Whitby Free Press, 22 Mar 1995, p. 10

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Page 10, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, March 22, 1995 Sight increase fiorecast flor separate board By Mark Reeeor. TÎxe Durham separate échool board isaimift for a budget "in the neiphbourhiood of $15-8 mil- lion" tins year, about 7.7 per cent more than last year. That would mean an average tax increase for Durham eparate boarýd supporters of a liele lees than two per cent says board director designate àrant Andrews, who notes any increase will b. in line with that of the public board. Trustees-will meet April 6 to look at ways to alice about $2 million off a preliminary draft budget which came Îin close te, $160 milioôn.. The final hudLyet lA meeting April 18.. Andrewsi says the added !pending is due te an enrolment mecrease of between five and six per cent and more capital pro- jtaincluding the construction of a Wt;ench high achool at High- way 12 (Brock Sre)adTin ton Road in Whitby. The public boafrd's firet draft budget would have meant a 6.7 prcent tai hike for its suppor- tes. Thatsa already been recluced by haif and trustees are expected te continue makring cuts at a meeting temorrow night (Thurs- Publie board trustees are hot- whI l1 è1 bus ine~Iss Lontime stores close TWOlon-etabishildown- their doors 7brthe last time. Burtisky & Brant Floriats and Perkins Decorating Centre, located alxnost directly opposite, each other on Byron Street South, both went out of business earhier this month. Ini the case of the former, owner Bill Brant retired after 14 years in the flower trade. .Brant, who preferred not te commènt at this time, purchased the shop from previous owner John Burtinsky in 1981. Hie was the third person te own the business whiéh s3tar-ted in 1940 as Slichter's Floriats. Meanwhile, Bob Perkins ia puting bis former paint store on te east aide of Byron Street up for sale. Although Perkins himself got out of the paint and decoratmg business in 1992, he retained ownership of the building. The two different tenants who rented the facility from hini both kept the Perkinis' name while ontinuing te operate the paint store. Originally owned by Dodd & Bouter, Perkins' father- Bill bought the business in 1972 and upon bis retirement ini 1990, Bob took mver. WhiIe Perkins intenda te seli the store, the next owner wil have to wait until after this year's provincial election before setting up shop. The store will be used as the campaign headquarters, for Dur- ham Centre Progressive Conser- vative candidate-Jim Flaherty. Visit to a therapist «pcedt b ppoeda atéend of April. Hedqaîer t ~led to a new career !Ieadjailer to sty J MarkRee.Sor FROM PAGE 1 liowever, that scbeme was defeated at regonal council. Meanwhile Edwards is pheased that the '5obs and money»" that go with the new courtbouae will stay in the arna but he regrets that Whitby wil1 b. losing its share of the court facilities. Town officiais did make a "spirited proposal" tte Ontario go vernment te build the court- houa.'Mi Whitby, but it was almost a foregone;conclusion that the province would opt for Osh- awaEw rsconceded. <'taff made a strong presen- tation and the. ministry had a close look at it," he said. So mucli so, that the announcement waa delayed a few montha, Edwards said. - "The. decision was te b.e made THIS WEEKOL ~ MINI ITALIAN BUNS Uimit 3 dozen per customer ASSORTED PIES * 3 * : per wdS hast Deoember, but Whitby's pro- posal was so, attractive that it caused them te pause before tbey made their determination te go te Oshawa." Altbough b. did not bave the. specific details immediately available, Edwarda said part of Whitby's submission included building the courtbouse near the. Ontario government registry office on Rossland Road. Whitby's bid waa intentionally kept quiet te avoid raising «false hoes »Edwards said. Osiiawa was firat and fore- moot. There were announce- ments during the federal election and that was the expectation," lie said. (While it was flot enough te help him retain bis seat, nor was it a federal issue, former Oshawa INDP MP Mike Breaugh uaed the. 1993 election campaign to announce that Ontaio's NDP government would build the courthouse in Oshawa.) "But we wanted staff te corne up with a good proposal and rFm satisfled we did the best possible job we coulde Edwards addd. Qffering ail insolvency services including personal & corporate bankruptcies OSHAWA 122 Albert St. 721-7506 AJAX: 50 Commercial Ave. 619-1473 COBOURG: 72 King St. W. 372-4744 Saturday & evening appointments available. FREE initial consultation. ri1gn, £aIl 3znen DLVIALJL nJPA resident Anna yers was a sin- gle parent wit three children, aged 13, 11 and 2, and needed te finid a way te support them. Today she's Anna Myers BA, M.SC., a marrage and family therapist working out of ber Whitby home, having recently graduated with* a masters of science degree from the University of Guelph's marriage and fanxily tberapy graduate pro- g rani. Only six students a year are admitted inte tbe course at Guelph, which is the only Cana- dian university program accredi- ted by the Amîerican Association for Marriage and Famuly Therapy. Myers says sh. decided te, become a therapist after going te one te get belp dealing withhler marriage break-up «It was so bel nfuI for m e. I thougbt I'd reallike rýte do that myself. MY therapist was great and really, really belpful." Sh. started takin courss at Durham Colli e wbife intherapy and «when I made tbe decisionI looked at wbat I bad been talc- ing... and I bad everytbinu I Séotit Prins & Stephen Rowlands are pleased to annowwce the officiai opening of their CharteredAccounting practice at 1913 Dundas St E. W'ty, LIN 2L5 404-9316 Over ...... . 20 Years Experience Stephen Rowvlands C.A. ScottrPins CA -.PIS -LROWLANS Pull Accounting Services Available Including: ePersonal & Corporate Taxes.e Audiing Financial Consulting e Business Plan Preparation (Evening and Weekend Appointinents Available) Revenue Canada E-FILE Authoiized Agent WHITBY'S Anna Myers recently1 of Guelph's nigorous, two-year program -- while stili copingwÎthî a single motherof three children. neêded to get into that (the Guelph) gain except for sta- tisie' eroau» nobody takes that if they don't have to." M4yers applied and «was on the oeilmng, I was so excited» when she received a letter asking her to cone in for a personal, day- long interview. Only 16 candidates are chosen for interviews. To be eligible they must have an honours bachelor degree with a minimum 75 per cent grade average, letters of recommendation frýom several of their professors, three years employment related te human services of some type (Myers had been a teacher) and research and statistical akilis. After she was accepted, Myers H.G. Roughley Liniited Insurance Elizabeth "Bethu Parise - Broker H.G. Roughley Lmited is pieased to announce that Beth Parise has joined their staff of Insurance Professionals. Beth has over 20 years expenience in both Personal and Commercial Lines of Insurance. H.G. Roughiey Limiteci is ceiebrating their 5Oth Anniversary in business during 1995 serving the Durham Region with quality insurance products for business andi persoriai requirements.t 1000 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 576-7770 t Toronto 686-5857 graduated from the University marnage and family therapy ail thîe responsibilities of being Photo bY M"r Reeso, Whitby Free Press and ber youn rest son and daughter -- ber eldest son was off at university r- moved te Guelph and that's*when the r.ally bard work began. "It waa a really intense course. Quit. often Nd leave (for echool) at 8:30 in the morning and not corneborne until 9:30 or 10 (p.m.)... '~Mydaughter took over wben I coulYn't. She was really great -- she watcb.d My son, cooked, did the laundry. Myers bad couresmost of tbe day ad "we bad te do tbe assigments that went witb the courses, we bad te work on our thesis and we bad te see clients... we were the. tberapists at the centre so we were also working," ah. says. "It was very, very intensive.» She successfully compheted. the prgan in Auut of lat y.ar, gadu. e in October, moved te Why in December and im- mediatoly set up ber practice and started.seeing clients. Myers says she tries te focus on people's strengths and bow they can use them te solve their problems, using a conversational approach. aClients know more about thernselves and what's good for tbern than anyon..... when we talc. notes, (for exaznphe) we take notes together and ti, client gets a coy of the notes. «W decide together about what goes in the notes and what's important te rernember about what we'v, talked about and what's most helpful te the client. "meb needa of the. client and t;he desires of the clients in theraV in a very important JAMES R. YANCH

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