people involveki,» said Blake. "We're going through the pro- cess of having it explained to us so we can fuily understand it,» he said. The report will be made public at the health council's Féb. 22 meeting, Blake said. )N TO... ight investment mix. ýstors spend the most time onmance of specifie mutual funds, overail mix of investments that n resuits. às of mutual funds available 1 ts investment objective s, a fund .s (company shares), fixed h equivalents *(T-büls, for' ination of ail of these. There are -hoose a portfolio of industry. ire funds> that -confme their o specifie geographie areas. portfolio amoung them soothes ns of individual in vestmnent u are more likely to get a better investment mix most appropriate *ge measure of self- ider your personal needs and answer these critical questions. :ney to do for you? )rlzof? pared to accept? Dney? rom your investrments at retirement? our tax situation? help you deterniine the best mix 'OU. rientary appointment to review al situation, contact ,ial planners at laningCentre at 666-0896. ginvestment of alil distributions and do flot take u-ced retums. Past retumns are flot necessarily pectus. Obtain a copy from one of the above Health council chair sulent on hospital report "A-TTE-ETR-HELP" *TUTORING SERVICE weuse only Certified Ontario Teachers wye tutor in YOUR'home, and *we teach the classroom curriculum - ..~ piease cali 668-7841 for a brochure Advertisement TEIE IDEAL SOLUTIC AN EXPERT LOOKS AVI7ER YOUR RRSP MUDRT~ >1749.............. Investme'it Advisor DONALD R. DASTI SECURE INCOME FuNDs FOR YOUR RRP ~DYWK~#~OOM~ FUNt?~ ft~fl)RN$ A$AT4ANUAJ~.Y.*t~. .*. iy~ ~yt~ S 48 êS 16A# 10.G lInvestmenAdvisor NADEGE WEBB A PRUDENT WAY ..... To MIANAGE YOUR RRSP '~n~MAmrw~mAN FU14D R~TURNS AS AT4VIUAIW#110 Syi~ 1Oy*~ IlrsmedAdAsorKEN HUGGINS

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