Whitby Free Press, 22 Mar 1995, p. 34

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Bantams bump ed out o!fnaroPlayoffs The Whitby minoe bantam AA hkyteam, sponsoed by Forran DioaICorp«a tion, was put out ffurteMHIA actionb strong Aurora club after .hty who had a win,the loues and a tie against Aurora i league and tournament play, bast game one 6-2. Wbitby dug ther way out of a 3-1 hole in the seond gaine to tie the gaine 3-3 at the end of the second period. However, the usual strong third period showing b~y the home aide ddidt materialize, mSly due to an i4iury and vacation-ahortened bench. Aurora aored three unanswere goals to grab a 6-3 win. Gaine three in Aurora was délayed for an hour while waiting for riefmee to show. In a Auror continued ther attack, penalty-fllbed &lrst *ercd, Aurora and won the game 5-1. scoed two power play goals Wildcats now do down to Two Whitb defenoemen were beagu cha pioshp pato inured in lhe sod period. wrap up the season ]Busy 7s beatn i Trlimmy senmi inals -School may have been on hiatus bast week, but there was no break from hockey for Wbitby minor squirt select 70. Last weekend, North Toronto edged> out the 7a 1-0 in the semi-final round of the 4Oth annual Tiimy Tyloe tournament. Novices beat Ajax The Whitby minor novice AA hockey teain, sponsored by Ljongley Vickar BS, gained revenge by defeating archrivab Aýjax, seven points to five in quarter-finaIlbeague playoff ation. After loaing the opening round of the OMHA playdowns to Ajax, with both gamet; decided in overtime, Wildcats found themselves down five points to one and their backs againat the wall again in this series. Gaine four in Whitby featured a well babanced attack with Philip McIlhone, Kenny Henry and Chris Odborne providing the scormng i a 3-1 win. Geoffrey Nibbett stopped a penalty shot with five minutes to semi-final round with an 11-0 win over Prince Edward Coumty after dropping a 7-4 deciion to Lorne Park. Earlier in the week, Whitby bast to Parkwoods and lied Cedar Hill 5-5 and Pickering 4-4 inia Pickering Hockey Association tournament. Ini North York playoff action, Witby advanced to the second round 'by -winning, their best-of-three (or four-point) series against Thornhi with a 5-1 go i te amean WhtbyahadMA~ cretlyhod 3-0, and Ajax on the power play- two-poent advantage over Aia poled the shutout bid Bradford by virtue of a 3-1 win on scorngrbate in the gaine. ac1. Ganefive in Ajax saw Justin Mih5 Fox score twice in the third to break a 11 lie and even the S kater.,2nd, smies at 5-.,Henry provided the ofirgoal 4 nth mn Gaie sx m4thïnU.S. down to one goal deciding the unies and it was scored by Heny Pia Schinidt-Hansen had top onthe firthiùftof the gaine. A fu iihsa w eetrl defensive and gzoaltending battle fu iihsa w eetrbe domiate th reainder of the sjkating competitions i the U.S. dominateholdingemThe Whitby Roller Skatmng gaine with the Wildcatshodn Club mnember was second ini on. Goaltending duties were spflit ladies' fresye at a March 17-18 between Niblett and Justin competition in Taunton, Mass. White. ' She was fourth in the saine Wbhitby now faces Vaughan in meent at a competition i Chicago a best-of-five'semi-final series. March 3 and 4. The Whitby Free Press is introducing, CALL 416-283-4117 ExL 47. tplace your FREE an ail NE W dating column! P fPKÇf, Y, CALL 1-900-451-4882 Ext 47 $1.99 per minute. You must be 18 years aider and have a toucht<rne phone ta use titis service., ta ,'ipvnnd or hrowse voice adL.~ ---gfD5JjAUFW ads. SFREE AD~ FREE..VOICE GREETING ' FREE MESSAGE RETýRIE VAL.once ia.wk Soelchou5t yiub>' DmctRepoaseMaaoetn34« W Whe dv. WiHIausvII, N.'aY14ZUf custom.rs.MCO #.1-00-273-»77. CONNECT WITH ME SSBF, l, N/S, non-drinker, waiting f0 '1ý ATt S hear from SM, 18-27 f0 go out andi have fun. Adi 2014 UNIQUE, CONFIDENT 100 PERCENT EFFORT hair, eyea change with mood. funny, Easygoing SW mom, 29, N/S, lovas intelligent, haad strong, seekingasin- spririg. walks, movies, seeking SWM, cara, trustworthy. relia ble SW Haray« 30-40, N/S, knows whaf romance 5,. mari, 40, friandhip firat. Adi 1786 Adi 3110 IS TIS YOU? FUN TIMES AHEAD SBF, 28, amokar, no de pendenta. Bi-SF, 32, amoker, fun, loves goino seeking serious-minded SBM. 27-35, out, staying in. ooking for uiderstancf dada wlcome, for possible relation- ip SF, 30-45, who she cen gel aiong ship. Adi 6930 with. Adi 6675 LETS GET TOGETHER LOVES FRESH AIR SWF, 29, N/S, likea sports, movies, SWF, 51, N/S, nori-drinkar, no depen- fine dining, seaking SWM, 28-40, no dents, seeking SM, 45-55, tell, hand- dapandents. N/S, for fun timas. somae, farmers and S dada waicome. Adi 8036 Adi 8326 REFINED TIME FOR ROMANCE DEF, 40s. 5613, 1 4Obs., enjoys shows, SWF, Young iooking 46, 54% 145lbs., diniri, movies, waekends away, seek- attractive, N/S, social drinker, anjoya i sîncere gentleman, for long larm camping, ouldoors, walks, drives, reî,afonship. Adi 9134 basebaîl, bowling. saaking SWM, 40- RELATIONSHIP POSSIBLE 50. 5'10+, West End area. SWF, 47, blonde, green eyes, likes Adi 8703 danicing, dining, swmming. camping. animais, s eekirig SWM, 45-50, f0 WHY NOT CALL? spend time wifh, possible relationship. SBF, 27, N/S, non-drinker, no depen- Adi 5956 dents, waitinglto hear fromSM undar 36, social dririkers, no dependents, N/ FIRST TIMER S, religion and race ara not specifi- Bi-BF, 22. 5'7% , lbs., likes movias, cetiy Important. Adi 9925 working out, seeking SWF, who likes SINGL PARNTft have furi. Adi 7444 SB/WF, 33, N/S, social drinker. enjoys NOT INTO HEAD GAMES movies, dancing anid quiet times, GWF, 29,56", cuta, laid back, protes- searching for SM, 30-45, forfun times. sional, active. seeking compatible Adi 6094 SWF, 26-32, similar qualifias. MOM OF ONE A#20 SBF, 33, amoker. employad, fnancoally STILL LOOKING independent, looking for f inancially in- GWF, 42, 1 2Olbs., very affectionate, dapendant SBM, 33-45, who know romantic,lkes various activtia, seek- whaf ha wanîs and la working f0 lng similar GWF, 35-50. Adi 9559 achiave If. Adi 6542 SINGLE MOM - WELL 58E SWF, 32, 5'4, l3Otbs., cown to aarth, SWF, 47, long blonde hir, geen ayes, anjoys cuddiing, movias, laughter. 55, 1251bs., seekirig tait, dark hair cooking, seeking SWM, also down f0 and ayes, SWM, 46-50, sensitive, ouf- aarf h. likas children. Adi 9232 going, likes chitdren and pets, possible FIJN-LOVING relationship. Adi 2578 SWF, 23, 54', attractive, likas fa 50- CONFIDE IN MEI cialize and have fun, aaeking like SBGF, 44, NIS, non-drinkar,rno depei- minded SWM, 25-35. Adi 3168 dents, seaking SBGF, 30-48, wilfing f0PRt IMoOM begi aln raafirisip. di 840 GBF, 24, likas movies, walks, quiet SEEKING 0000 MAN nlghfs at home, seaking SWF. S ItalinF 41. 5'B", dark curfy hair, Adi 8525 big olive mye, loves skating. skhlng, FNN REDII cooklng candlolîght dinners, seeldng FGBDF EakNgSBFIriaefdI hanet SWM, 30-46, 6'2", very attrac- hF 1 eeigSF neetdi tive. Ad# 6501, friendahip firsf. Adi 9418 ACTIVE SWF, 47, 5'5', 1251bs.. likes dining, dancing, swimming, skiing, tennis, seeking SWVM, 40-50. similar interests. Ad# 2976 FUN IN THE SUN SNCF, seeking SBM, 20-25. Ad# 2523 BEACH BEAUTY SWF, 18.5e6',lî2lbs., dark hair, green eyes, vrouging, f ikea workung out, horse=ckrir B ilbeach activifies, seeking SWM, 18-25. Ad 7943 SINCERE STABLE GF, 46, seeking mature, intelligent SWF, 45-50, f0 share varied interesta, leading osriumnogamous. re- laflonship. Ad# 9826 STABLE MOM SWF, 27, self-confident, seeking SWM, 27-33, non-drinker, enjoys fam- ily lite, quiet nights at home, movies, walks, gardening. some sports. Ad# 1581 ALL IN ONE PACKAGE SWF, 61, amoker, non-dr4nker, likes animais, grandchildren, seeking SM, 57-67, for full time parfner, sfeady, re- hiable, caring. simîfar intereats. Adi 8447 GOOD CONVERSATION S8F, 28, 5r, l14Olbs., seeking SM, 28- 35, alhlefic, honest, enjoys fravel, fine dining, dancing, good humor. Adi 8624 CALL ME SWF, 59, attractive, likes dancing, music, walks, fitniess, would like fo share infereste wifh W gentleman, 59+. Ad# 3155 OUTGOING SWF, 20, seeking SWVM, 20-26, f090o ouf with, have fun. Ad# 9961 NO HEAD GAMES GWF, seeking GF. 38+, sincere, hon- est, down foi earf h. likes quiet limes, good frienda, animais, for possible re- lafionship. Ad# 9068 LETS GET TOGETH-ER SBF, 18, likes sports, cooking, mov- les, mails, seekîng SM, 21-25, with simýitar internat for possible relation- ship. Ad# 8747 STARTING OVER SWF, 63. 5'7*, seking SM, 51+, warm, viltty, likes good conversation, watts on the beach, for best frIand- shlp leadlng fa relationahlp. Ad# 4388 WALK BESIDE ME S Attractive SWM. 27, romantic. 6'2*, brown hair, blue eyes, loves to cuddle, M A L E S hold hands, romanlrc evenings, hockey, seeking sexy. honeat. caring SEIF, 21-32, moms o.k.. Ad# 7327 ATTRACTIVE ITAUIAN GREAT CATCH Afhletic SWM, 32, 5'l0, 1lSOlbs., black SWM, 23, 5'6», l35lbs., N/S, loves hair, N/S, enjoys cooking, movies, ouf- sports, seeking SWF, 18-25, social doors, live music, seeking SF, soul drinker no dependents, for fun and mate, 25-32, similar intereats. good times. Ad# 7839 Ad# 5796 CLASSIC TREKKY MEETQUAIFIATINS? SWM, 24, 5'71, 2001bs., blue-green SM , 28,QN/SFCIaldNkersekeyes, social drinker, enjoys movies. iSGM, 23, oa rfune, oforcycoescampingfishing, returninq to ing GWM 19-3, or fn, otorycl scholseeking slim, attractive, 5 4*+ niding, skiido, outcloor sports, bosting, SAF. 19-25, sweet, caring and roman- possible relationship. Ad# 5379 tic. Ad# 5862 TO TALL Y-CONFIDENTIAL No operators to talk to. With Auto Ad taking, just use your touchtone phone to answer some questions about yourself and the type of person you would like to rneet. Then record your voice greeting, and we'I transcribe it into a print ad that wilI appear in the Whitby Free Press. Ads wiII be screened for proper content before a print ad wil Ix transcribed into the paper. we reserve the right to edit refuse any NWMP36ESSmoErnodrkeeie ofM humor, a bit i nisive nsawa of living, alooking forsWFe, u24-38,who likes to dance. Ad# 2186 SOMETIMES SHY Caring SWM, 39, 510%", lObs., amoker, aeeking active, SWF, 30-38, no children, for skiing, travel, comedy, movies, music, fies markets, waiks, pool, roilerbading. Adi 7683 WHERE ARE YOU? SBM, 29, amoker, seeking SBF, 25- 30, 5'2«+, attractive, down to earf h. profeasional, for fun fimos, moma weicomne. Adi 3389 ACTIVE GENT SGWM, 19, N/S, non-drinker, enjoya sports, outdoors, seeking SGWM, 18- 21, for quiet limes, conversation. pos- sibiy more. Adi 2558 WHY WAIT? SHM, 20, 57, N/S, non-drinker, en- joys efhnic music, going for coffee, dining, seeking SF-, Indian, 18-20. moma welcome. Adi 3900 FUN, UN, FUN SWM, 23, brown hair and eyea, N/S, social dninker. no dependerifs, enjoys almoaf everyfhirig. seeking SWF. 18- 29, social dninker, Who enjoys having good limes. Ad# 2461 JUST VOUR TYPE SWM. 24, N/S, 6'4', l35lba.. blond hair, blue eyes, enjoys skiing, swim- mirig, dancing, romantic dining, seek- ing SF, 18-45, social drinkar, sound like you? Ad# 9306 INTERESTED? Employed SWM, 25, N/S, 6l, dark shoulder length hair, baby blue eyes, enjoys dining, clubs, waika, seelcing SWF, 18-32, Who likes goad imes. Adi 2448 ULFE'S TOO SHORT SWM, 49, looking for special mentafly and physicaffy fit, SF, 35-52, for ana on one, aerious relationshp, fil led wifh apoifing anid laughter, morrs welcome. Adi 2903 NICE GUY SBM, 42, intelligent, outapoken, likea moat things, seekrng SWF, for pos- sible relationship. Adi 8402 EAST INDIAN DESCENT SM, 35, smokar, rion-drinkar, likes sports, movies, raading, aeeking SF, 25-37, wth almiar int9reas. Ad# 2414 SWM. 32, 56V, 145lba,, enioys soc- cer, hockey, old movies, going ouf, not mbt bar scene, seeking honeat, sin- cere SWVF, 27-33, similar interesta for long e aiationhip. Adi 4872 FRIENDSHIP, ROMANCE SBM, 35, enjoys dining ouf. movies, quiet inights togethar, seeking SEIF, with similar intereata. Adi 8718 MANY INTERESTS SWM, 27, 5'l0', l6Olbs., seeking SF, 25-32, anjoya outdoora, sports, mov- ies, quiet evening ai homne. Adi 8144 SIMPLE THINGS IN LFE SWM, 29, collage educatad, intelli- gent. likea hking, camping, movies, theatre, frayai, aeekiig SWF, 18-35. Adi 2929 INTERESTED? SWMV, 24, seeking SW Jewish F. 20- 25. who ia fun f0 be wifh. Adi 6577 MUSTACHEO MAN SWM, 35, 5W." attractive, business owner, saekîng SWF, 25-38, nice per- sonality, attractive, down t0 aarfh, lîkas to be wlned and dined. Adi 8307 LOOKING SBM, 32, seeking 58F, 25-32, N/S, intelligent, sports minded, comfortable with hersait, easy f0i gel along with. Adi 9364 INTO BAR SCENE SWM, 20,6l *,lglb., brown hair and ayes, likes sports, movias, camping. seaking caring, honeaf SWF, 19-22, likes f0 have fun. Adi 7217 PLEASE CALL SAM, 37, seeking WF, 25-37, for pos- sible ralationship. Adi 1146 SERIOUS ONLY SGM, 32,5,", li, enjoys sports, din- ner, dancing, seeking serious relation- ship with SWM, starting with friand- ship. Adi 9224 NEVER MARRIEO SWM, 38. 5"4'. 1351bs., likas sports, music, movies, cuddiing with special SWM, similar intaresfs. Adi 7107 NEW TO AREA SBM, 28. anjoys moies, music, base- bell, quiet nights ai homne, seeking SF, 20-35. similar internats, kods okay. Adi 6365 LET"STAIJC SWM, 50. 5'1W, iSOîbs.., eaklnig SWF, 38-52. fit, good communicaor. Ad* 8610 Q: flowdo 1get earted? A. You are goingto be record-ý pred, apek f0 the listener, de- srbe yust in a posItve way. Be honet creative ,and specil about, what you aré looldrg for. Gall416-28341l7Eit.-47 option 1. youwill be promipfedto answer soma questions about yourself and the type of person you want f0 meet. An effective prlnt ad will be transctibeci tram your voice grneting which wilf appear In the paper in 7-10 days. 0: What la an ad number? A: The 4digit number atthe end of your print ad that allows singles fa catI and respond fo, your mailbox. 0: Whet le an accesce? A: A cofidieiial 4 digit code thaf only you know, that allows only you accesa f0 your mailbox. 0: What are messages? A: Voice greetinga from other singles who rasponded fa your ad in the newspaper or fhrough the browse. To listen f0 your messages for FREE, caîl 1-41&- 283-4117 Ext. 47 once every 7 days or 1900-451-882 Ext 47 anyfime. 0: What are system Matches? A: Voice greetinga rom other ad- vertisers whose matching crite- ria is the same or simiar to yous. You can listen f0 your systemn matches instantly by calling 1. 900-451-4882 Ext. 47. 0: What te Smarf Browe? 1A: A special feafure thaf aîlows you f0 listen and respond fo other voice greetinga that match the criferia you select Caîl 1 - 900-4514882 Ext. 47, option 2. 0., I-ow do I rempond to an ad? A: Cali 1-900-786-0606, option 1 the system will ask you ta en- ter the 4 dgit ad number et the end cd the prnad. Press 1 f0 respond, press2 Io g0 on to the next ad. l. e, NI - 'Ilem, , rici., rwe= uu. ý si(L m page 34, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, March 22, 1995 FREE SHOP AT HOME m 1 1

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