Whitby Free Press, 1 Mar 1995, p. 12

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Page 12, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, Ma"ch1. 1995 ARTIS The oix-week <Arthritis Self-Management Progrn' will bo held on Thursdays, 12:30 te 2:30 p.m., starting Marc h 9, atý 439 Dean Ave., Oshawa. Cail the Arthritis Society te rogister at 434-7221. ENLEPSY The. parent group cf Epilopsy Durham Boe» wil meet Tuesdayarh 7, 7:30 p.m., at Kinsmen Coenmunity Centre, 109 Coiberne St. W., Oshawa. Gueet, speaker la pediatric neurcog iat Robert Kunn. For more information, caIl 666-9926. MODEL SHOW AND SALE The Whitby Aero Modellers wil held the sixt annuai medel show and sale cf R/C planes, cars and boata, Sunday, March 5, 10 amn. te, 5 p.m., at Heydenshore Pavilion, Whitby., Admission is $3. For more information, cal 668-0569. OSTEOPOROSIS The newiy- formod Whitby Ostooporesis Support Group wMil hold'its firat meeting on Fridaxy, March '10, 1:30 p.m., at the Whitby Seniors' Activity Contre. For more information, cal Bta at 666-1896. PSYCHIC FUN FEST A Psychic Fun Foat will ho, held on Saturday, March 4, 7:30 p.m., at Hope Spiritualiat Church, 300 Court St., Oshawa. There will ho tarot, medicine cards, tea leaves, crystais, books, tapes. The $5 admission charge includes mini-reading. Cail Margaret at 666-3256 for details. STAMP CLUB. The Oshawa Stamp Club will meet e» Tuesday, March 7. 7 pam., in the cafeteria at O'Noill Cvi, Oshawa. Collectera; and guest are welcome.; For more information, oel Roy at,728-2599. CESEAEAN REWTNTION The Cesearean Prevention, support and education group of Dur hax RBgion will meet on- Monday March 6,,at 7:30 p.m., at 146. MI St., Ohw.Tepic for discussion wiil ho ' How your cbildbirth docisions affect farnily and* frienda.' For more information, cail Paula at 579-5073. .FHOT[O CLUB The Whitb Pho phc Club will meet MWondÉLYr.aarch 7, 7 p.m., in roomf 111, enry treet High School. RalpÉH Gros fthe Torontoe.Camera ClubliJ wil present the firat cf a t*o-part seriesý, 'Polos Apart,' and will show his photos from the Arctic. Ail are welcome. For further information, caîl Peter Tomblin at 430-0823. ONE PARENT FAMILlES The One Parent Families Association will meet on Tuesday, March* 7, 7:45 p.ni., for their general meeting and elections, at the Croatian Adria cultural club, 432 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Al single parents, custodial or not, are wolcome. For information and details, call Doug at 728-011 QUILTERS GUJL The Durham Trillium Quilters Guild next meeting will ho heid on Tuesday, March 7, 7:30 p.m., in the Caribbean Cultural Centre, 600 Wentworth St. E., Oshawa. For more -information,. call 905-683-5135 or 905-725-7751. PC USERS CLUB The Durham» PC Usera' Club will meetThuredayMarch 9 7 to 9 p.m., at CAW Loca 222 VHil, 1425 Phillip Murray Ave.,* Oshawa. Corel Corporation- will prosent CoreiDraw! 5.0. Admisosion is free. For more information oel Bruco Laycraftùu 905-728-9351 or Linda Nette» 90.5-623-2787. PARKINSON Parkinson Support Group Durham Bogie» chapter will meet on Monda, March 6, 7:30 p.m., at St. Mares United Church, Whitby, corner of Coîborne 'and Centre streets, south door entranco. Guest'speaker is field director Janet Ozechowsky. General public invited, refreshmenta are available., For more information, cail 666-8576 or 668-6580. (This meeting was cancelled last month due te, cold weather) SURVIVORS The United Survivors Support Centre will hold ita flrat annual generai meeting March 7.- Refr-eshients at 6:30 p.m., business hogins at 7 p.m. For more information, call Debbie at 905-436-8882. ITC The Firat Oshawa ITC Club, which helpa develop confidence in public speaking and leadership, will nieet en Tuesday, March 7, 7 p.m., at the Michael Starr Bidng, first floor, 33 King St. W.,, Oshawa. For more infora tion, cei 579-9179. NOON IN LENT Al Saints' Anglican Church will hoid 'Wednesday Noon in Lent,' ecumenical service,. on Wednesdays nec» te 1 p.m., March 1 te Âpriî 12. There will ho meditation, short service and lunch. Co&t l'l $3 ($2.50 -for seniors). The theme is «Journey te Wholeness, Recovery and Faith. For more information, cali 668-5101. SUPPORT GROUP The Invisible' Disability Support Grot4p. will 'meet on Tuesday, Mar4h 7, 7 p.m. at 947. Adelaide Ave.'E. Oshawa. The meetings are' fiorparents cf children with ADD, ADHD, scial, emotional or hohavièural problema. Ail welcomè. For'more information, call Mary Lou at 623-5414, Karen at 623-6490, or Nancy at 436-7706. WOMEN'S DAY To celebrate, International Women's Day on March 8, the Oshawa Durham Rape Criais Centre will hold a dinner, and talent night for wcmon and- childron cf Durham» Bogion, at the French Cultural Centre, 384 Hillaide Ave., Oshawa. Dinner begins at 6 p.m., talent portion begins at 8 p.m. Coat cf the fevenigis$0 for women and $5 for cidre freshments wil ho served throughout- the evening. For more information, te book talent, or te order tickets, contact Sandy (daytime) or Laurel (evening) at 725-2241. GIENEALOGICAL SOCIETY The Whitby-Oshawa Branch (Region cf Durhamn) 0< the Ontario Genealogical Society wil meet on Tuesday, March 7, 7:30, p.m., at Henry Street Hligh School cafeteria, 614 Henry St., Whitby. Harvey Medland,. guidance counsellor at Jarvis Collegiate, will speak on 'Tombatene Tales.' AI meetings are free and open ta members and the general public. Far moe.information, oel Marie» at 683-2476 or 'Bessie 723-7460. APESYRUP A maple*syruP demonstration will ho held at Purpie Woods Conservation Area north cf Osh- awa frcm March 6 to April 13. Sugar bush tours will aise be held March 11, 12, 18, 19, 259 26 and Apri'l 8 -and 9Ïwodcrvn exhibition March il, 129 18 and 19; pacake a, March 15; food banick drive, March il 'te 19; seniors' woekend, March 25 and 26; pancake wekend, April 1 and 2. For more information, cal 579-0411. ATDS 'Positively Speaking,'- a six- woek suZport greuqp for mon and womnen living with HWV/AIDS, wili be heldt on Wednesday, March 8. For more information, caîl the AIDS Committee cf Dur- ham Bogie» at 665-0051. WORLD DAY 0F FRAYER The Worid Day cf Prayer will be held onF riday, March 3, 2 te7 p.m., at Ho bren Christian Reformed Church, 407 Crawforth St., Whitby. The theme this year is 'The oarth is a house for ail poople.' Ail welcome. SOGH The Save Our General Hospital committee wiil meot on Tuesday, March 7, 7:30 p.m., at the Whitby municipal building, ccmmittee room 1, te discus the acute care Steering Conmttee proposais. Idtby's e Jilous p« Aý-ir ace,.Billy Bishop took acrial photos By Briau Winte Town (of Whitby ArChIviet First World War pilota who were ou t of a job after the Armistice was signed i» 1918 prcvided Whitb with the firet aerial photogrpýis of the twn75a years ago. In 1919 and 1920, a series of 15 photographe .was taken from. an airpiane and made into picture posteards for residents of the aid County Town. Many cf thoso carda are ncw in the Town of Wihitby Archives and the original photqgraphs are in the Archives of Ontario in Toronto. The series consiste cf 10 views cof the town and five cf the Ontario Hospital (now the Whitby Mental Health Centre). The photographe, for some, if not ail, the Whitby photos were by William (Billy) Bishop and William Barker, who operated the Canada Post Card Company. Bishop la known as Canad'a greateat air ace cf the First World War. He shot down 72 German planes, a record for British Empire pilota. A national hero, he went on te, be an Air Marshal in the Second Woid War. Hoe<ied in 1956. .In recent year his reputation has corne imder Ore in bocks and fims stating that he took credit for planes he did net shoot down. UME HUNG'S HEALTHY COOINGCLASSES AND IUALTH F000 STORE " Low Fat Stir Fry- *Vegetarian Cooking " The 20 Minute Gourmnet and more CALL FOR TIMES 728-2222 The Whitby pictures are creditod te the Canada Poat Card Company and another fln» called McCarthy Aero Service. The dates on the postcards are 1919 and 1920. Among the scenes are twe cf the Ontario Ladies' College (now Trafalgar Castie School) from back and front, and two cf the harbour. There are five shots cf the Ontaio Hospital in the Ontario Archives' collection, but only twe appear te have been made into postecards. The remnainder of the views are cf downtown Whitby from various angles. The poStcard business seemed a natural way te make money for the Pilota cf the First World War who sudderily found themselves unemployed. There was ne commercial aviation in 1919 and- 1920 in Canada, and about the only other cheicos open te thèse joung mon were te bocome stunt flyers at county fairs or bush pilota in the north.. Amnong the te-wns which have similar - aerial photographs te, WhitbY are Bowmnanville and Boecaygeon, but the carde are DI YOU KNOW? That Watson Street in Port Whitby, from Dufferin Street te Charles Street, was only named ini 1955. Its- previaus name was Maitiand Street, named after a former governor of UVpper Canada. The section of the street from Dufferin Street te South Blair Street waa alwaLya named Watson Street after John Watson (1806-18795 whose family operated grain elevators atthge hrbur and served as harbourmnasters for three generations. Mano f -the Wataons served iiithe Whitby flire department. rare and command high prices for coilectors. Because they are 'ireal photo' carda they are av soughtby collectera. A number were for sale at the Torontoe Pont Card. Club's annual show last Sunday in Scarbarough. One of the carda (seo photo), is of particular interest because it shows, at the left, the canvas wing cf the aircraft from which it was taken. This was an old World War I biplan., so called because it had two wings, one abeve the other, joined with metal struta. The cockpit was epen te, the elements, and it must have hoon difflcult te hold a camera with the wind blowng. Ono of the most noticeable factors about the- Whitby aeriai photographa la 'how famall the tewn la, and how much of what is built. up. today was farmiand in 1919.and 1920. Whitby'sý population was only 3,506 in 1919, and the built-up portion ef the tewn extended from Chestnut'Street te, Lake Ontario and from Hemry Street on the wost te, Garde» Street on the east. The photo shows the area north from Centennial Park at Tre nt Street, as far as Taunton Road. King Street is behind the planète wing at the left and HcoyStreet la at the right. Downtown Whitby la the cluster.cf buildings at the centre of the photo, and Broek Street is the white lino leading from'tep te bottom cof the picture. 1The pestcard aerial views were a fad for only a. couple cf yeara, for ne more such cardeaappear after 1920. The * unempioyed, pilota who teok them probably nover realized that they wero. maldng hiatoric imaesof Whitbyt the firat ever taen frein an airplane. WHITBV LOOKING north -from Centennial Park in'l1919 was first aenal photo.' WhItby Archives Photo ast

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