Whitby Free Press, 29 Mar 1995, p. 20

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Page 20, Whilby Free Prese, Wednesday, Maroh 20, 1995 KNFrI'R' (UILD The. Oshawa Machine Knitter's Guild will meet Tuesda A ril 49 at 7 p.m., at Dr. S. J. P;lQi s Public School, 625 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa. Buttonholes, bindings, finishinga will ho demonstrated. Cail 728-8531 for more information. yITE'& SXIS' DANCE -The. Heart and Stroke Foundation, in partnership wth Cardiac Réhabilitation, is hol199 a flftiee and sixties' dance featuring The. Lincoînaires on ýà 129, at General Sikorekal 1 , Oshawa. The event will ho *hosted b~y John Dunn of CKDO radio. ouest speaker je Dr. Marlon. Rabinovitch, recipient of the Research Achievement Award of the Canadian Cardiovascular .Society. There will ho many door ansd spot prizes, as well as a raffle for- a trip sud a deluxe gas barbecue. For more information, contact Anne Capon or Carol Pearson at 571-1582. WALKATHON The Pregnancy Help Centre of Durham je having a walkathon on April 22, 10 a.m., as a fundraising event. Te Pregnancy Help Centre je located at 127 Perr St. (behind the post office) in NWhitby. For more information regarding wafldng or pledging, cei 430-8784 or 668-2984. Cali before April 14 te receive a Walk «for Life' T-shirt. Th'e Parkinson Foundation of Canada, Durham Region Chapter will meet on Monday, April 3, 7:30 p.m., at St. Marks United Church, Whitby,, corner of Coîborne sud Centre streets, south door entrance. Nurse Jil .Birkholder will diseuse 'Advances in the car. of Parkinsomians.' For more information, caIl 666-8576 or 668-6580. SP¶UNG PROGRAM 'me Oshawa YWCA will ho s-tarting spring program registration the firet week of April. Early bürd registration, for members only, wil ho April 3-7. Regular registration for mombers sud non-membere dil ho April 10-13. Most classes start the weok of April 18. For more information, contact the Oshawa office at 723-9922 or the "Bowmanville office at 623-9922. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY T'me iitby-Oshawa Brsuch (Region of Durham) of the Ontario Genielcal Society wiil meet on Tmesday, April 4,7:30 p.m., in the cafeteria at Henry Street igh Schaol. Shela su ad Murray Lang wiil speak on «'Second Irish Genealogfical Congress in Dublin - 1994,' with slides. -Ail meetings are free sud open te members sud the general public. -For more ONE PARENT AMlà-àS Tiie On. Parent Families Association wiil hold their monthly so"al sud dance on Saturday, March 28, at Woodview Community Centre, 151 Cadillac Ave. N., Oshawa. Ail single parents, custodfial or not, are welcome. For more information sud detaile, oeil Ginette at 721-0940. EpnLEPSY Epilepsy Durham Region meets Tuesda, April 1 1p 7:30 p.m., at the. Kinsmen Centre, 109 Coîborne St. W., Oshawa. Guest qseker is Cindy Moule fi-om Park. Davis Pharmaceutical with a variety of information on medications. Ev.ryone je welcome to join in. For furtiier details cal 666-9926. AIDS Committee of Durham wiil hold a half.day nutrition workshop tonight (Wednesday) with nutritioniet Chris Stockel, for people living with E31V/AIDS sud interest.d flumily, friendsand caregivers.T'e facus is on eating for maximum health. For more information or te register, cal 905-65-0051.ý Auxlirycelebrates haoifa cent uty WHITBY LEGION Branch 112 Ladies Auxiliary celebrated its'5Oth anniversary at a ceremony Wednesday. *Past auxiliary provincial president Phyllis Montemiglio CPB COURSEl St. John Ambulance, Durham Region Branch, offers a CPR course te teach parents artificial respiration sud choldng procedures for both infants (newborn te, age 1) sud children (aged 1 to 8). Tii. six-hour course cas $40. Oshawa dates are April 25 sud 26, 6:30 p.m.; Whitby, April 3, 9 a.m.; Ajax, April 13, 9 a.m. Cail (905) 434-7800 or 1-800-267-1032. QUILTERS GUILD The Durham Trilhium Quilters Guild next meeting will ho held on Tuesday, Aprl 4, at 7:30 p.m., in the Caribbean Cultural Centre, 600 Wentworth St. E., Oshawa. Wheelchair accessable. For more information, caIl 905-683-5135,or 905-725-7751. SCANGA & ASSOCIATES INSURANCE & FINANCIAL SERVICES TH SNIRADVANTAG - EINU AN PAN Available from age 50 -80 Premiums wiII neyer increase 1913 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY (905) 728-6956 e 1-800-376-3187 (left) prese .nts a p laque commemorating the milestone to Whitby Auxiliary president Dorothy Mclntosh (centre) as zone com- mander Carrollyn Michie lools on. Photo by Mwk Reesr. Whltby Free Proe HELHCOUNCIL Durham Region District Heéalth Council je holding its reular mon thly meeting tonight (ednesdgiy), 7 p.m., in, the coundil boardroomn, 1614 Dundas St. E., suite 214v Whitby. Anyone wishing te attend, oeil (905) 433-4262 due to, limited seating availablo. WALKATHEON 'me Pregnancy Hlelp Centre of Durham je having a walkathon on April 22,10 a.m., as a fundraising ovent. 'me Pregnancy Hlelp Centre is lacated at 127 Ferry St. (hohind the post office) in Whitby. For more information regarding- walking or pledging, oeil 430-8784 or 668-2984. ROYAL DOULTON Shone McLjeod will diecuse the histery sud products of tii. Royal Doulten Company on Wednes- day March 29 7 .m.» at the McLaaughlin PuLlic Lirr. Free tickets are available at tii. libr- ary. CHILD FD Child Find Ontario - Durham Region wiil hold its one-year anniversary during a volunteer meeting on Thursday, April 6, 7 p.m., at the Pickering recreation complox arena meeting room (O'Brien rink). To become a volunteer, attend the anniversary or cail (905) 420-9917 Pickering. CLOTING SALE 'me Durham Region Parents of Multiple Births Association'will hold a clothing, toy sund baby eqim ont sae at the Metro Eaet TÎce Centre in Pickering, Saturday, April 1, 9 a.m. te 1 p.m. 'more wiil ho gently used clothing frmnewborn eizee up tosize 14, plus matermity. clothes, baby equipment, toys sud crafts. For more information, oeil (905) 686-2395 or (905) 432-6007. rrC 'me First Oshawa 1TC Club,. which helpe develop confidence in public spoaking sud leadership wiil meot on Tuesday, April 4, 7 P.m., at the Michael Starr IBidnfiret floor, 33 King St. W.,, Oshawa. For more information, cail 579-9179. HOMEOWNERSHI[P The financial sud lega aspects of homeownership XIl hodis- cussed at a 'Purchasing a New Homo' meeting on Wednesda, April 5, 7 p.m., at tii. McLaughi- lin Public -Library, 65 Ragot S8t. Oshawa. For * free tickets, cal 579-6111, ext. 243. DENISE HOUSE The annual Denise Houge din- ner will ho held Tuesday April 25, etarting at 6 p.m., at deneral Sikorski HWall, Stevenson Road North, Oshawa. Guest speaker will ho Durham Regional Police Chief Trevor McCagherty. For more information, call 728-7311. SENMIs Tne Greek Community of Oshawa and District will haSt the following seminars, at 1221 Simcoe St. EL, Oshawa: Sunday, April 2, 2 pamn, Religious Youth Forum with Aloi Yumis; Wedineeday,_ April 5, 6:30 p.m., Personal Safety; Sunday, April 99 U4 mRetirement- Planning with -aMichalarakos Wednesday, April 12, 6:30 pm., Nutrition b Oshawa General 'HospizV Wednesday, April 26, 6:30 p.m., 911 and Street Proofing, (kindergarten to grade 5). Admission is free. For more information, oeil Susan Andrews at 668-7600 or the office at 433-1442. BAITER UP The Central Lake Ontario Coservation Authority will hast the annual ' Pancake Weekend' on April 1 and 2, at Purple Woods C.A. Authority staff will be located along the sugar bush trail and in the sugar shack from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. tu describe the different stages of maple syrup production. The Durham» AM Kiwanis Club will serve pancakes at the pxcnic shelter'by the sugar shack. The Kiwanis wiil start serving at 9:30 a.m. and end at 3 p.M. Purple Woods Conservation Area is located north of Oshawa at the southeast corner of Simcoe Street and Coates Road (lOth Concession). FASHION SHOW The. 'Spring Palette of Coloure? fashion show will be held Saturday, April 8, 1 p.m., Salvation Army, 122 Kent St., Whitby. Tickets $4, (includes door prizes and refreshmenté), are available at the Salvation Army Thrift -Store, 225 Brock St. N., Whitby. ]PHOTFO CLUB The. Whitby Photographic Club will meet on Monday, April 3, 7 p.,i room 111, Henry Street High School. Ralph-Brunner will. present the second part of the serie 'Polos Apart.-',He will discusse and show- pictures froM hie tripe te, Antaretica. Ail are welcome. For further information, cail Peter Tomblin at 430-0823. ONE PARENT FAMILIES The One Parent Families Association will hold their general meeting to, meet now executives on TuesdaY, April 4, 7:45 p.m., at the Croatian Adria cultural -club, 432 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. AUl single parents, custoclial or not, are welcome. For information and details,ý calI Doug at 728-1011. The First Oshawa ITC Club, which helpe develop confidence in public speaking and leaderehip, will meet on Tuesday, April 4. 7 p.m., at the Michael Starr April 8, 10 a.m. te 3 p.m. Thee will be books, plants,4 clothing, knick-knacks, kçitchenware, toys, jewelry, puzzles and tools. Donations can ho droPped off at the centre after April 3. Cail 668-1424 for more information. TAX PLANNING SEBMNAR A tax planning and capital gains seminar will be ýheld at the Whitby Seniore? Activity Centre, 801 Brock St. S., on March 30, 2 p.m. National Trust manager Christine Pindar is co-ordinating seminar focusing on income tax issues for seniors. She will discuss current tax issues such as the new capital gains regulations. Cail 668-1424 te reserve a seat.

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