Page 16. Whltby Free Proe.a Wednesday. March 20. 1095 Juveniles charged after police chase Nine youths, at least one of them fromn Whitby, were arrested early Tuesday morning after a chas. which ended i the fTick- on Road/401 area. TeInciden bgan after plic atteznpted to pull over a Dodg van around 1:25 a.m. on Vancou- ver Street i Oshawa. The driver refused to stop and the vehicle was chased west- bound on Glbb Street to Kendal- wood Road, north to Dundas Street, west to Thickson Roadý south toChampolain Avenue and est on Cham-nplain until it was ~Bew Works We brew for you - no extra chargeIN (you just add the yeast) Brew beer for as low as $11.00 per case of 24 reg. botties. Make wine for as low as Si $2.75 per 750m1 bottie. Introducing...,wifle coolers and sparkling wines., Make them now in time for the warmer weather! AUO TRYOU NiWEt B6Whitby un.11l - - - -- - - -- - --- - -- - - ---- Iors I )N A ST HM 2 - -- - - - - - --- - --- - flnally stope. Four youtha were arrested aýt the scene. After further investi- gation, five more youths were arrested at a Bloor Street hotel where etolen prop eryinlucing three rif les,. one hot gun and four shotgun sheils, were recovered. The youths, who can't be iden- tifled umder the Youngc Offenders $13,495* GOLF IfWORLD'S BEST SELLING CAR" FREE 10 YEAR 160 000 km EXTENDED- POWER TRAIN WARRANTY! Until March 31, 1995 Power locks, tinted glass, dual mrnors, advanced safety system, and much more. Frelght. PDI,& taxes extra. O.A.C. Llmiited Time Offer. OWASCO VOLKSWAGEN I NC'J Pro yen fo serve you BESTsince 1972. An "I CARE» and CAA eward winner. 1425 D undas.St. East, -Whitby 686-ý6410' Act face nwneroua chargemi- clu~ig posessin ofstoln pro- tbecf prbation, thet beach ofundértakings ,andi breach of recognizance. «It will be. smre time - per- haps 24 hours -- before we com- thern, Staff Se geant Sand Ryrie sad ealy Tuesday after- noon. The gop sbeinginvestiga- ted icoiecton withbreak and entera and car thefts. IBBG Is the latest plece added to the puzzling sign at Thickson and.Taunton roads.. Offering ail insolvency services including prsna &corporate,' bankuptces OSHAWA 122 AIlbert St. 721 -7506 AJAX: 50 Commercial Ave. 619-1473 COBOURG: 72 King St. W. 372-4744 Saturday & evening appointments avai1lable. FREE. initial consultation. JAMES R. YANCM