Whitby Free Press, 22 Feb 1995, p. 14

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Page 14, Whltby Free Press, Weclnesday. Februaty 22, 1995 OSIEOPOIROSES The Osteoporosis Support Croup will meet Wednesday, March 1, 7 p.m., at the YWCA, i McGrigor St., Oshawa. For more informatiQn, call Mille at 725-1683. MARSH MADNESS DANCE The Save the Lynde Marsh citizens' committee will hold a 'Marsh Madness Dance' on Fr1- day night, March 10, with The Joe Tiernay Band, at the Whitby Legion hall. For more informa- tion, cali Johanna at 668-1317 or Tomr at 430-1469. 1NOON IN LENT Ail Saints' Anglican Church wiIl hold 'Wednesday Noon in 'Lent,' ecumenical service, on (Wednesdays, noon to 1 P.m., Marchi1to Aprill12Ithere wilbe 1meditation, short* service and ilunch. Coat i. $3 ($2.50 for ~seniors). The theme is 'Journey to ~Wholeness Recovery and -Faith.' -For more information, cal S68-5101. The Durham Fleld Naturalise îwil meet on Monday, Feb. 27, 7:30 p.m., at the Northview Ê,ublic Library, Oshawa. Mavi s Carlton from the Port Darlington Community Assoiation wil sjýeakc about the West Side Marsh. Ail welcome, admisson is free. a FAMION SHOW The Whitby General Hosptal Auliarywl]l present a fashon show by Carlin Enterprises on T1uesday, March 21, 7&m. at Trafalgar Castie School, ynoldIs Street, Whitby. ickets are $15, which includes wine and cheese, coffee, tea, dessert, and door prizes. Fashions are available for purchase at 25 to 30 per. cent off suggested retail prices. Tickets are available at the hospital gift shop, Lafontaine Trading Post, or caIl Cory at 668-0411 or Joan at 430-2572. AIDS 'Faxnily, Friands and Partners,' a six-week support grouP for people affectedby lIVAIDS, will be held Wednesday, March 1. For more information, caîl the AIDS Coinmittee of Durhanm Region at 665-0051. HEEALTHY P¶WGNANCY The Childbirth Education Association of Durham will meet Monday, Feb. 27, 7 to 8:30 p.m.j, at the A.jàx PublicLibrary, main branch <H-arwood Avenue and 401), to- discuas pregnancy changes. Everyne welcome. DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE SERVICE EMERGENCY PLANNING EXERCISE, DURHAM REGION The Provincial Nuclear Emergency Plan and the Durham Region NuclearEmergency Plan will be tested in an emergency simulation exercise on February 22 and 23, 1995, in co-operation with the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station. Please note: February 22 is an administration day and Thursday, February 23 will be the operational day. This exercise, which has-been under development for over a year, will involve the Province, Ontario Hydro, Durham Region (specifically the town~s of Pickering, Ajax and Whitby), and the Municipality of Metropolitan Torontô. Fire, police and ambulance services, together with other emnergency response organizati ons and Regional Departments wîll participate. Certain Pickering and Ajax schools within the Durham Board of Education, the Durham'Separate-Srhool Board and the Private Sector wiII participate in evacuation drills as part of the exercise. The Students and Staff will be taken to pre-determined evacuation centres. These wiIl be detailed on Thursday, February 23rd, 1995 at iapproximately 9:00 AM. (The Provincial Nuclear Emerg ency Plan details the strategy that would be employed by the Ontario Government, working in cooperation with Ontario Hydro, municipalities, and emergency response agencies, to maintain public safety in the event of a nuclear emergency. It must be tested periodically, in conjunction with the regional and municipal plans of affected communities, by means of drills and exercises. This exercise will test operational features of provincial and regional emergency plans as well as the communication links that would be necessary to convey important safety information and instructions to the community. Many of these are internaI procedures. The simulation will flot create any disruption in the community. There wili be no road closures. PLEASE NOTE: The public should be aware that the evacuation of the Pickering and Ajax Schools will take place on Thursday February 23rd after 9:00 AM and should not be alarmed to see schools being evacuated and emergency services present. If there are any concernis, contact the Durham Regional Police at (905) 683-9100. g1 Non-pofit communi goup which are basr in =htbor have a ubtanIal Whltby membershlp may place their page at no cost. Profil makIg 0<or rorý t~ faowlnew..Ws lfla<tol1 Fil&atai P.m. *_ PANCAKE SUPPER St. John's Anglican Church, Brock and Victoria streets, Port Whtywill hold the annual pancaksupper, Tuesday, Feb. 28, 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. Pancakes, sausages and desserts. Cost is $4 for adle $2 for kda $12 for familles. Literacy Week upcoming. LITERACY COUNCIL of Durham volunteer Julie Oakes (Ieft), and Elaine Murphy review an aduit iteracy workbook. Family Literacy Week begins Feb. 25 and con- tinues until March 4, and there wiII be a CANCER SUPPORT Oshawa Breast Cancer Support Group meeting will be held on Thursday, Feb. .23, at Klngsview United Church (corner of Wilson. and Adelaide Street), 7:30 to 9:30, p.m. For more information, contact Carolyn at 5764204 or Sylvia at 579-2680. NEEDED- - QUELTERS Anyone who bas a quilt to display at the annual spring quilt show at St. Mark s United Church, -Whitby, cal Rosalie at 668-4343 or, Joan at 668-3602, before March 18. Colo o'Yow -Worfd 9 1916 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY display at the !Oshawa Centre on Saturday. The counicil reminds adults it's neyer to late to Iearn to read. Tutorinq is free. Cali Murphy at 434-5441 for *more information. Photo by Mark Reesor. Whitby Free Prese OSHAWA ONE PARENT The Oshawa One Parent Familles Association will meet on Tuesday, Feb. 28, 7:45 p.m., for election discussion, at Croatian Cultural Sports Club Adria,- 432. Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Al memibers and guest weicome. For more information, cal Doug aýt 728-1011. E1RST AID Red Cross first aid programns (standard and emergency) will be held March 4 and 5. C ail 723- 2933 for more information. Ceiling &W I White Latex e One coat coverage - Easy soaip and water clean up $Q36 $473Osiz Pnice garanteed until Feb' 22-28195. PRESCHOOL. Jae M JCBlain, ôccupational therapist with Oshawa General. Hospital, will discuss the development and importance of 'Senoey Motor Integration' n how it affects planning of preachool physical programa on Satturday, Feb. 25, 9 amn. to noon, at the. Oshawa YWCA, 1 McGrigor St., Oshawa. Cost^ is $23 plus GST. For more information or to register, cal 905-723-9922. GIRL GUIDE CUOJUES Girl Guide' chocolate and vanilla sandwich cookies are available until the end of Febru- ary. Guides are gig dooir to door to take orders For more information, cail 430-4977. CARI) PARWl Westminister United Church- (Manning Road off Garrard), Whitby will hold a card party, Saturday,' Feb. 25, at 7:30 p.m. Cost is $2.50. Prizes and refreshments. Ail welcome. CREATIVE PLAY' The Family Education Resource Centre of Ktinark ia offenng, for parents, a workshop with ideas and activities to use at home, on Wednesday March 8, 7 to 9 p.m., at Knox lrebyterian Church, 147. Sixncoe St. N., Oshawa. The cost is $8 per person and pre-registration is required. -3.783 L Limit i-per household. W h it s p p le s ls t. L a &q~.,a p:~ ~it j ~ ~ ~ ~ rn WEIGHT RESTRICTION REGULATIONS will be in force on roads under the jurisdiction of the Regional Municipality of Durham effective March 1, 1995 to approximately May 1, 1995. Vehicle Ioads are restricted to FIVE TONNES per axie in accordance with Durhamr Region By-law Number 25,1-89 (as revised). Signs wilI be erected on ail Regional Roads to which these Weight restrictions apply. V.A. Silgailis, P. Eng. Commissioner of Works Regional Municipality of Durham ...... ... .. - SA VE

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