Whltby Free Pross, Wednosday, Febnaary 22, 1995. page 3 1 [9Oth biorthda of Rotairy ognzto Z.:Z Z Z *. .Z . . *.*.* , ~ *. *. .. . .. . . . .. . . .........*.*. . ..........*.:. . . .*.... Whitby's two Rotery clubs are currently celebreting the 9th birthdey of the orgnization,'the worid's ffirat end most inter- national service club. The Rotary Club of Whitby, begun in 1933, has a dispiay et the Bank of Montreal in down- town Whitby, and the Rotary Club of Whitby Sunriso,ý formed in 1988, hes a display et Picture This 'N' Thet in downtown Whitby. Feb. 19 to 25 hes been deciared as Rotary International Week. Paul Harris, a lawyer formed the firet Rotary club on VFeb.239 1905 in Chicago, with three of his cfents. Ho naxned the club 'Rotary' beceuse members met in rotation in their various places of busi- ness. Roptary clubs are made up 'of business and professional leaders who proide'humý4itarian ser- vice promnote high ethicai stan- darâs in ail vocations and help build goodwill and peace. The second Rotary club was formed in San Francisco in 1908. In 1910, there were 16 clubs and the National Association of Rotary Clubs was formod. When clubs were formed in Canada (the firat in Winnipeg Man m1911)and Britein, the na=%. \wasc9hanged in 1912 te the Intéenational Association of Rotary'Clubs, In 1922, the naine was shortened te Rotary Inter- national. When Harris died in 1947 et ege 79, ho wes president emeri- tus of Rotary- International end THE FOUR original Rotarians were' (from Hiram Shorey and Gustavus Loehr. left) Sylvester Schiele, Paul D. Harris, FROM PAGE 1 tion and indecisivenesa... the WIednesdays are -a great incen- tvfor us te stay in achool. Klaassen notes the prograin mekea up only 15. per -cent of clasa time not 20 per cent' as stated et dîe meeting, because of a longor achool day and shorter lunch-hour the reat of the week. «I and other parents are very happy. with the Wednesday pro- gram » writes Sharon Bernier, Who addsý she used te have te fight with ber kids te, get them ready for achool; "now 'my youngest (a grade aine Sinclair situdent) wants te go te achool and njot juat on Wednesdays.» ai jus t don'L understand how parents cen be so biased teward IL (the program) » seid a Grade il Sinclvair student who asked thet her naine not bo used. "I used te go te Anderson and b the time Thursday came along, al the kids were reedy te Asaulti -parking'lotý An Oshawa man wes essaulted in an altercation et the Whitby Plaza (No Frilis) early Friday, Feb. 10. Polie say the victim, a Coder 3treet man, saw two mon fi#ht- xng béhind bis car. Ho noticed ne of the mon hed kicked in bis ;ail-light and esked them te pay or it. Insteed, they begean shoving hlm and pushed himte the ground, police say. When ho tried te geL u> hyr hmover the head w1d1 a hard hat - police se y ho wasn't seniously hurt. The suspects thon gt inte e red Ford Taurus te-Ieave but noticed someone wetchlng them. The witness locked the doors of hie car, so the two suspects broko the windahield wlth their bard feli esleep in their chair... (now) wo feel'wo have more energy te actuaily focus on our work and we're getting botter et our classes... and- the kids actually went te corne." .As for lesa classeroom timo, "I have friends going toe H~ad Anderson and 'm ùîgetting btter marks. than they are in the same course.» Only one student who contac- ted The Free Press disliked the prograin. .Ifeel that et, timos it's a waste of time," said Sarah Didycz, who'sin Grade il et Sinclair. Sports and theetre, for exem- ple, are nice but it's not achool; xt's like a play day..." She fears her marks are suifer- ing because of reduced time in ecedemie classes, edding that she'd like te take botter courses on Wednesdays "but there aren't any btter courses.» Tomake up for the bst Utie, Didycz feels 'teachers "cram everthing in; on Wednesdays et other chools, the teachers h ave mnore timne te expiain things. "Say Tiuesday (et Sinclair) you're having trouble with some- thing. They don't offer extra help and if they're domn something else, y ou cen't exacty go up and esk th e teacher te help you. By Thursdey, you don't remember how te do it or they've %one on to a tetely diferent tep l. She se'd she's takn lher cern- aints te Egan, Sinclairs princi- pal «ýmeny times... it ,#oes ini one ear and out the other. Egan said she found it very upsetting te see crities of the program accuse her of boing not willng t lite othem. .She sa.id she's set uýp times for parents te *teik with her --a 'diel ogue-with -the-principel" opportunity on Wednesday efter- noons, for exemple -- but heu hed littie response. «rve nover not returned phone cails. rvo nover been unevail- able... short of 'standing out on Taunton Road and waving aign and saying 'hore I amn' - it de get frustreting.*. «Really what people are seying la 'you won't change y-our mind'... defended. I stili think there's eamail group that reaily would like te, have a different type of school...,'they've said that te me and I guesa beceuse I didn't go 'oh ail right, let's, change our sehedule thon' -- that's bow I interpret 'she doesn't listen.' The Wednesdey progrem wes designed as a de te eilow stu- dents- some flexiÀlity in their. week and a chance for them te determnine what they needed te enhence their learning,» Egani said. "]Don't get me wrong, we have e few students who do not use Wednesdey wiseiy. We have a few students who the vice-pr inci- pela and I spend time with te help them choose wlseiy." ' As well, the numbor of speoes eveilebie in recreation programs are Iimited, she adds, andt staff reviews choices te, ensure stu- dents can't choose aIl recrea- tional and ýno academie subjects on Wednesideys. Twenty peor cent of what's offered on Wednesdays is generel interest and 80 per cent remedial or enhencemont courses, said Egen. As for compleints about bast class time, "if the students choose just two ecademie of the four choices on Wodnesdey, they will have more minutes of in- struction in the week then the other high schools would -- that's aIl it takes in terms of reel minutes.» Eganseys a survey is pianned on the-Wednesday program and other topics, after the March break -- one was nover promised in Jenuary, she ssid -- with resulta expected sometime in April. If e few parents or students can't resolve their problema with Sincleirs way of doing thinge, they have the option of transfer- ring te, anothor achool, seid Egen. Seventeen new students trans- ferred te Sinclair after the second semester finished et the end of January, she said. Ton students let but seven. of those moved away and. only three tranaferred t other Whitby schools. there were '6,000 clubs world- Wide. There are now 27,000 clubs in 150 countries, with elmoat 1.2 million memberae. George Stevenson was the firat president of the Rotary Club of Whitby, anid Patrick Johnsten firat resident of the Rotary Club of Whitby Sumisà e. The Taste ofthe. Month, Jomn the Whitby Dairy Queen i celebrating your child's next birthday. Enjoy a hassle free party at a mi*ninum price. Only $2.99 per child. We supply the hats. balloons. doodie paper with crayons. a party prize and DQ voucher for each child. The menu consists of the choice of' burger. hotdog or nuggets with fries and soft drink. If you haven't tried our delicious Dairy Queen Cakes. now is your chance hecausýe it's FREE (mini. of 6 children). Even your hardest critic wilI happily devour our layers (if vanilla and chocolate sofi serve witlh a big layer ofgooey fudge and cookie crunch. We xiIi even decorate your child's cake with their favourite theme. And besi of ail -.we dlean up the mess! WHIJBY i'DAIRY QUEEN -.1003 Dundas St. E. "Wh itby 668-5342 -~ 1---~ Your Financial Health Derek Dutka Start conftributions earlier Procrastination is the single biggest cause of low retirement inoe. Be* RRSP contribuntions as soon as possible. Thie more contributions you inake, the, larger the value of your RRSP at retiremont. lho cost of procrestination cen be significent. For exemple if yopi begin making annuel contributions of $3,500 at age 29 and earned a return of 12 per cent per year your RRSP would be Worth- $2,684,000, at age 65. However, if'yowat1yer before sterting *your annual contribuions (350u 0 earsra 12 per cent return), it will be Worth $844,000 a t ý age .65, a difference of more than $1i800,000. Let's lower the rate to 8 *r cent per year. A 25-yearý-old contributing $3,500 te, age 65' would amnass $906 698. Starting at age 35, ho or she woulid accumulate $396,491. fthe investor waited until'age 45 to, start, the RRSP would.grow t6 only $160 167. The' magic of. compounding h as an almoet unelievable effect on the value of an investment." >1>'. One lest exemple.Assume there are two. investors, Ms. Early and 1 Mr.. Pokey. Ms. Eerly décides at age 25 te ienveat $3,000 a ear into an RRSP. She continues te, inveit $3,000 annually ý r tbe next five years and* then for somne unknown' reason stc;s contributing,'but leaves the' RRSP intact.'rI Pokey doesn't âart investing in his RRSP until he'la 31. -Fromi a «3ît 6 iemakes annuel contribution of *3,000 ei RRSP. Both investors have picked similer inve0ýs$tenýts'which provide an annuel return of 12 per cent. Whose RRSP do ou think will be worth more et ege.65 (remember Ms. EarlyC made a total of- six investments of 1$3,000, whilo Mr. -Pokey heu made a total of 35 annuel investrnents of $39000)? If you quost Mr. Pokey you)re right. However'the.,differenco 8surrisingly small, onlys$10,700 (Ms. EarIy = ,4.ý39,689 and Mr.Po,,key . $1 450,389, which emphtasizea themportance , of starting your RflSP'contribution eary Ites nover too 1ee e eina lan. Oel your financial plenner today te find ou t how youcari get started. Derok Dutka is an indiepndent linancial. planner Fwth Financial Concept Group in CAha wa. Experiment'