DETAILS & TU ES PKARMA &CO. Enter the TEMPLE 0F MAGIC and you'il be totally encha n a world of 1FANTASY and ILLUSION Entertainer strums some of bis ncwcst tunesi [Herbie ~ THE INTERNATIONAL CIRCUS CLOWN! Herbie is sure to keepkids Iaughlng as he perfôprms his crazv stunts! He reaches out and makes kids' dreams cone truc..." and our taented Hosts i a worldof wild imaginlngs! Join C-2-C in musical fanfare as thcy salute the Canadian ilfitary and celebrate lCanada's cominltment to frecdom... juggler/unicyclist/comedian who wIl keep you Iaughing. cray sound effects and kooky antics dellght even ffic youngcst... choreographed ani scriptecl show delvers musical messages parents want their kids to hear. pop/rock trio great for kiIsfrom 2-12'_ performance *MARCH 14 - BRENDA CLARK Creator of Franklin wiIl autograph her bookcs from 1:30 - 3:00. S Wguest star FRANKLIN wilI arbe appearlng._ *MA4RCH 16 - KAYLA%, autograph session between performances. *MARCH 18 - KIDEO, autograph session after each performance. IANDS ON DEMONSTRAfONS 0F TOYS, GAMS, ETC. DAILY Mar, 16 -12.-30 p.m. Arme Lindsay Mar, 16*- 3:00 pa. Mr. Dresup Mar 17 - 4:00 pn Briar MeFar-lane Mar. 18. -*130 pn. max Raines WATCIR i nSCAT IN Tm rIRT QIARCTM~ & «CLU';FoIu' AU 3 DAYS ofCdnodq MON.-FRI. 10-9 ST :0-6SN1- SAT, 9:30 - SUN. 12 - 5